It's a hell of a pin point operation

Or this

What the Zionist lot don't want you to know is, they formed Israel out of terrorism and mass murder.
Now, they complain their victims are terrorists.
Nice cartoon. No facts or anything, just bullshit.

You must be one of those muslim terrorist supporters, like the ones that flew the Jets into our WTC on 9/11!

or the ones that destroyed the Liberty? - oh, sorry, that was Israel.

Aren't you one of these fucking muslims, Fred? You know the ones that KILL CHRISTIANS in Indonesia?

Death penalty for Andreas Dusly Sanau …

In this Tuesday, June
29, 2010 photo, an Indonesian Muslim woman reads a banner with a picture of a
young, bespectacled Christian man and the words: 'Death penalty for Andreas
Dusly Sanau … ,' in front of a mosque at Bekasi on the outskirts of Jakarta

- See more at:
Aren't you one of these fucking muslims, Fred? You know the ones that KILL CHRISTIANS in Indonesia?

Oh dear, you have to google what I've taken time to explore first hand.
Most of the extremist idiots in Indonesia are Muslims, well, except for the US trained special forces people, Prabowo being a notable example, who are Christian (even if he pretends to be Muslim).
There are two groups.

The Betawi Brotherhood Forum (FBR). That lot are generally just mutterers, spouting a lot of shit but not actually doing very much. However, they do engage in violence on occasion, but this is uncommon.

The FPI - these are violent thugs for hire, but they commonly use Islam as an excuse.

FPI diversifies business to land conflicts | The Jakarta Post

The Islam Defenders Front (FPI), notorious for its violent raids supposedly in support of sharia, is diversifying. The Islamic defenders are now available for hire to defend your disputed property.

The extremist group is now fighting housing developer PT Alam Sutra over disputed land in Paku Alam village, South Tangerang. Hundreds of FPI members were involved in a violent clash with the company’s security guards and police when they tried to invade the land on the Prophet Muhammad’s Ascension Day, June 6. Two police officers were injured and 11 FPI members arrested.

The FPI was hired by the Ronah family who claim to be legal owners of the 2.2-hectare site. The company believe they had bought the land to develop a new housing complex. On Monday, hundreds of FPI members staged a demonstration at the city police headquarters, demanding the release of their fellow members and the arrest of “gangsters” hired by the developer to guard the land.

This group is far more dangerous, being very closely linked with terrorist groups and several murders.
The murder of a local policeman saw a motorbike recovered from the scene, it was owned by an FPI member.
That lot also attack churches but, what is not commonly reported is the reason.
They tend to shut up and fuck off when a bribe is paid.

Not that I have any time for these silly fuckers - frankly, they should be shot.
However, the vast majority of Indonesian have no interest in hurting people because of their religion, just a few.
Perhaps you should visit. You'll have a very nice time.

However, be very careful should you go to Israel.

Israel: Patriarchate, wave of anti-Christian violence - General news -

(ANSAmed) - TEL AVIV, APRIL 30 - ''A wave of anti-Christian violence and vandalism by Jews'' was registered last Sunday in Galilee, the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem said in a statement by the Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land condemning with ''grave concern'' incidents which took place during ''a very meaningful day for the universal and local Church, for the canonization of two popes and one month from the visit of Pope Francis to the Holy Land''.

It seems Jews attack Christians.

Now, can you see the stupidity of using the actions of a small number of extremists to claim all are guilty of the same behaviour?
Aren't you one of these fucking muslims, Fred? You know the ones that KILL CHRISTIANS in Indonesia?

Oh dear, you have to google what I've taken time to explore first hand.
Most of the extremist idiots in Indonesia are Muslims, well, except for the US trained special forces people, Prabowo being a notable example, who are Christian (even if he pretends to be Muslim).
There are two groups.

The Betawi Brotherhood Forum (FBR). That lot are generally just mutterers, spouting a lot of shit but not actually doing very much. However, they do engage in violence on occasion, but this is uncommon.

The FPI - these are violent thugs for hire, but they commonly use Islam as an excuse.

FPI diversifies business to land conflicts | The Jakarta Post

The Islam Defenders Front (FPI), notorious for its violent raids supposedly in support of sharia, is diversifying. The Islamic defenders are now available for hire to defend your disputed property.

The extremist group is now fighting housing developer PT Alam Sutra over disputed land in Paku Alam village, South Tangerang. Hundreds of FPI members were involved in a violent clash with the company’s security guards and police when they tried to invade the land on the Prophet Muhammad’s Ascension Day, June 6. Two police officers were injured and 11 FPI members arrested.

The FPI was hired by the Ronah family who claim to be legal owners of the 2.2-hectare site. The company believe they had bought the land to develop a new housing complex. On Monday, hundreds of FPI members staged a demonstration at the city police headquarters, demanding the release of their fellow members and the arrest of “gangsters” hired by the developer to guard the land.
This group is far more dangerous, being very closely linked with terrorist groups and several murders.
The murder of a local policeman saw a motorbike recovered from the scene, it was owned by an FPI member.
That lot also attack churches but, what is not commonly reported is the reason.
They tend to shut up and fuck off when a bribe is paid.

Not that I have any time for these silly fuckers - frankly, they should be shot.
However, the vast majority of Indonesian have no interest in hurting people because of their religion, just a few.
Perhaps you should visit. You'll have a very nice time.

However, be very careful should you go to Israel.

Israel: Patriarchate, wave of anti-Christian violence - General news -

(ANSAmed) - TEL AVIV, APRIL 30 - ''A wave of anti-Christian violence and vandalism by Jews'' was registered last Sunday in Galilee, the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem said in a statement by the Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land condemning with ''grave concern'' incidents which took place during ''a very meaningful day for the universal and local Church, for the canonization of two popes and one month from the visit of Pope Francis to the Holy Land''.
It seems Jews attack Christians.

Now, can you see the stupidity of using the actions of a small number of extremists to claim all are guilty of the same behaviour?

Two relatively easy questions for you to answer...How many Christians have been murdered by Jews in the last 50 years, and how many Christians have been murdered by muslims in the last 50 years?.... I can wait!
I will try to work out a pro rata number.
In fact, I'll work out a number for the number of deaths down to Muslims, against the number caused by Jews, then divide the numbers by the population of each group.
12 million Jews in the world, and a lot of deaths.
I wonder how the final number will look.
I will try to work out a pro rata number.
In fact, I'll work out a number for the number of deaths down to Muslims, against the number caused by Jews, then divide the numbers by the population of each group.
12 million Jews in the world, and a lot of deaths.
I wonder how the final number will look.

Well you have 270 MILLION caused by your cult....use Google to look that up!
Nope, "Women 'n children" receiving rockets

In Israel, but of course Hamas would resist the IDF instead of giving the terrorists who shot these rockets in order to avoid another crisis in Gaza, way to go Hamas!

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