It Pays to Be a Senator's Wife, Literally... Especially Barack's!


Senior Member
Jul 9, 2008
Here's a story that you probably haven't heard...

Michelle Obama's salary increased from $121,000 to $317,000 shortly after Barack became a US Senator... I'm sure it was just a coincidence and had nothing to do with the fact that Obama Requested a $1 Million earmark For Construction Of A New Hospital Pavilion At The University Of Chicago.

How is that "Change"?

Hospital officials say Obama's wife deserved big raise - On Deadline -

Sweet scoop: Obama, after initial refusal, releases all earmark requests. Read them here. UPDATES - Lynn Sweet
yes, we knew that, nothing the annointed one has done makes a tinker's damn worth of difference. you are stuck with him for at least four years. suck it up.. you are not in charge! :lol:
change ...... just changing which group of assholes get to cheat us now ......
How is getting a job you are completely qualified for cheating?
You miss the point entirely.
Here's Cliff Notes for ya':
She has job at hospital, it pays $121,000.
Powerful Senator hubby gets 1 Million dollar earmark for hospital.
Her pay goes up to $317,000.
Fun, Profit and Corruption!
How is getting a job you are completely qualified for cheating?
You miss the point entirely.
Here's Cliff Notes for ya':
She has job at hospital, it pays $121,000.
Powerful Senator hubby gets 1 Million dollar earmark for hospital.
Her pay goes up to $317,000.
Fun, Profit and Corruption!

Yep that good ol pay for play kinda stuff that got Blago impeached..
does no one on the left find it odd that she received a substantial salary increase on the heals of a succesful pork move by her husband.....

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