It’s A Matter Of Survival


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Gun control has become the most important political issue in this country. And in the wake of the mass murder at the Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, public support to control the purchase of semi-automatic assault type rifles has reached an all time high. Only the Republican Party and conservatives remain steadfast in the belief these weapons should be freely available to all.

To the young people of the United States, those under the age of twenty-one have never known a day when their nation has NOT been at war. And over the past decade, these young people watched as conservatives spewed disrespect, bigotry, and racial hatred towards the first African-American President, Muslims, black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, and anyone else whose heritage they deemed questionable.

The seventeen students and teachers killed at Stoneman Douglas High School and the reaction by the students in the aftermath, started a nationwide movement by this young generation, to fight “ business as usual” by the Republicans controlling our government. Across the country U.S. students see ending the sales of semi-automatic assault type rifles as a matter of survival.

Strangely, this movement has rattled the corporate world, which is uncommon. Businesses have removed their financial support from the NRA. Wealthy donors are holding back political donations from Republicans who refuse to pass gun control legislation, and with the recent announcement by Dick’s Sporting Goods, the only remaining major retail outlet selling these weapons for mass murder is Bass Pro Shop and its subsidiary Cabela’s.

In addition to ending sales, and regardless of any government action, many gun sellers have raised the age limit to buy any type of gun to twenty-one.

To the leaders in the large companies, their move to control who can buy guns and who cannot is also a matter of survival. These businessmen (and business women) understand the time has come to begin common sense gun control, because the younger generation has come of age. Many will be voting in the 2018 mid-term elections, and many, many more will be of voting age in 2020. (And they are angry, giving them strong motivation to vote.)

At the same time, the old geezers who consistently elect Republicans are rapidly dying off. Especially as the GOP takes health insurance from several million low and middle income conservatives, accelerating the demise of this voting block.

In the 1960s and early 70s, the protests by hundreds-of-thousands of kids in their late teens and early to mid twenties forced the government to end the Vietnam War. Now, this up and coming generation has had a gut full of the conservatives offering only “thoughts and prayers” as their best efforts to end the mass killings of children and adults in our schools and other public gathering places.

The GOP should reconsider serving only the needs of the super rich, and pandering to an aging and dying voting base to get the votes they need for reelection. As a majority, the ignorant, middle aged and elderly, white male bigots and their repressed and obedient wives is rapidly going away.

Even the idiot Trump is openly advocating some form of gun control. This is simply a matter of survival for the young generation and Big Business. After watching this happen so quickly, the old, white, Republican establishment should read the writing on the wall and rethink what they need for political survival.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). Their mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.’s-only-one-major-retailer-is-still-selling-semi-automatic-rifles/ar-BBJHwJC?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp

as an old geezer all i say is feck them , As i said after another poster noted , if the age rise's to 21 to buy an AR15 the only ones affected are the young hip hop types who are doing the protesting [so feck them] . And my last bit of comment is that there were 310 million people [2010 census] in the USA not counting illegals and a week or 2 ago 17 were murdered by one of their own 'ilk' Bertram .
The fact that lefties actually think that semi-automatic so-called assault rifles are "freely available" is an indication of crazy they have become and how anger and frustration about the last election has screwed up their minds. Nobody even remembers the name of the democrat activist and Sanders supporter who opened fire on a republican baseball team last spring because the MSM buried the story faster than the body. Crazy people shouldn't have firearms but the democrat party seems reluctant to talk about mental illness, perhaps because anger and insanity is the only thing holding the democrat party together these days.

These businessmen (and business women) understand the time has come to begin common sense gun control, because the younger generation has come of age. Many will be voting in the 2018 mid-term elections, and many, many more will be of voting age in 2020. (And they are angry, giving them strong motivation to vote.)

Well these fine young people may be voting without 2nd amendment rights. I wonder what other rights they will be willing to give up? That should be a great campfire conversation while starving to death under socialism. The "I was so angry I gave up my constitutional rights" fireside chat. Good times.

Gun control has become the most important political issue in this country. And in the wake of the mass murder at the Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, public support to control the purchase of semi-automatic assault type rifles has reached an all time high. Only the Republican Party and conservatives remain steadfast in the belief these weapons should be freely available to all.

