It had to come out. Is Trump invested in United Technologies, who owns Carrier?




Meanwhile, more than half of the jobs that Carrier had intended to move to Mexico are still going to be lost, and the tariff that Trump had threatened to impose transformed this week into a tax cut—an incentive, basically, to keep the jobs in Indiana. Also, the union whose workers’ jobs are under threat was not allowed to participate in negotiations between the company and Trump.

they weren’t keeping our 1,283 bargaining unit members, they were going to keep 730.” He added: “That was somewhat of a setback, because Trump was saying they were keeping 1,000 jobs"

United Technologies received more than $6 billion in defense contracts last year and made a profit of $7.6 billion.


Donald Trump Sold His Investment In Carrier’s Parent Company, Transition Team Says | The Huffington Post

Barring additional information, it is impossible to verify the Trump transition team’s claim until the president-elect’s next financial disclosure in May 2017, which will show asset sales made in 2016.


So Trump gave a tax incentive to a company he is possibly invested in.

No conflict of interest here, he hopes.

Trump said he sold his investment off in January, but refuses to provide any documents that would prove that divestment.

Interesting FIRST case. It won't be the last. This is only the beginning.
Poor little rdean, scrabbling around to try to find anything about Trump he can pretend is "scandalous", and fool people into thinking something's wrong.

Even though it was public knowledge that Trump is invested in many industries. And they elected him President anyway.

Poor little dear, he just can't stand to have someone as President who doesn't cower before liberals when they threaten to spread lies through their accomplices in the media.
how can trump give some company a tax incentive at this point in time?....
He ordered his "vice" who is still governor of Indiana. Do keep up. You don't want to say no to the big guy at this point.
Poor little rdean, scrabbling around to try to find anything he can pretend is "scandalous".

Even though it was public knowledge that Trump is invested in many industries. And they elected him President anyway.

Poor little dear, he just can't stand to have someone as President who doesn't cower before liberals when they threaten to spread lies through their accomplices in the media.
What lie?

Donald Trump on June 16, 2015, "When Mexico sends it's people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

Meanwhile, more than half of the jobs that Carrier had intended to move to Mexico are still going to be lost, and the tariff that Trump had threatened to impose transformed this week into a tax cut—an incentive, basically, to keep the jobs in Indiana. Also, the union whose workers’ jobs are under threat was not allowed to participate in negotiations between the company and Trump.

they weren’t keeping our 1,283 bargaining unit members, they were going to keep 730.” He added: “That was somewhat of a setback, because Trump was saying they were keeping 1,000 jobs"

United Technologies received more than $6 billion in defense contracts last year and made a profit of $7.6 billion.


Donald Trump Sold His Investment In Carrier’s Parent Company, Transition Team Says | The Huffington Post

Barring additional information, it is impossible to verify the Trump transition team’s claim until the president-elect’s next financial disclosure in May 2017, which will show asset sales made in 2016.


So Trump gave a tax incentive to a company he is possibly invested in.

No conflict of interest here, he hopes.

Trump said he sold his investment off in January, but refuses to provide any documents that would prove that divestment.

Interesting FIRST case. It won't be the last. This is only the beginning.

Thing is, we won't know until May 2017 so, why not wait till May 2017 to eviscerate him? Take a little break from politics..

Meanwhile, more than half of the jobs that Carrier had intended to move to Mexico are still going to be lost, and the tariff that Trump had threatened to impose transformed this week into a tax cut—an incentive, basically, to keep the jobs in Indiana. Also, the union whose workers’ jobs are under threat was not allowed to participate in negotiations between the company and Trump.

they weren’t keeping our 1,283 bargaining unit members, they were going to keep 730.” He added: “That was somewhat of a setback, because Trump was saying they were keeping 1,000 jobs"

United Technologies received more than $6 billion in defense contracts last year and made a profit of $7.6 billion.


Donald Trump Sold His Investment In Carrier’s Parent Company, Transition Team Says | The Huffington Post

Barring additional information, it is impossible to verify the Trump transition team’s claim until the president-elect’s next financial disclosure in May 2017, which will show asset sales made in 2016.


So Trump gave a tax incentive to a company he is possibly invested in.

No conflict of interest here, he hopes.

Trump said he sold his investment off in January, but refuses to provide any documents that would prove that divestment.

Interesting FIRST case. It won't be the last. This is only the beginning.
So in that case Trump started to implement his agenda in his own hemisphere. What´s wrong with that? But maybe it is just bullshit like the most the anti-Trump clowns post each day hundredfold.
Case: Trump saved a girl from drowning.

Parents (Democrats): "Evil Trump knowingly intervened in a natural development. This is another proof Trump hates the nature and wants to pollute us all!"

Meanwhile, more than half of the jobs that Carrier had intended to move to Mexico are still going to be lost, and the tariff that Trump had threatened to impose transformed this week into a tax cut—an incentive, basically, to keep the jobs in Indiana. Also, the union whose workers’ jobs are under threat was not allowed to participate in negotiations between the company and Trump.

they weren’t keeping our 1,283 bargaining unit members, they were going to keep 730.” He added: “That was somewhat of a setback, because Trump was saying they were keeping 1,000 jobs"

United Technologies received more than $6 billion in defense contracts last year and made a profit of $7.6 billion.


