It Is MY Wallet!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
I am sick and tired of other peoples' hands in my pocket.

The Democrats seem to think they have carte blanche permission to dip their hands into my wallet whenever they wish. "Hey, we have this guy over here who dropped out of high school and we need your money to pay for his health insurance."

"Hey, we have this woman over here who keeps getting pregnant and we need your money to pay for her birth control/abortion/child's food-clothing-shelter-insurance."

The liberal mindset is truly bizarre. If I don't give them my money, I am the one who is costing the government money! This is so ingrained in their thinking that when you fight for your money, they begin to grin like a Biden-monkey and drool and show their teeth.

It isn't the irresponsible people costing us money. No. It is the "hard-hearted assholes" who won't subsidize irresponsibility who are costing us money.

What a weird, fucked up philosophy the Left has.

See my sig.

Dems have always favored higher taxes on the rich. What I find shocking is this new republican meme that some people don't pay enough taxes.

Well both sides argue that people don't pay enough taxes. It's just a difference of who they each claim isn't paying enough. Dems argue that it's the rich, repubs argue that it's the poor and middle class.
So I take it then you're not a millionaire and the OP is a bunch of horseshit not based in reality.
I long for the old days when repubs were in charge of things and we didn't have damn taxes.

Democrats: Tax and Spend

Republicans: Borrow and Spend

Notice the spending part. THAT is what is costing us money. America's wallets are not bottomless.

You can't fix a spending obsession with a higher credit limit.

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OP, just so you know, the war in Iraq is costing you 2 billion a day.

signed: informed tax payer.
ACCUSE your enemies of your OWN crimes!

a policy that has served conservatives very well!

"Any time you and I QUESTION the schemes of the do-gooders, we're denounced as being against their humanitarian goals. They say we're always against things, we're never for anything."



how about; mock and ridicule and denigrate!

it's really funny how conservatives will MOCK and RIDICULE and DENIGRATE liberals and democrats and THEN turn around and say
"we were merely questioning your intentions!"

Like with congressman Broun who said "EVOLUTION IS EVIL"

cons immediately spun this into; "he merely said he believed in god"
and accused liberals of "ATTACKING that poor man SIMPLY because he believes in creation!"

And note this; "QUESTION the schemes"

the SCHEMES! liberals don't have intentions or plans...they have SCHEMES!

"Any time you and I QUESTION the schemes of the do-gooders, we're denounced as being against their humanitarian goals. They say we're always against things, we're never for anything.""

I can easily say the same about conservatives; anytime good, decent and honorable liberals question the SCHEMES and PLOTTING of CONTARDS we are accused of being AGAINST things!;

libs are against GOD
libs are against FREEDOM
libs are against CHRISTIANS
libs are against AMERICA

"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so. - Ronald Reagan "

The trouble with our conservative friends is that they know so much that aint so!

liberals do NOT hate god
liberals do NOT hate America
liberals do NOT hate christians
liberals do NOT hate freedom
the bible DOES endorse slavery
Not "enough". "Any". There is a difference there.

So you have a problem with Seniors and the disabled then. You must be proud.

Nope. The working folks who pay no income tax (AKA "fair share").

Oh you mean the people who do pay taxes, just not the taxes you want them to pay. So "Any" just mean "income taxes" and not "Any".

I assume then you were adamantly opposed to the Bush tax cuts and you are insisting that they expire at the end of this year. Is that correct?
as an unmarried liberal I'd like more money in MY wallet, too

so I think it is time to start taxing churches and religions so I can keep more of my own money.

and I'm tired of socialist conservatives with wives and children getting tax breaks! Why should I pay MORE in taxes (as a single man) than conservatives with families?

THAT smacks of socialism!

I don't care how many wives or children he has. I should NOT have money taken from me to subsidize HIS family!

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