To the young people of the United States, those under the age of twenty-one have never known a day when their nation has NOT been at war. And over the past decade, these young people watched as conservatives spewed disrespect, bigotry, and racial hatred towards the first African-American President, Muslims, black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, and anyone else whose heritage they deemed questionable.

The seventeen students and teachers killed at Stoneman Douglas High School and the reaction by the students in the aftermath, started a nationwide movement by this young generation, to fight “ business as usual” by the Republicans controlling our government. Across the country U.S. students see ending the sales of semi-automatic assault type rifles as a matter of survival.

Strangely, this movement has rattled the corporate world, which is uncommon. Businesses have removed their financial support from the NRA. Wealthy donors are holding back political donations from Republicans who refuse to pass gun control legislation, and with the recent announcement by Dick’s Sporting Goods, the only remaining major retail outlet selling these weapons for mass murder is Bass Pro Shop and its subsidiary Cabela’s.

In addition to ending sales, and regardless of any government action, many gun sellers have raised the age limit to buy any type of gun to twenty-one.

To the leaders in the large companies, their move to control who can buy guns and who cannot is also a matter of survival. These businessmen (and business women) understand the time has come to begin common sense gun control, because the younger generation has come of age. Many will be voting in the 2018 mid-term elections, and many, many more will be of voting age in 2020. (And they are angry, giving them strong motivation to vote.)

At the same time, the old geezers who consistently elect Republicans are rapidly dying off. Especially as the GOP takes health insurance from several million low and middle income conservatives, accelerating the demise of this voting block.

In the 1960s and early 70s, the protests by hundreds-of-thousands of kids in their late teens and early to mid twenties forced the government to end the Vietnam War. Now, this up and coming generation has had a gut full of the conservatives offering only “thoughts and prayers” as their best efforts to end the mass killings of children and adults in our schools and other public gathering places.

The GOP should reconsider serving only the needs of the super rich, and pandering to an aging and dying voting base to get the votes they need for reelection. As a majority, the ignorant, middle aged and elderly, white male bigots and their repressed and obedient wives is rapidly going away.

Even the idiot Trump is openly advocating some form of gun control. This is simply a matter of survival for the young generation and Big Business. After watching this happen so quickly, the old, white, Republican establishment should read the writing on the wall and rethink what they need for political survival.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). Their mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.’s-only-one-major-retailer-is-still-selling-semi-automatic-rifles/ar-BBJHwJC?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp


Gonna be a BIG empty space in my community where Dick's USED to be. Because 25% of their floor space is hunting and fishing. Not a SOUL is gonna use that space. Which means Dick's will be sucking air by end of this year.

It's OK for airlines and car rentals to go after the NRA folks and treat them like crap.. Only about 300 DISCOUNTS that they all recognize. But when an outdoors/sporting goods retail chain does that trick -- they are stone stupid and have a death wish...

GREAT NEWS for the mom/pops stores with better service and selection anyways.

It's OK to debate all this. Just don't be a Dick's...

Parking lot at BassPro is FULL day and night.. Gonna need a bigger lot..

Gun control has become the most important political issue in this country. And in the wake of the mass murder at the Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, public support to control the purchase of semi-automatic assault type rifles has reached an all time high. Only the Republican Party and conservatives remain steadfast in the belief these weapons should be freely available to all.

To the young people of the United States, those under the age of twenty-one have never known a day when their nation has NOT been at war. And over the past decade, these young people watched as conservatives spewed disrespect, bigotry, and racial hatred towards the first African-American President, Muslims, black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, and anyone else whose heritage they deemed questionable.

The seventeen students and teachers killed at Stoneman Douglas High School and the reaction by the students in the aftermath, started a nationwide movement by this young generation, to fight “ business as usual” by the Republicans controlling our government. Across the country U.S. students see ending the sales of semi-automatic assault type rifles as a matter of survival.

Strangely, this movement has rattled the corporate world, which is uncommon. Businesses have removed their financial support from the NRA. Wealthy donors are holding back political donations from Republicans who refuse to pass gun control legislation, and with the recent announcement by Dick’s Sporting Goods, the only remaining major retail outlet selling these weapons for mass murder is Bass Pro Shop and its subsidiary Cabela’s.

In addition to ending sales, and regardless of any government action, many gun sellers have raised the age limit to buy any type of gun to twenty-one.

