It Just Keeps Getting Worse For Obama's 'Legacy' As More Crimes Continue to Be Exposed


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Congress Demands DOJ Turn Over All Docs Related to Obama Scheme to Nix Hezbollah Terror Investigation

"Congress instructed the Department of Justice on Thursday to turn over all documents and communications that may be related to newly disclosed efforts by the Obama administration to handicap an investigation into the terror group Hezbollah and its Iranian benefactors, according to a letter sent to Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

The letter represents the first salvo in a new investigation by congressional leaders into allegations senior Obama administration officials thwarted a decade-long Drug Enforcement Agency investigation into Hezbollah's illicit operations.

The Obama administration, in what congressional insiders
described to the Free Beacon as a "potentially criminal" enterprise, interfered with the DEA's investigation into Hezbollah drug activities in order to avoid angering the terror group's chief patron Iran and preserve the landmark nuclear deal."

Evidence continues to come out exposing Obama and his administration as THE MOST CRIMINAL ADMINISTRATION IN U.S. HISTORY!

As the truth keeps coming out about Obama and his 'criminal enterprise', Obama's 'Legacy' is being written NOW!
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Nothing would surprise me about this criminal. He needs to be behind bars for his treachery. For 8 years that SOB searched for ways to undermine this country with no regard to the law or the Constitution. The only people who admire the POS are our enemies and the media spoon fed brainwashed liberal sycophants like the ones on this forum.
The more we learn about the shit he did......the more it’s confirmed what a treasonous piece of shit he was.
'Congress Isn't About to Let Obama Get Away With Derailing Hezbollah Investigation for Iran Deal'
- Congress Ready to Investigate Bombshell Report that Obama Derailed Hezbollah Investigation for Iran Deal

'The Drug Enforcement Administration was so convinced that Hezbollah was amassing $1 billion a year from drug and weapons trafficking that it started Project Cassandra in 2008, an under cover investigation, to follow the money. Yet the Justice and Treasury departments "delayed, hindered or rejected" requests from project members as they sought answers.'

"Hezbollah is a brutal terrorist group with American blood on its hands and it would be unconscionable for American policy to deliberately empower such a nefarious group"

"We've had our suspicions about Obama's Iranian nuclear deal for quite some time. A New York Times Magazine report in May 2016 revealed that the administration went to some length to spin a narrative that we were negotiating with a regime that was becomingly increasingly moderate. We now know that wasn't true and Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes was simply acting like a "storyteller."

So you can add Hezbollah to the list of terrorists Obama aided and abetted during his 8 years on office:

The Muslim Brotherhood
Al Qaida
More phony allegation that will fall by the wayside along with the mountains of others in an attempt to divert from "Donnie Dangerously's" corruption issues.

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