It Just Keeps Getting Worse For Snowflakes


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

"Ford is scrapping its plans for a new $1.6 billion plant in San Luis Potosi, Mexico, and will invest $700 million in the expansion of the Flat Rock, Michigan plant, Bloomberg News reports."

PRESIDENT Barry spent almost $1 trillion trying to create jobs and ended up spending over $774,000 per job he claimed to have saved/created....

Trump is bring American jobs back, preventing American jobs from leaving, and is creating jobs without spending a dime and without having been sworn in yet.

That's gotta sting Barry / snowflakes a little.


Ford Cancels Plans for New $1.6 Billion Mexico Plant
Trump just lied about the Michigan plant. And Easy fell for it, because it's what Useful Idiots like him do.

The Lies Begin As Trump Takes Credit For Keeping Ford Plant In The US That Wasn't Leaving
The problem with Trump’s claim is that the Ford plant wasn’t going to leave. Ford was shifting production from Michigan to Mexico to make room for the Michigan plant to make two new products. The plant was always staying. No jobs were going to be lost.

This is now where Easy has a Snowflake meltdown. "Waaaa! The liberals showed I was parroting a lie! Waaa!"

Oh, it's also hilarious, how he claims new construction under Obama is due to Trump. That's seriously desperate.

"Ford is scrapping its plans for a new $1.6 billion plant in San Luis Potosi, Mexico, and will invest $700 million in the expansion of the Flat Rock, Michigan plant, Bloomberg News reports."

PRESIDENT Barry spent almost $1 trillion trying to create jobs and ended up spending over $774,000 per job he claimed to have saved/created....

Trump is bring American jobs back, preventing American jobs from leaving, and is creating jobs without spending a dime and without having been sworn in yet.

That's gotta sting Barry / snowflakes a little.


Ford Cancels Plans for New $1.6 Billion Mexico Plant

Easy that is the silliest ever giving Trump the credit for the ten year high on construction....:lmao:

Trump had Nothing to do with it..Obama got us back on our feet after Bush's laws nearly brought us into a deep depression.

We have seen construction Booming in northern California for the last 3-4 years..

Over the last year it is booming into the inner States..

Thank you Obama!
On the construction side I can attest to the increase. We are scheduled into the end of February now. That kind of winter schedule is unheard of. The schedule started filling in in Early December.

It could be a fluke or that optimism everyone is speaking of.
Trump just lied about the Michigan plant. And Easy fell for it, because it's what Useful Idiots like him do.

The Lies Begin As Trump Takes Credit For Keeping Ford Plant In The US That Wasn't Leaving
The problem with Trump’s claim is that the Ford plant wasn’t going to leave. Ford was shifting production from Michigan to Mexico to make room for the Michigan plant to make two new products. The plant was always staying. No jobs were going to be lost.

This is now where Easy has a Snowflake meltdown. "Waaaa! The liberals showed I was parroting a lie! Waaa!"

Oh, it's also hilarious, how he claims new construction under Obama is due to Trump. That's seriously desperate.

The Michigan addition will also be making electric cars. The rubes must be horrified.


"Ford is scrapping its plans for a new $1.6 billion plant in San Luis Potosi, Mexico, and will invest $700 million in the expansion of the Flat Rock, Michigan plant, Bloomberg News reports."

PRESIDENT Barry spent almost $1 trillion trying to create jobs and ended up spending over $774,000 per job he claimed to have saved/created....

Trump is bring American jobs back, preventing American jobs from leaving, and is creating jobs without spending a dime and without having been sworn in yet.

That's gotta sting Barry / snowflakes a little.


Ford Cancels Plans for New $1.6 Billion Mexico Plant

Easy that is the silliest ever giving Trump the credit for the ten year high on construction....:lmao:

Trump had Nothing to do with it..Obama got us back on our feet after Bush's laws nearly brought us into a deep depression.

We have seen construction Booming in northern California for the last 3-4 years..

Over the last year it is booming into the inner States..

Thank you Obama!

America 1; 'Stains 0
Oh so spe
Trump just lied about the Michigan plant. And Easy fell for it, because it's what Useful Idiots like him do.

The Lies Begin As Trump Takes Credit For Keeping Ford Plant In The US That Wasn't Leaving
The problem with Trump’s claim is that the Ford plant wasn’t going to leave. Ford was shifting production from Michigan to Mexico to make room for the Michigan plant to make two new products. The plant was always staying. No jobs were going to be lost.

This is now where Easy has a Snowflake meltdown. "Waaaa! The liberals showed I was parroting a lie! Waaa!"

Oh, it's also hilarious, how he claims new construction under Obama is due to Trump. That's seriously desperate.

Oh so speculation/expectation are Trump taking credit??

Who knew??LOL
Easy that is the silliest ever giving Trump the credit for the ten year high on construction....:lmao:

Trump had Nothing to do with it..Obama got us back on our feet after Bush's laws nearly brought us into a deep depression.
Eagle, THAT might be one of - if not THE - the silliest things I have ever heard. You're saying Barry - the man who has been distracted overseas helping terrorists and who was so inept / ignorant regarding construction that he had to admit to the country he never knew 'shovel-ready' projects did not exist - has suddenly caused construction to boom?!

The last time he tried to do that he spent nearly $1 trillion and ended up creating jobs that cost tax payers over $774,000 each.

