It is time to start arresting for false claims


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
It is time to ARREST politicians for false claims to law enforcement. It is also time to arrest ANY politician that leaks classified information. They deserve jail time for their illegal actions.
I say they deserve a fair trial between that arrest and any deserved jail time. I wouldn't put all my trust in those doing the classifying.
It is time to ARREST politicians for false claims to law enforcement. It is also time to arrest ANY politician that leaks classified information. They deserve jail time for their illegal actions.

I think people should be arrested and imprisoned for making unproven claims to harm somebody's reputation or name. Diane Frankenstein should be in jail this very minute.
It is time to ARREST politicians for false claims to law enforcement. It is also time to arrest ANY politician that leaks classified information. They deserve jail time for their illegal actions.

I think people should be arrested and imprisoned for making unproven claims to harm somebody's reputation or name. Diane Frankenstein should be in jail this very minute.

“I saw thousands of Muslims dancing in Jersey City on 9-11”

Lock him up
It is time to ARREST politicians for false claims to law enforcement. It is also time to arrest ANY politician that leaks classified information. They deserve jail time for their illegal actions.

I think people should be arrested and imprisoned for making unproven claims to harm somebody's reputation or name. Diane Frankenstein should be in jail this very minute.

“I saw thousands of Muslims dancing in Jersey City on 9-11”

Lock him up

For what? And who's name was he trying to tarnish?
It is time to ARREST politicians for false claims to law enforcement. It is also time to arrest ANY politician that leaks classified information. They deserve jail time for their illegal actions.

It is also time to start arresting media editors who publish heinous stories, charges and accusations against politicians they oppose right before elections in an attempt to derail elections with absolutely no evidence to back up the claims, and to especially start arresting former Secretaries of State who actively cavort with hostile foreign enemies in direct conflict with and at the harm to their own government and charge them with sedition and treason.
It is time to ARREST politicians for false claims to law enforcement. It is also time to arrest ANY politician that leaks classified information. They deserve jail time for their illegal actions.

I think people should be arrested and imprisoned for making unproven claims to harm somebody's reputation or name. Diane Frankenstein should be in jail this very minute.

She did not write that letter.
It is time to ARREST politicians for false claims to law enforcement. It is also time to arrest ANY politician that leaks classified information. They deserve jail time for their illegal actions.

It is also time to start arresting media editors who publish heinous stories, charges and accusations against politicians they oppose right before elections in an attempt to derail elections with absolutely no evidence to back up the claims, and to especially start arresting former Secretaries of State who actively cavort with hostile foreign enemies in direct conflict with and at the harm to their own government and charge them with sedition and treason.
Goodness...a whole smorgasbord of rights and freedoms under attack there.
It is time to ARREST politicians for false claims to law enforcement. It is also time to arrest ANY politician that leaks classified information. They deserve jail time for their illegal actions.

I think people should be arrested and imprisoned for making unproven claims to harm somebody's reputation or name. Diane Frankenstein should be in jail this very minute.

She did not write that letter.

I seriously question that. She "supposedly" sat on that letter for months, and all of a sudden brought it out last minute just days before the nomination process? If not to ruin his reputation, what other reason would she have for doing that?
It is time to ARREST politicians for false claims to law enforcement. It is also time to arrest ANY politician that leaks classified information. They deserve jail time for their illegal actions.

I think people should be arrested and imprisoned for making unproven claims to harm somebody's reputation or name. Diane Frankenstein should be in jail this very minute.

She did not write that letter.

I seriously question that. She "supposedly" sat on that letter for months, and all of a sudden brought it out last minute just days before the nomination process? If not to ruin his reputation, what other reason would she have for doing that?
That I agree was probably the reason but she did not write it. Nothing criminal. Just like there was nothing criminal in refusing to give Garland a hearing right?
It is time to ARREST politicians for false claims to law enforcement. It is also time to arrest ANY politician that leaks classified information. They deserve jail time for their illegal actions.

It is also time to start arresting media editors who publish heinous stories, charges and accusations against politicians they oppose right before elections in an attempt to derail elections with absolutely no evidence to back up the claims, and to especially start arresting former Secretaries of State who actively cavort with hostile foreign enemies in direct conflict with and at the harm to their own government and charge them with sedition and treason.
Goodness...a whole smorgasbord of rights and freedoms under attack there.

As usual, total COYOTE BULLSHIT as always with you. "Freedom of the Press" has been corrupted by the Left to be used now as a weapon for destroying political careers and thwarting elections of those the Left opposes. There is no right to libel someone in this country and I would just love for a Republican politician to have directly gone over to Afghanistan or somewhere during Obama to assist the Taliban or Al-Qaeda in defeating our soldiers and military efforts only to have you come back and say it was his "right." Do PLEASE show me where you have a "right" to sedition and treason to lend aid and assistance to a foreign hostile power without knowledge or permission and directly against the President of the United States to harm US policy and I'll gladly buy you a new car.

YOU'D BE SCREAMING BLOODY MURDER if a republican did that and it sickens me that John Kerry has not immediately been already arrested and charged with treason against the United States. HE WOULD BE if he was a Republican and the democrats would be calling for his head.

I SO HOPE that the next time a Democrat gets into the White House that people do all of these things incessantly as you've done to Trump and DEFENDED just to hear you all scream how wrong and criminal they suddenly became now that it is being done against a democrat.

Kerry belongs behind bars in Guantanamo Bay as an enemy combatant and foreign agent, all his property seized and charged according to be shot before a firing squad. And to think Manafort is being treated almost as badly just for simply not reporting he was helping lend representation to a foreign interest! And it wasn't even that, just that he simply did not report it! WHO DID THAT WORTHLESS FUCK KERRY REPORT TO before flying to Iran, world sponsor of terrorists, to go help protect THEIR interests?

I mean, besides Obama and the DNC?
It is time to ARREST politicians for false claims to law enforcement. It is also time to arrest ANY politician that leaks classified information. They deserve jail time for their illegal actions.

I think people should be arrested and imprisoned for making unproven claims to harm somebody's reputation or name. Diane Frankenstein should be in jail this very minute.

She did not write that letter.
We don't know that anyone wrote the letter. It was from a Californian about a prank in Maryland 35 years ago. The woman who was pranked did not write the letter. She wants nothing to do with this nonsense. Find whoever wrote the letter and if no one wrote the letter, prosecute Feinstein.
Expell Feinstein

It drives me crazy that even in power, the GOP remains BALLESS. If a Republican pulled this shit, went back almost HALF A CENTURY to throw insane, undocumented, nameless, unverifiable allegations at someone, the Dems would demand their resignation. If a republican went behind Obama's back to cavort with a foreign enemy in DIRECT opposition to Obama and to publicly embarrass and try to overturn his policies, they'd want his heads on a platter.

The only thing worse than republican are democrats.

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