It Was a Very Trumpian 2019: Global Stock Markets Gained $17 Trillion in Value This Year

"If the question is when will people quit gleefully using Krugman as a punching bag, a first-pass answer is never."
Rightwinger will be along any minute to tell how much better the stock market was under the "Great Obama."
markets without rules are theft. So even in places where markets can work, the government has a role to play in making sure that the rules create a level playing field and that those rules are consistently enforced.
Does the fact that the stock market increased $17 trillion in valuation while there was only 2% GDP growth alarm anyone else? Does the fact that the national debt has risen at a faster pace than the GDP over the last decade? Shouldn’t the national debt go DOWN in a healthy growing economy, and only grow in slow economies when tax revenues decrease?
Thing that make you go hmmm.

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