It Just Keeps Getting Worse For Snowflakes

0bama took a recession that should have been corrected in a year or so and made it last 8 years, and it isn't really over yet. Dispite that America-hating asshole we have had for 8 years, even he can't keep the US capitalist economy down forever.

Haaaa too funny PredFan, a year...?

We were in such bad shape when he took office, I bet we would still be in the recession if Romney took office...omg.. but the rich would be doing great.

Not surprising you would react negatively. Your hatred can't change the truth. Just FYI.

No hatred here...just saying it like it is..;)

Your lies only delude yourself.
And you are saying Trump was the one making the financial boom...Haaaaa
Look at how Bush left us when he left..financially
Look at how Obama is leaving us .. financially
Hoping Trump doesn't ruin everything..
Bush added $2.5 trillion in new debt over 6 years.

In his last 2 years the Libs had a near super-majority control of all of Congress...and added $1.5 trillion in his last 2 years, $1 trillion shy in only 2 years of what Bush spent over 6.

Obama came in, immediately added nearly $1 trillion in 1 shot with the failed Stimulus, AVERAGED $1.3 trillion in new debt EVERY YEAR, and ended up adding almost $7 trillion in new debt over only 4 years...the most ever added than every other President in US history.

Obama was warned by the bank if he did not accept more budget cuts to prove he was serious about reducing the deficit the bank would cut the Credit rating. He refused. The bank cut the credit rating. Obama tried to blame the GOP (much like he tried to blame 'The World' fro his f*ed-up / failed 'Syrian Red Line'.

Now, based on the speculation / expectation of the Trump Presidency the stock market has shot up, construction is on the rise, jobs are being created / saved without a dime being spent...something Barry has never been able to do in 8 years...

and you're trying to save his legacy by now claiming all good things happening - after the worst recovery/a President who never reached 3% GDP for the 1st time in US history - is Barry's doing....

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
0bama took a recession that should have been corrected in a year or so and made it last 8 years, and it isn't really over yet. Dispite that America-hating asshole we have had for 8 years, even he can't keep the US capitalist economy down forever.

Haaaa too funny PredFan, a year...?

We were in such bad shape when he took office, I bet we would still be in the recession if Romney took office...omg.. but the rich would be doing great.

Not surprising you would react negatively. Your hatred can't change the truth. Just FYI.

No hatred here...just saying it like it is..;)
I think a year is not enough time to correct it but I agree with his overall conclusion about Obama fucking up the recovery.
0bama took a recession that should have been corrected in a year or so and made it last 8 years, and it isn't really over yet. Dispite that America-hating asshole we have had for 8 years, even he can't keep the US capitalist economy down forever.

Haaaa too funny PredFan, a year...?

We were in such bad shape when he took office, I bet we would still be in the recession if Romney took office...omg.. but the rich would be doing great.

Not surprising you would react negatively. Your hatred can't change the truth. Just FYI.

No hatred here...just saying it like it is..;)
I think a year is not enough time to correct it but I agree with his overall conclusion about Obama fucking up the recovery.

A year or so. No more than two. It was essentially one critical thing, the housing collapse that caused it, now if it had been multiple unconnected factors then that would have been much harder to correct. Only an inexperienced, anti-capitalist asshole like 0bama could inflict enough regulations and show enough hatred for business and capitalism to keep the economy down that far for so long.

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