To the leaders in the large companies, their move to control who can buy guns and who cannot is also a matter of survival. These businessmen (and business women) understand the time has come to begin common sense gun control, because the younger generation has come of age. Many will be voting in the 2018 mid-term elections, and many, many more will be of voting age in 2020. (And they are angry, giving them strong motivation to vote.)

At the same time, the old geezers who consistently elect Republicans are rapidly dying off. Especially as the GOP takes health insurance from several million low and middle income conservatives, accelerating the demise of this voting block.

In the 1960s and early 70s, the protests by hundreds-of-thousands of kids in their late teens and early to mid twenties forced the government to end the Vietnam War. Now, this up and coming generation has had a gut full of the conservatives offering only “thoughts and prayers” as their best efforts to end the mass killings of children and adults in our schools and other public gathering places.

The GOP should reconsider serving only the needs of the super rich, and pandering to an aging and dying voting base to get the votes they need for reelection. As a majority, the ignorant, middle aged and elderly, white male bigots and their repressed and obedient wives is rapidly going away.

Even the idiot Trump is openly advocating some form of gun control. This is simply a matter of survival for the young generation and Big Business. After watching this happen so quickly, the old, white, Republican establishment should read the writing on the wall and rethink what they need for political survival.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). Their mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.’s-only-one-major-retailer-is-still-selling-semi-automatic-rifles/ar-BBJHwJC?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp


Your post is hilarious on so many fronts.....the counter-culture revolution was funded by the CIA and they used Cointel-pro infiltrators ( along with the FBI operatives) to manage them as the controlled opposition. Those that opposed the Vietnam War that were not "hippies" were not so loud lest they be lumped into the same category as those drug using, long haired, "free loving" draft card burning radical commie sympathizers. The CIA used Timothy Leary and his ""Turn on, tune in, drop out" to push LSD on the counter-culture-ites. Lab grade LSD was passed out at Woodstock so the CIA could monitor it's effect..they used CIA asset "Wavy Gravy and his merry pranksters" to pass it out and tell them how much to take. Lots of people at Woodstock went on very bad "trips" but documentaries that talk about Woodstock will never mention that.

The war didn't end until the military industrial complex made their billions and had complete control the Golden Triangle opium trade. The pull out of all troops didn't happen until 1975....five years after the Kent State shooting.The elites put the most despotic rulers in power in Asia that would play "ball" with them. Pol Pot killed a million people under his communist regime and nary a whimper from the western world and this was in the 70's. The world that you think you live in and what actually "is" are 180 degrees out of whack. You believe that the sheeple should turn over their last line of defense and simply wait to be shorn....not gonna happen. The fact that so many do have weapons is what has kept the wolf at the door and you don't even know it.
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as an old geezer all i say is feck them

They will be glad to see you croak. As they said the other day, they will outlive you and what you think won’t matter a lick.

The same millennials that are biting into Tide Pods that can't change a tire and are so mechanically challenged that Home Depot and Lowes are having to create tutorial videos to show them how to use common hand tools and fifty percent of which believes in socialism? The same group of arrested development types that have no clue about the monetary system and those that run it? Nah, they are going to miss us and there will be a "HOLY SHIT" moment when they realize that they were duped. You? Well, you haven't changed since you came out of the knew nothing then and you know nothing now.

Hope this helps!

Gun control has become the most important political issue in this country. And in the wake of the mass murder at the Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, public support to control the purchase of semi-automatic assault type rifles has reached an all time high. Only the Republican Party and conservatives remain steadfast in the belief these weapons should be freely available to all.

To the young people of the United States, those under the age of twenty-one have never known a day when their nation has NOT been at war. And over the past decade, these young people watched as conservatives spewed disrespect, bigotry, and racial hatred towards the first African-American President, Muslims, black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, and anyone else whose heritage they deemed questionable.

The seventeen students and teachers killed at Stoneman Douglas High School and the reaction by the students in the aftermath, started a nationwide movement by this young generation, to fight “ business as usual” by the Republicans controlling our government. Across the country U.S. students see ending the sales of semi-automatic assault type rifles as a matter of survival.

Strangely, this movement has rattled the corporate world, which is uncommon. Businesses have removed their financial support from the NRA. Wealthy donors are holding back political donations from Republicans who refuse to pass gun control legislation, and with the recent announcement by Dick’s Sporting Goods, the only remaining major retail outlet selling these weapons for mass murder is Bass Pro Shop and its subsidiary Cabela’s.

