It Is Official: The US Is A Police State


Apr 23, 2009
On September 24, Jason Ditz reported on that "the FBI is confirming that this morning they began a number of raids against the homes of antiwar activists in Illinois, Minneapolis, Michigan, and North Carolina, claiming that they are ‘seeking evidence relating to activities concerning the material support of terrorism.’"
Now we know what Homeland Security (sic) secretary Janet Napolitano meant when she said on September 10: "The old view that ‘if we fight the terrorists abroad, we won’t have to fight them here’ is just that — the old view." The new view, Napolitano said, is "to counter violent extremism right here at home."
"Violent extremism" is one of those undefined police state terms that will mean whatever the government wants it to mean. In this morning’s FBI foray into the homes of American citizens of conscience, it means antiwar activists, whose activities are equated with "the material support of terrorism," just as conservatives equated Vietnam era antiwar protesters with giving material support to communism.
Antiwar activist Mick Kelly, whose home was raided, sees the FBI raids as harassment to intimidate those who organize war protests. I wonder if Kelly is underestimating the threat. The FBI’s own words clearly indicate that the federal police agency and the judges who signed the warrants do not regard antiwar protesters as Americans exercising their Constitutional rights, but as unpatriotic elements offering material support to terrorism.

It Is Official: The US Is A Police State by Paul Craig Roberts --
It would be interesting to see those warrants. Maybe they're out there online.
it happened regularly under bush as well. the usa has been a police state for a long time
What do you expect with 24, CSI, Cops, etc type shows doinating the entertainment industry.
All part of the plan folks.

Producing good law abiding citizens who love America.
What do you expect with 24, CSI, Cops, etc type shows doinating the entertainment industry.
All part of the plan folks.

Producing good law abiding citizens who love America.

Ya cause the Liberals that run most of the shows parent companies care what the Government wants and are not out to MAKE MONEY.
It would be interesting to see those warrants. Maybe they're out there online.

The warrants are sealed according to the yahoo article.

"They were looking for information about folks who had traveled to Latin America or the Middle East. I've traveled in Lebanon."

Kelly's lawyer Ted Dooley said the vaguely-worded warrant sought information on anyone Kelly knew, and mentioned Lebanon-based Hezbollah and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), both of which have been designated terrorist groups by the U.S. government.

Kelly said he has traveled to both Lebanon and Colombia "in solidarity with people who are being oppressed."

FBI searches Midwest homes - Yahoo! News

Guess what? Those folks who are being "oppressed" may be terrorists. You wanna pal around with terrorists, you may get a visit from the FBI. No sympathy here. If they are innocent of wrongdoing, they will be exonerated. That's the way tour justice system works.
The point of the Homeland Security Department is to manage the consequences of Middle Eastern energy extraction. One consequence of our long presence in the gulf is terrorist blowback. Another consequence lies within the power of domestic forces to move the critical mass of opinion against the policy (a la Vietnam). Why do you think Nixon hunted John Lennon? Why do you think the free press, e.g., Cronkite turning against Vietnam, was such a disaster for Washington, thus creating the need For FOX News. Obama is a doorman for the Bush regime, and he doesn't have the courage or political capital to challenge the concentrated military, financial and oil interests running the country. The Bushies are coming back in 2012 with the Patriot Act II. They just need one more homeland attack to pass the rest of their policies. They are going to create a political order where the cost of policy opposition will be too high.

When all the resources of a country are moved to a narrow group of interests, you always see a security bureaucracy created around real but over-hyped demons (communists, terrorists, gays, illegals). The bureaucracy always claims to be protecting you from these demons (of which they never tire of mentioning), but in fact the bureaucracy's sole goal -- any bureaucracy's sole goal -- is to watch, frustrate, and detain domestic opposition to those in power. This stuff is so old. Read 1984 or study any Great Power as it rises and then falls. 9/11 was the Right's opportunity to change America forever and they succeeded. Nothing to see here. Just the predictable trajectory of money and power. Can't really blame the neocons. They are doing what so many have done before them.
[ame=""]YouTube - Obama civilian national security force.[/ame]

Listen to the morons applaud this idiot.
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It would be interesting to see those warrants. Maybe they're out there online.

The warrants are sealed according to the yahoo article.

"They were looking for information about folks who had traveled to Latin America or the Middle East. I've traveled in Lebanon."