The stock market, the construction market, the companies keeping plants / jobs in America, the foreign nations building / creating jobs here is all TRUMP. Stop trying to help Obama build a fantasy-based 'legacy'.
On the construction side I can attest to the increase. We are scheduled into the end of February now. That kind of winter schedule is unheard of. The schedule started filling in in Early December.

It could be a fluke or that optimism everyone is speaking of.

You need to live out here, contractors have been so busy for a long while.. These mega new rich Hi Tech are tearing down perfectly good homes and building mansions everywhere..
So many new homes,but they do not update the schools or infrastructures , and just put in another traffic light..
Actually I want to move it is too crowded, you can't even find a handyman they are so busy.
0bama took a recession that should have been corrected in a year or so and made it last 8 years, and it isn't really over yet. Dispite that America-hating asshole we have had for 8 years, even he can't keep the US capitalist economy down forever.
Eagle, THAT might be one of - if not THE - the silliest things I have ever heard. You're saying Barry - the man who has been distracted overseas helping terrorists

So, Easy got caught lying for his cult.

Instead of apologizing for that, he's melting down and trying madly to deflect with the craziest cult retard lies he can think of.

Good cultist, easy, good cultist. Your masters love you. No independent thought every enters your little cultist brain.
Easy that is the silliest ever giving Trump the credit for the ten year high on construction....:lmao:

Trump had Nothing to do with it..Obama got us back on our feet after Bush's laws nearly brought us into a deep depression.
Eagle, THAT might be one of - if not THE - the silliest things I have ever heard. You're saying Barry - the man who has been distracted overseas helping terrorists and who was so inept / ignorant regarding construction that he had to admit to the country he never knew 'shovel-ready' projects did not exist - has suddenly caused construction to boom?!

The last time he tried to do that he spent nearly $1 trillion and ended up creating jobs that cost tax payers over $774,000 each.

The stock market, the construction market, the companies keeping plants / jobs in America, the foreign nations building / creating jobs here is all TRUMP. Stop trying to help Obama build a fantasy-based 'legacy'.

And you are saying Trump was the one making the financial boom...Haaaaa

Look at how Bush left us when he left..financially

Look at how Obama is leaving us .. financially

Hoping Trump doesn't ruin everything..
On the construction side I can attest to the increase. We are scheduled into the end of February now. That kind of winter schedule is unheard of. The schedule started filling in in Early December.

It could be a fluke or that optimism everyone is speaking of.

You need to live out here, contractors have been so busy for a long while.. These mega new rich Hi Tech are tearing down perfectly good homes and building mansions everywhere..
So many new homes,but they do not update the schools or infrastructures , and just put in another traffic light..
Actually I want to move it is too crowded, you can't even find a handyman they are so busy.
If "out here" means an area with a high population of illegals, no thanks. I prefer honest competition not people who hack bid jobs
0bama took a recession that should have been corrected in a year or so and made it last 8 years, and it isn't really over yet. Dispite that America-hating asshole we have had for 8 years, even he can't keep the US capitalist economy down forever.

Haaaa too funny PredFan, a year...?

We were in such bad shape when he took office, I bet we would still be in the recession if Romney took office...omg.. but the rich would be doing great.
"You're saying Barry - the man who has been distracted overseas helping terrorists"

So, Easy got caught lying for his cult.

Barry supplies, funded, armed, trained, protected Al Qaeda and ISIS.

Barry started his own UN-Constitutional, UN-Authorized private war to help Al Qaeda - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - kill another nation's sovereign ruler - Gadaffi, who was HELPING THE COALITION fight terrorists in Northern Africa - and handed Libya over to Al Qaeda.

Barry started his own UN-Constitutional, UN-Authorized private war in Syria in an attempt to overthrow ANOTHER sovereign leader, thereby helping ISIS...we now have combat soldiers on the ground fighting in Syria, and it was NEVER authorized, never approved!

Barry joined with the terrorist Palestinians in betraying Israel before the UN, AFTER Barry used tax dollars to try to oust Netanyahu from power.

Apologize my ass - Barry should have been Impeached / arrested for TREASON!
0bama took a recession that should have been corrected in a year or so and made it last 8 years, and it isn't really over yet. Dispite that America-hating asshole we have had for 8 years, even he can't keep the US capitalist economy down forever.

Haaaa too funny PredFan, a year...?

We were in such bad shape when he took office, I bet we would still be in the recession if Romney took office...omg.. but the rich would be doing great.

Not surprising you would react negatively. Your hatred can't change the truth. Just FYI.
The Michigan addition will also be making electric cars. The rubes must be horrified.
After eight years of social conditioning, don't you think there is a market that product?

Shit, these millennials will buy garbage if they thought it would, "save the planet." :lmao:

Rubes must be smarter than elites on the coast, b/c even your average carnie knows you do whatever it takes to make a buck.

Hell, if I remember right, GM even conned the government out of money when they went bankrupt. . . shit, if that isn't the height of rubegenuity.
0bama took a recession that should have been corrected in a year or so and made it last 8 years, and it isn't really over yet. Dispite that America-hating asshole we have had for 8 years, even he can't keep the US capitalist economy down forever.

Haaaa too funny PredFan, a year...?

We were in such bad shape when he took office, I bet we would still be in the recession if Romney took office...omg.. but the rich would be doing great.

Not surprising you would react negatively. Your hatred can't change the truth. Just FYI.

No hatred here...just saying it like it is..;)

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