It Was Done on Tobacco. It Can Be Done on Guns.

Hardcore NRA wingnuts need to be thinking about two words: "Compromise" and "Consensus"...

No we don't. Sorry. You fail. We will not compromise. And we don't care about your consensus. We have a constitution. It guarantees our rights as citizens. And nothing.... NOTHING... you say will ever change that. Period. You lose. End of story. Have a nice day.
Over 80% believe loopholes against background checks should be closed. Nobody wants to take away anyone's guns. The GOP is a fear mongering, lying disgrace.

what loopholes
Another dupe well versed on the ACTUAL issues lol...

so you couldnt find any fuckstick
You're a gd

Gun show loophole - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gun show loophole - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In 1993, Congress enacted the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, amending the Gun Control Act of 1968. "The Brady Law" instituted federal background checks on all firearm purchasers who buy from federally licensed dealers (FFL). This law had no provisions for private firearms transactions or sales.
‎Overview · ‎Background · ‎Early efforts · ‎Recent developments
UC Davis report exposes loopholes in gun-control laws UC Davis ...
UC Davis Medical Center
UC Davis report exposes loopholes in gun-control laws. A straw purchaser, the woman (center), has already completed a Firearms Transaction Record. The salesperson is requesting a background check on her while the real purchaser (right), remains uninvolved.
PolitiFact Sheet: 3 things to know about the 'gun show loophole ...
Jan 7, 2016 - Supporters of gun rights say President Barack Obama and others are confusing the issue of gun selling by talking about a "gun show loophole." ... Federally licensed gun sellers are required to run background checks. ... Some of those unlicensed sellers sell at gun shows.
Gun Show Background Checks State Laws - Governing magazine
Known as the "gun show loophole," most states do not require background checks for firearms purchased at gun shows from private individuals -- federal law ...
Gun sales loopholes that should be closed - LA Times

on june 26 1997 much of the brady law was thrown out as unconstitutional

as for the rest of your loophole hoax every bit of what you claim is already illegal moron

such as straw purchasing
ONLY straw purchasing, as SC said so in 2014. Dupe or liar? Always the question.
America has a strong (socialist) standing army. There is no longer need for "militia" as stated in the Second Amendment.

The second amendment is needed more today than any other time in American history. Why should we allow that right to be taken away?

You hardcore NRA wingnuts are the Second Amendment's worst enemy. Remember, we can still smoke...

Look, if you want to push a culture shift, away from murder, violence, and criminality, I'm all for it.

If you want to push for laws on this and that, and so on.... We will oppose you, and fight you, and defeat you at every turn.

I can order spare parts and build an assault rifle in my basement, and there is nothing... nothing at all, that you or anyone else can do about it. Sucks to be you bud. We can vote too.
Look, if you want to push a culture shift, away from murder, violence, and criminality, I'm all for it.

If you want to push for laws on this and that, and so on.... We will oppose you, and fight you, and defeat you at every turn.

I can order spare parts and build an assault rifle in my basement, and there is nothing... nothing at all, that you or anyone else can do about it. Sucks to be you bud. We can vote too.

Bannerrhoids like Chief Gun ban need men with guns to impose his desired gun bans.
America has a strong (socialist) standing army. There is no longer need for "militia" as stated in the Second Amendment.

The second amendment is needed more today than any other time in American history. Why should we allow that right to be taken away?

You hardcore NRA wingnuts are the Second Amendment's worst enemy. Remember, we can still smoke...

Look, if you want to push a culture shift, away from murder, violence, and criminality, I'm all for it.

If you want to push for laws on this and that, and so on.... We will oppose you, and fight you, and defeat you at every turn.

I can order spare parts and build an assault rifle in my basement, and there is nothing... nothing at all, that you or anyone else can do about it. Sucks to be you bud. We can vote too.
Your 15% and bought-off-by-the-NRA GOP. I'm sure you think you're against special interests too, right, hater dupe?
America has a strong (socialist) standing army. There is no longer need for "militia" as stated in the Second Amendment.

The second amendment is needed more today than any other time in American history. Why should we allow that right to be taken away?

You hardcore NRA wingnuts are the Second Amendment's worst enemy. Remember, we can still smoke...