In addition to ending sales, and regardless of any government action, many gun sellers have raised the age limit to buy any type of gun to twenty-one.

To the leaders in the large companies, their move to control who can buy guns and who cannot is also a matter of survival. These businessmen (and business women) understand the time has come to begin common sense gun control, because the younger generation has come of age. Many will be voting in the 2018 mid-term elections, and many, many more will be of voting age in 2020. (And they are angry, giving them strong motivation to vote.)

At the same time, the old geezers who consistently elect Republicans are rapidly dying off. Especially as the GOP takes health insurance from several million low and middle income conservatives, accelerating the demise of this voting block.

In the 1960s and early 70s, the protests by hundreds-of-thousands of kids in their late teens and early to mid twenties forced the government to end the Vietnam War. Now, this up and coming generation has had a gut full of the conservatives offering only “thoughts and prayers” as their best efforts to end the mass killings of children and adults in our schools and other public gathering places.

The GOP should reconsider serving only the needs of the super rich, and pandering to an aging and dying voting base to get the votes they need for reelection. As a majority, the ignorant, middle aged and elderly, white male bigots and their repressed and obedient wives is rapidly going away.

Even the idiot Trump is openly advocating some form of gun control. This is simply a matter of survival for the young generation and Big Business. After watching this happen so quickly, the old, white, Republican establishment should read the writing on the wall and rethink what they need for political survival.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). Their mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.’s-only-one-major-retailer-is-still-selling-semi-automatic-rifles/ar-BBJHwJC?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp

There are many "young" republicans and they also support private ownership of firearms.
As for myself, I am ex-military own several firearms and among them are semi-automatic rifles. We "millions" of firearms owners are no danger to you, your family or, your neighbors, if the government changes its laws and declares that it is coming for the guns, there will be a fight and bloodshed will flow across the nation, gun owners blood and tyrannical government representatives blood alike.

Gun control has become the most important political issue in this country. And in the wake of the mass murder at the Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, public support to control the purchase of semi-automatic assault type rifles has reached an all time high. Only the Republican Party and conservatives remain steadfast in the belief these weapons should be freely available to all.

To the young people of the United States, those under the age of twenty-one have never known a day when their nation has NOT been at war. And over the past decade, these young people watched as conservatives spewed disrespect, bigotry, and racial hatred towards the first African-American President, Muslims, black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, and anyone else whose heritage they deemed questionable.

The seventeen students and teachers killed at Stoneman Douglas High School and the reaction by the students in the aftermath, started a nationwide movement by this young generation, to fight “ business as usual” by the Republicans controlling our government. Across the country U.S. students see ending the sales of semi-automatic assault type rifles as a matter of survival.

Strangely, this movement has rattled the corporate world, which is uncommon. Businesses have removed their financial support from the NRA. Wealthy donors are holding back political donations from Republicans who refuse to pass gun control legislation, and with the recent announcement by Dick’s Sporting Goods, the only remaining major retail outlet selling these weapons for mass murder is Bass Pro Shop and its subsidiary Cabela’s.

In addition to ending sales, and regardless of any government action, many gun sellers have raised the age limit to buy any type of gun to twenty-one.

To the leaders in the large companies, their move to control who can buy guns and who cannot is also a matter of survival. These businessmen (and business women) understand the time has come to begin common sense gun control, because the younger generation has come of age. Many will be voting in the 2018 mid-term elections, and many, many more will be of voting age in 2020. (And they are angry, giving them strong motivation to vote.)

At the same time, the old geezers who consistently elect Republicans are rapidly dying off. Especially as the GOP takes health insurance from several million low and middle income conservatives, accelerating the demise of this voting block.

In the 1960s and early 70s, the protests by hundreds-of-thousands of kids in their late teens and early to mid twenties forced the government to end the Vietnam War. Now, this up and coming generation has had a gut full of the conservatives offering only “thoughts and prayers” as their best efforts to end the mass killings of children and adults in our schools and other public gathering places.

The GOP should reconsider serving only the needs of the super rich, and pandering to an aging and dying voting base to get the votes they need for reelection. As a majority, the ignorant, middle aged and elderly, white male bigots and their repressed and obedient wives is rapidly going away.