Kelly's lawyer Ted Dooley said the vaguely-worded warrant sought information on anyone Kelly knew, and mentioned Lebanon-based Hezbollah and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), both of which have been designated terrorist groups by the U.S. government.

Kelly said he has traveled to both Lebanon and Colombia "in solidarity with people who are being oppressed."

FBI searches Midwest homes - Yahoo! News

Guess what? Those folks who are being "oppressed" may be terrorists. You wanna pal around with terrorists, you may get a visit from the FBI. No sympathy here. If they are innocent of wrongdoing, they will be exonerated. That's the way tour justice system works.

Guess what? As far as I know, you might be a terrorist.

Does that make it ok for the FBI to break down your door?
The term police state describes a state in which the government exercises rigid and repressive controls over the social, economic and political life of the population. A police state typically exhibits elements of totalitarianism and social control, and there is usually little or no distinction between the law and the exercise of political power by the executive.

Police state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Very few people would agree that we live in a police state.
What do you expect with 24, CSI, Cops, etc type shows doinating the entertainment industry.
All part of the plan folks.

Producing good law abiding citizens who love America.

Ya cause the Liberals that run most of the shows parent companies care what the Government wants and are not out to MAKE MONEY.

Our entertainment industry is mostly controlled by the Jews.

They are out for their best interests which do not necessarially coincide with the best interests of the USA.
The term police state describes a state in which the government exercises rigid and repressive controls over the social, economic and political life of the population. A police state typically exhibits elements of totalitarianism and social control, and there is usually little or no distinction between the law and the exercise of political power by the executive.

Police state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Very few people would agree that we live in a police state.

Right, that was only when Booooosch was president.

Flopper's mental processes:

1. Damn this is bad.

2. Can we blame Bush? We used to.

3. No way...shit.

4. Can we deny it?

5. Not likely.

6. What's left?

7. Semantics.

8. Some antics?

9. No stupid...semantics...find a definition.

10. Riiiight...great idea.

11. Time to post...YAY!
It would be interesting to see those warrants. Maybe they're out there online.

The warrants are sealed according to the yahoo article.

"They were looking for information about folks who had traveled to Latin America or the Middle East. I've traveled in Lebanon."

Kelly's lawyer Ted Dooley said the vaguely-worded warrant sought information on anyone Kelly knew, and mentioned Lebanon-based Hezbollah and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), both of which have been designated terrorist groups by the U.S. government.

Kelly said he has traveled to both Lebanon and Colombia "in solidarity with people who are being oppressed."

FBI searches Midwest homes - Yahoo! News

Guess what? Those folks who are being "oppressed" may be terrorists. You wanna pal around with terrorists, you may get a visit from the FBI. No sympathy here. If they are innocent of wrongdoing, they will be exonerated. That's the way tour justice system works.

Guess what? As far as I know, you might be a terrorist.

Does that make it ok for the FBI to break down your door?

YES if they have a valid warrant they can and it is COMPLETELY legal and PROPER. You are ASSUMING they lied to get the warrants, guess what that makes you?.
What do you expect with 24, CSI, Cops, etc type shows doinating the entertainment industry.
All part of the plan folks.

Producing good law abiding citizens who love America.

Ya cause the Liberals that run most of the shows parent companies care what the Government wants and are not out to MAKE MONEY.

Our entertainment industry is mostly controlled by the Jews.

They are out for their best interests which do not necessarially coincide with the best interests of the USA.

The warrants are sealed according to the yahoo article.

FBI searches Midwest homes - Yahoo! News

Guess what? Those folks who are being "oppressed" may be terrorists. You wanna pal around with terrorists, you may get a visit from the FBI. No sympathy here. If they are innocent of wrongdoing, they will be exonerated. That's the way tour justice system works.

Guess what? As far as I know, you might be a terrorist.

Does that make it ok for the FBI to break down your door?

YES if they have a valid warrant they can and it is COMPLETELY legal and PROPER. You are ASSUMING they lied to get the warrants, guess what that makes you?.

I assumed nothing. But until the warrants are released, we don't know what's in them, do we?

You're the one ASSuming that the warrants are proper..

Guess what that makes you?

Why do the same people who distrust any government program inherently trust anything law enforcement does? Isn't the FBI a "government program"?

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