Look, if you want to push a culture shift, away from murder, violence, and criminality, I'm all for it.

If you want to push for laws on this and that, and so on.... We will oppose you, and fight you, and defeat you at every turn.

I can order spare parts and build an assault rifle in my basement, and there is nothing... nothing at all, that you or anyone else can do about it. Sucks to be you bud. We can vote too.
Your 15% and bought-off-by-the-NRA GOP. I'm sure you think you're against special interests too, right, hater dupe?
So-called gun violence in this country is a non-issue...
what loopholes
Another dupe well versed on the ACTUAL issues lol...

so you couldnt find any fuckstick
You're a gd

Gun show loophole - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gun show loophole - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In 1993, Congress enacted the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, amending the Gun Control Act of 1968. "The Brady Law" instituted federal background checks on all firearm purchasers who buy from federally licensed dealers (FFL). This law had no provisions for private firearms transactions or sales.
‎Overview · ‎Background · ‎Early efforts · ‎Recent developments
UC Davis report exposes loopholes in gun-control laws UC Davis ...
UC Davis Medical Center
UC Davis report exposes loopholes in gun-control laws. A straw purchaser, the woman (center), has already completed a Firearms Transaction Record. The salesperson is requesting a background check on her while the real purchaser (right), remains uninvolved.
PolitiFact Sheet: 3 things to know about the 'gun show loophole ...
Jan 7, 2016 - Supporters of gun rights say President Barack Obama and others are confusing the issue of gun selling by talking about a "gun show loophole." ... Federally licensed gun sellers are required to run background checks. ... Some of those unlicensed sellers sell at gun shows.
Gun Show Background Checks State Laws - Governing magazine
Known as the "gun show loophole," most states do not require background checks for firearms purchased at gun shows from private individuals -- federal law ...
Gun sales loopholes that should be closed - LA Times

hey moron--its not a loophole. congress didn't have the votes nor the jurisdiction to impose upon private sellers who can ONLY engage in INTRA state commerce, background checks.

Bannerrhoids call it a gun show loophole in order to inflame the ire of the low wattage sheeple
80% of the country want ALL gun sales to have background checks, dupe. Was 90%+ til the bought off by the NRA Pub propaganda machine starting bsing you dupes.
No not really, reality escapes to you…
America has a strong (socialist) standing army. There is no longer need for "militia" as stated in the Second Amendment.

The second amendment is needed more today than any other time in American history. Why should we allow that right to be taken away?

You hardcore NRA wingnuts are the Second Amendment's worst enemy. Remember, we can still smoke...

Look, if you want to push a culture shift, away from murder, violence, and criminality, I'm all for it.

If you want to push for laws on this and that, and so on.... We will oppose you, and fight you, and defeat you at every turn.

I can order spare parts and build an assault rifle in my basement, and there is nothing... nothing at all, that you or anyone else can do about it. Sucks to be you bud. We can vote too.
Your 15% and bought-off-by-the-NRA GOP. I'm sure you think you're against special interests too, right, hater dupe?
So-called gun violence in this country is a non-issue...

There is a violence problem, but only a moron would think trying to prevent the criminal from getting tools to do criminal acts, would somehow magically stop criminals.

Yeah, there was a drunks and alcoholics problem too. Remember how banning alcohol worked so well? It wasn't even 5 years, before they had black markets, and smuggling rings that spanned from the east coast, to the west cost, from the Canadian boarder to the Mexican boarder.

"Oh but..... if we just have this new regulation, and spiffy magic background check....." YOU ARE A MORON... if you think that is going to work.
And you morons/dupes believe some actual party wants to ban and take away your guns? RW idiocy...

every single federal encroachment on our rights to keep and bear arms has been perpetrated by the Democrap party, Democraps in NY are trying to seize the guns of the deceased
And you morons/dupes believe some actual party wants to ban and take away your guns? RW idiocy...

every single federal encroachment on our rights to keep and bear arms has been perpetrated by the Democrap party, Democraps in NY are trying to seize the guns of the deceased
And then the Republicans consolidate the Democrat moves to the left by encoding more laws on top of them and shunning their own members who do not follow the New and Improved Truth the Dems gave us.

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