Italian psychiatrist: Muslims will outbreed Europeans and take over the continent

Italian psychiatrist: Muslims will outbreed Europeans and take over the continent

when one Muslim in the north of England spoke out against the gang rape of white girls by members of his own community, he said he received death threats from fellow Muslims in Britain for saying so. we are indeed witnessing "The Strange Death Of Europe"
The only remaining way to stop the Islamic takeover is to use bloody force and Europe no longer has the stomach for it. Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic are the only ones with the courage to stand up against it. In Poland, armed citizens patrol the borders along with the military.
thanks , only problem is that as the muslims arrive they surround these Eastern European Countries . Depending on your age be happy if you are in the USA LDuck .
BS-----the people MERGED under the KING----the royal line being JUDAH------David's tribe. I am a joooooo but I am NOT
of the tribe of JUDAH----(guess which one)------sheeeeesh you
fell into a pile of BS
Continue on in your ignorance

Bible Study - Judah At War With Israel

The Kingdom of ISRAEL was invaded by Assyria. Everyone was taken into captivity as slaves and removed from the Land because of their national sins.

The foreign Samaritans settled their land.

Only he Kingdom of Judah remained for the next 130 years.

Eventually Judah was invaded by Babylon. A REMNANT remained in the Land of JUDAH.


They went north west and eventually settled as independent nations.

Denmark is the Tribe of Dan.

Netherlands is Zebulun

GreatBritain and America is the Tribe of Joseph..
"I am Joseph, your brother."

you are parroting a FANTASY------we JOOOS is ALL "children of Israel" Israel is the alternate name of JACOB--------YOU
are engaging in WISHFUL thinking of NUTS who try to
tie themselves to DA JOOOOS-----just like Muhammad tried
to tie himself to DA JOOOOS by claiming to be descended
from ISHMAEL. Give up------arabs is desert trash and you is Europe trash.

I am A JOOOO-----not of the tribe of Judah like most of the people called JOOOOS------the royal line is supposed to be
JUDAH----which is why the writers of the New Testament fixed up a story putting pregnant mary in a stable in
BETHLEHEM-----the hereditary land of the tribe of JUDAH.
------a really transparently idiotic ploy. Nazareth is not
JUDAH TRIBAL LAND-----so they fixed that problem with a silly story and a MOVING STAR. I was not born on my
"tribal land" either------and there was no star marking the place-----

WOW, looky, it’s another great example that it is a huge myth that Liberals are tolerant and against supremacy

how is your post in any way connected to the information to which you imagine you are responding?
correct me if i am mistaken but muslim book says that any kid born from a muslim is muslim . That being said there is 'rape jihad' which some muslims practice DAngel .
You are missing the point.

It doesn't matter what the rape culture teaches. Get that thru your head.

Besides that, you CANNOT be born into a religion. You CHOOSE religion.
NOT according to muslims. A baby fathered by a muslim is a muslim. If the baby grows up and doesn't want to be a problem. Just murder the kid.

according to the "noble" kharahan----one would also have
to kill his mother
Italian psychiatrist: Muslims will outbreed Europeans and take over the continent

when one Muslim in the north of England spoke out against the gang rape of white girls by members of his own community, he said he received death threats from fellow Muslims in Britain for saying so. we are indeed witnessing "The Strange Death Of Europe"

He's right.

The ultimate war is one of demographics. The West is gender confused, and has allowed non-gender confused invaders to set up breeding grounds within its territories.

It's not going to end well for the West.
He's right.

The ultimate war is one of demographics. The West is gender confused, and has allowed non-gender confused invaders to set up breeding grounds within its territories.

It's not going to end well for the West.
And you're right, too.

The only way to avoid the fate this ominous prediction holds for the West is through exercise of an aggressive form of genocidal warfare I believe the Western mentality is no longer capable of. I'm talking about the Tenth Crusade, which already is overdue.
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U.N. Planned International Flood of Migrants

You can give them all the tools of information and they just get dumber and dumber.......... when it should be the other way around.
When I read the thread title, three thoughts came to mind:

1. The psychiatrist may be right. But Fate often astonishes all of us, so what he predicts may not come true.

2. I immediately remembered something that I had to memorize for a high school test: The Battle of Tours in France in the year 732 A.D. Muslim armies were stopped by Christian forces. This ended the advance of Muslim armies into Europe and guaranteed that Europe would be predominately Christian.

3. I also remembered that in the 1840s the United States started a war against Mexico (Congressman Abraham Lincoln opposed the war) and took away the Southwest.
Today, it seems that the Mexican people are well on their way to peacefully retaking that land.
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