Donald Trump Sold His Investment In Carrier’s Parent Company, Transition Team Says | The Huffington Post

Barring additional information, it is impossible to verify the Trump transition team’s claim until the president-elect’s next financial disclosure in May 2017, which will show asset sales made in 2016.


So Trump gave a tax incentive to a company he is possibly invested in.

No conflict of interest here, he hopes.

Trump said he sold his investment off in January, but refuses to provide any documents that would prove that divestment.

Interesting FIRST case. It won't be the last. This is only the beginning.

Case: Trump saved a girl from drowning.

Parents (Democrats): "Evil Trump knowingly intervened in a natural development. This is another proof Trump hates the nature and wants to pollute us all!"
Let me correct that:

Case: Trump sees a girl swimming across a river, yells "Hey I'll pay you to tell people I saved you!" Girl accepts money, finishes crossing to the other side, and builds a plant there in Mexico.

Parents (republicans): I personally witnessed Trump dive into that river, save her, and bring her back to our side of the river.

Meanwhile, more than half of the jobs that Carrier had intended to move to Mexico are still going to be lost, and the tariff that Trump had threatened to impose transformed this week into a tax cut—an incentive, basically, to keep the jobs in Indiana. Also, the union whose workers’ jobs are under threat was not allowed to participate in negotiations between the company and Trump.

they weren’t keeping our 1,283 bargaining unit members, they were going to keep 730.” He added: “That was somewhat of a setback, because Trump was saying they were keeping 1,000 jobs"

United Technologies received more than $6 billion in defense contracts last year and made a profit of $7.6 billion.


Donald Trump Sold His Investment In Carrier’s Parent Company, Transition Team Says | The Huffington Post

Barring additional information, it is impossible to verify the Trump transition team’s claim until the president-elect’s next financial disclosure in May 2017, which will show asset sales made in 2016.


So Trump gave a tax incentive to a company he is possibly invested in.

No conflict of interest here, he hopes.

Trump said he sold his investment off in January, but refuses to provide any documents that would prove that divestment.

Interesting FIRST case. It won't be the last. This is only the beginning.

Thing is, we won't know until May 2017 so, why not wait till May 2017 to eviscerate him? Take a little break from politics..
By May, this will be a tiny footnote. Trump hasn't even been sworn in and everything he touched is a disaster or a con. He will have accomplished major mess by May.

Meanwhile, more than half of the jobs that Carrier had intended to move to Mexico are still going to be lost, and the tariff that Trump had threatened to impose transformed this week into a tax cut—an incentive, basically, to keep the jobs in Indiana. Also, the union whose workers’ jobs are under threat was not allowed to participate in negotiations between the company and Trump.

they weren’t keeping our 1,283 bargaining unit members, they were going to keep 730.” He added: “That was somewhat of a setback, because Trump was saying they were keeping 1,000 jobs"

United Technologies received more than $6 billion in defense contracts last year and made a profit of $7.6 billion.


Donald Trump Sold His Investment In Carrier’s Parent Company, Transition Team Says | The Huffington Post

Barring additional information, it is impossible to verify the Trump transition team’s claim until the president-elect’s next financial disclosure in May 2017, which will show asset sales made in 2016.


So Trump gave a tax incentive to a company he is possibly invested in.

No conflict of interest here, he hopes.

Trump said he sold his investment off in January, but refuses to provide any documents that would prove that divestment.

Interesting FIRST case. It won't be the last. This is only the beginning.

Thing is, we won't know until May 2017 so, why not wait till May 2017 to eviscerate him? Take a little break from politics..

Try, because if Obama was in the same situation the right would be all over him.
Poor little rdean, scrabbling around to try to find anything about Trump he can pretend is "scandalous", and fool people into thinking something's wrong.

Even though it was public knowledge that Trump is invested in many industries. And they elected him President anyway.

Poor little dear, he just can't stand to have someone as President who doesn't cower before liberals when they threaten to spread lies through their accomplices in the media.
Trump hasn't even been sworn in and everything he touched is a disaster or a con.
See? :blahblah:

Meanwhile, more than half of the jobs that Carrier had intended to move to Mexico are still going to be lost, and the tariff that Trump had threatened to impose transformed this week into a tax cut—an incentive, basically, to keep the jobs in Indiana. Also, the union whose workers’ jobs are under threat was not allowed to participate in negotiations between the company and Trump.

they weren’t keeping our 1,283 bargaining unit members, they were going to keep 730.” He added: “That was somewhat of a setback, because Trump was saying they were keeping 1,000 jobs"

United Technologies received more than $6 billion in defense contracts last year and made a profit of $7.6 billion.


Donald Trump Sold His Investment In Carrier’s Parent Company, Transition Team Says | The Huffington Post

Barring additional information, it is impossible to verify the Trump transition team’s claim until the president-elect’s next financial disclosure in May 2017, which will show asset sales made in 2016.


So Trump gave a tax incentive to a company he is possibly invested in.

No conflict of interest here, he hopes.

Trump said he sold his investment off in January, but refuses to provide any documents that would prove that divestment.

Interesting FIRST case. It won't be the last. This is only the beginning.

One thing I will definitely agree with you on. . .

This is only the beginning.

The Democrats will sure regret nominating a corrupt piece of shit now, won't they?

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