'It would take too long to explain it'

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Paul Ryan: 'It Would Take Me Too Long' To Explain Mitt Romney's Tax Plan

What is so funny is that LyanRyan ALMOST says the real reason why he and RobMe won't talk about their plans.

“I don’t have the ... It would take me too long to go through all of the math,” Ryan responded.

Next, he'll say, 'Don't worry your empty little heads about it'.

And, by gawd, rw's WILL fall for it.

One more reason I'm looking forward to the debates. Mitt has run away from the pesky details but he can't hide forever.
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Robmoney called it "queit rooms".

they think the American people are too stupid for the details
Faux outrage in 3 2 1...
from a site that is NOT reputable (hufferpost) but hey why not fall for it anyway
Oh, you want specifics? Uh, well, see me after the election.

I don't understand why there isn't more of an outcry of "tell us what you're going to do!" On both sides, frankly. If only we could have real presidential debates...
the Huffington Post is only hated by Fox veiwers

really? I don't' watch fox news or ANY of the cable news stations and I wouldn't take anything from the Hufferpost as Reputable

so I guess your statement is full of crap
I watched the show,they have every second counted,there isn't time on a brief sunday morning show to go into every detail. Rational objective thinking people understand this,and don't turn to hyperbole.

I would like to see Obama or old Joes subject to a bit more pressure in thier cake walk interviews.

Wallace pressed him fairly hard,you just dn't see that with them.
Paul Ryan: 'It Would Take Me Too Long' To Explain Mitt Romney's Tax Plan

He was being nice. No matter how many times or clearly it's explained to liberals, you don't get it unless it's what you want to hear. And less free government cheese just isn't what you want to hear.
Paul Ryan: 'It Would Take Me Too Long' To Explain Mitt Romney's Tax Plan

He was being nice. No matter how many times or clearly it's explained to liberals, you don't get it unless it's what you want to hear. And less free government cheese just isn't what you want to hear.

see these idiots actually think Robmoneys 47 % fucking crap is real
I counter with....

Nancy Pelosi..."We would have to pass it to see what's in it".When referring to the 2000+ page health care bill.
Congressman John Conyers..."I need a whole team of lawyers to figure this thing out"....When referring to
Obama Care.
John "Effing" Kerry said the same thing in 2004. "Check out my Economic Plan. It's all there on the website".

I remember his slip ups and gaffes were reported as "He's so smart it's hard for him to organize his thoughts" or "We're just not smart enough to understand his genius".

Yeah, looks like it's a replay of 2004 isn't it? And if that's true then Mitt will lose a squeeker.

Who knows.
You type that with a straight face?

Compared to Joe Biden?

Yes, compared to Biden. Biden has an impressive record of public service, colorful mannerisms not withstanding.

Ryan has the distinction of being the GOP's numbers guy who's awful with numbers.

Impressive public service....omg
You mean spending his ENTIRE LIFE sucking off the taxpayers and now going around blessing us with talks about have a scope up our asses?
Most fitting uh people
the Huffington Post is only hated by Fox veiwers

really? I don't' watch fox news or ANY of the cable news stations and I wouldn't take anything from the Hufferpost as Reputable

so I guess your statement is full of crap

Stephanie -

PROVE HuffPo lied.


Seriously, WHY do the most stupid of the rw posters insist on saying the source lied but then refuse to PROVE it?

Yeah, I know - I just answered my own question. Stephanie is just too STUPID to understand that just because she doesn't like the source doesn't mean much of anything.
Paul Ryan: 'It Would Take Me Too Long' To Explain Mitt Romney's Tax Plan

He was being nice. No matter how many times or clearly it's explained to liberals, you don't get it unless it's what you want to hear. And less free government cheese just isn't what you want to hear.

Please post where either of them have explained this.

I don't mean RobMe's website - If you read that, you'll see he doesn't explain it there either.

I really would like to see any link where either of these two say ANYTHING at all!


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