Don't answer a question with a question.
We are not in a court of law, this is not a deposition, and you sure as hell aren't an attorney. You don't get to dictate to the "witness" here on USMB what they can or cannot say and how they can or cannot answer in an attempt to manipulate the outcome.

I'm owning you boy. All because your ego won't allow you admit the monumental mistake you made. We can keep doing this as long as you'd like because you're the one who is looking like a completely idiot. What school of computer science did Bill Gates graduate from?
You know Unk....just because you deny reality....doesn't mean it ceases to exist.
So, what law school?
I'll tell you in a minute. First tell me what computer science school Bill Gates graduated from. K?

Don't answer a question with a question. You're obviously scared of that one, so why don't you specify what education, training and experience has led you to claim expertise?
You are operating from a false premise. This is what is the problem here.

You have the false notion that one needs to graduate from a law school to be competent in questions of the Constitution.

You are wrong. Everyone here agrees. Quit trolling.

You ignored me when I pointed out that Lincoln, our most revered president never went to college, but obtained a law degree.

Anyone can study law and take the bar. It matters not. Get lost.

I ignored nothing. I pointed out that whatshisass is no Lincoln. I have noticed how desperately whatshisass is avoiding my questions.
You know Unk....just because you deny reality....doesn't mean it ceases to exist.
So, what law school?
I'll tell you in a minute. First tell me what computer science school Bill Gates graduated from. K?
Don't answer a question with a question. You're obviously scared of that one, so why don't you specify what education, training and experience has led you to claim expertise?
Your silence is deafening Unk. I can sense you're humiliated by your own idiotic question.

But that being said - I promise to tell you what law school I attended as soon as you tell the class what school of computer science Bill Gates graduated from. Come on snowflake - this is an easy one. Everyone knows the answer. It's one word. You can do it.

Don't answer a question with a question. I'm waiting.
I ignored nothing. I pointed out that whatshisass is no Lincoln. I have noticed how desperately whatshisass is avoiding my questions.
You've ignored my very basic question half a dozen times now. What school of computer science did Bill Gates graduate from?

Don't answer a question with a question. I'm waiting.
Your silence is deafening Unk. I can sense you're humiliated by your own idiotic question.

But that being said - I promise to tell you what law school I attended as soon as you tell the class what school of computer science Bill Gates graduated from. Come on snowflake - this is an easy one. Everyone knows the answer. It's one word. You can do it.
I ignored nothing. I pointed out that whatshisass is no Lincoln. I have noticed how desperately whatshisass is avoiding my questions.
You've ignored my very basic question half a dozen times now. What school of computer science did Bill Gates graduate from?

Don't answer a question with a question. I'm waiting.

You've ignored my very basic question half a dozen times now. What school of computer science did Bill Gates graduate from?

It's clear from this pathetic avoidance that whatshisass is no expert in anything, and he well knows it.
It's a sad indictment on what the left-wing patriots have done to this nation that we get thrilled about seeing those rare moments when we have constitutional government - but this is one of them. Of the federal governments 18 enumerated powers, controlling restrooms across the nation is definitely not one of them.

I am so thrilled to see genuine constitutional government and I'm absolutely floored that it's coming from - of all people - Donald Trump. My #1 concern with him was his ego (much like Obama's). I couldn't envision a scenario where he would not impose his will over an issue. Kudos Mr. President for doing the right thing by the U.S. Constitution and the right thing by the American people.

(On a side note - it's refreshing to see basic decency and common sense ruling once again as well)

Trump Administration Working on New Transgender Bathroom Directive

Pity you haven't a clue as to what is constitiutional.

But almost nothing the orange socipath has done passes that test
Pity you haven't a clue as to what is constitiutional.
We both know that I know the U.S. Constitution inside and out, backwards and forwards, my dear...
But almost nothing the orange socipath has done passes that test
Your inability to articulate even a single example speaks exponentially louder than your words my dear.
It's clear from this pathetic avoidance that whatshisass is no expert in anything, and he well knows it.
Ignorantare here doesn't even realize that he flawlessly described himself. :lmao:
Constitutional and trump. Yeah, difficult. The so-called president does not respect judges who have hispanic names or rule against his decrees. Btw, nice priorities, scumbag.
Respecting Moles?

That judge identified himself as a Mexican, not an American. That was before Trump did. But the fake image is that Trump always pops off on unprovoked attacks.

The judge's RICO group worked to obstruct justice in order to protect illegal-alien invaders. He should have been impeached and deported to the country he identifies with. Letting such traitors infiltrate high positions in America is as suicidal as it would have been to tolerate agents of the old Soviet Union to do that.
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Constitutional and trump. Yeah, difficult. The so-called president does not respect judges who have hispanic names...
There is no constitutional requirement to "respect Hispanic names", snowflake :lmao:

These participation trophy snowflakes believe that the U.S. Constitution protects them from insults and being butt-hurt. You can't make this stuff up! :laugh:
Back to the 3rd grade, 'expert.'
The irony...when he posts he says "back to the 3rd grade expert". :lmao:

He's even too dumb to realize he has the "floor" when he posts and starting it with "back to...." reflects to the person speaking (complete with his avatar next to it) :lmao:

You poor dumb little monkey. You're so confused you can't even figure out how to not insult yourself. :laugh:
Constitutional and trump. Yeah, difficult. The so-called president does not respect judges who have hispanic names...
There is no constitutional requirement to "respect Hispanic names", snowflake :lmao:

These participation trophy snowflakes believe that the U.S. Constitution protects them from insults and being butt-hurt. You can't make this stuff up! :laugh:
Way to fail. A judge with a hispanic name is still a judge.
Way to fail. A judge with a hispanic name is still a judge.
And??? Again....there is no constitutional clause that dictates one must be "respectful". This isn't 17th century Japan cupcake.

Did Trump preempt the judge? No. Did Trump overrule the judge? No. Did Trump remove the judge from the bench? No.

Do you have any idea how insane you sound complaining it was "unconstitutional" for Trump not to like a judge or his name?!? No.
It's a sad indictment on what the left-wing patriots have done to this nation that we get thrilled about seeing those rare moments when we have constitutional government - but this is one of them. Of the federal governments 18 enumerated powers, controlling restrooms across the nation is definitely not one of them.

I am so thrilled to see genuine constitutional government and I'm absolutely floored that it's coming from - of all people - Donald Trump. My #1 concern with him was his ego (much like Obama's). I couldn't envision a scenario where he would not impose his will over an issue. Kudos Mr. President for doing the right thing by the U.S. Constitution and the right thing by the American people.

(On a side note - it's refreshing to see basic decency and common sense ruling once again as well)

Trump Administration Working on New Transgender Bathroom Directive

Don't be coy, we know it's a wet dream for you to share a stall with a well hung shemale.

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