Even the idiot Trump is openly advocating some form of gun control. This is simply a matter of survival for the young generation and Big Business. After watching this happen so quickly, the old, white, Republican establishment should read the writing on the wall and rethink what they need for political survival.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). Their mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.’s-only-one-major-retailer-is-still-selling-semi-automatic-rifles/ar-BBJHwJC?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp


weird thing for the last year

you lefties have nothing but complain and call trump hitler or a fascist

now you are begging him to take your guns away


pretty ironic
if the government changes its laws and declares that it is coming for the guns, there will be a fight and bloodshed will flow across the nation, gun owners blood and tyrannical government representatives blood alike.
^ writes this immediately after saying he's no danger
I am no danger. As long as we who legally purchased and possess firearms are left to enjoy our sport, there is no danger from me. The government becomes tyrannical and strips us of our 2nd Amendment right and then the situation changes. And frankly, I'm not going after anyone, only will defend my home and property (which includes my firearms which I legally own).
There are over 80 million gun owners in the US and we own over 300 million firearms. Let's just say, for arguments sake that 10% of the 80 million firearms owners (8 million gun owners, myself included) say "hell no" to giving up our firearms and are willing to fight for their right to bear arms, you then have a loose fighting force of 8 million individuals who will fight to keep them. In Afghanistan, the US has been bogged down for 17 years, fighting thousands of illiterate farmers armed with AK-47's, Improvised Explosive Devices and RPG's and are still no closer to winning. Here, in this country, you have a good many ex-military like myself and even active military personnel who privately own firearms and have made it clear that they are keeping theirs and thus you have a split in the military....people choosing sides and thus a divided nation.
Focus strictly on the criminal element, they are your enemy. As I said, we aren't a threat to you, unless it is you personally who shows up at the doorstep to confiscate firearms, they you have a problem.

Gun control has become the most important political issue in this country. And in the wake of the mass murder at the Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, public support to control the purchase of semi-automatic assault type rifles has reached an all time high. Only the Republican Party and conservatives remain steadfast in the belief these weapons should be freely available to all.

To the young people of the United States, those under the age of twenty-one have never known a day when their nation has NOT been at war. And over the past decade, these young people watched as conservatives spewed disrespect, bigotry, and racial hatred towards the first African-American President, Muslims, black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, and anyone else whose heritage they deemed questionable.

The seventeen students and teachers killed at Stoneman Douglas High School and the reaction by the students in the aftermath, started a nationwide movement by this young generation, to fight “ business as usual” by the Republicans controlling our government. Across the country U.S. students see ending the sales of semi-automatic assault type rifles as a matter of survival.

Strangely, this movement has rattled the corporate world, which is uncommon. Businesses have removed their financial support from the NRA. Wealthy donors are holding back political donations from Republicans who refuse to pass gun control legislation, and with the recent announcement by Dick’s Sporting Goods, the only remaining major retail outlet selling these weapons for mass murder is Bass Pro Shop and its subsidiary Cabela’s.

In addition to ending sales, and regardless of any government action, many gun sellers have raised the age limit to buy any type of gun to twenty-one.

To the leaders in the large companies, their move to control who can buy guns and who cannot is also a matter of survival. These businessmen (and business women) understand the time has come to begin common sense gun control, because the younger generation has come of age. Many will be voting in the 2018 mid-term elections, and many, many more will be of voting age in 2020. (And they are angry, giving them strong motivation to vote.)

At the same time, the old geezers who consistently elect Republicans are rapidly dying off. Especially as the GOP takes health insurance from several million low and middle income conservatives, accelerating the demise of this voting block.

In the 1960s and early 70s, the protests by hundreds-of-thousands of kids in their late teens and early to mid twenties forced the government to end the Vietnam War. Now, this up and coming generation has had a gut full of the conservatives offering only “thoughts and prayers” as their best efforts to end the mass killings of children and adults in our schools and other public gathering places.

The GOP should reconsider serving only the needs of the super rich, and pandering to an aging and dying voting base to get the votes they need for reelection. As a majority, the ignorant, middle aged and elderly, white male bigots and their repressed and obedient wives is rapidly going away.

Even the idiot Trump is openly advocating some form of gun control. This is simply a matter of survival for the young generation and Big Business. After watching this happen so quickly, the old, white, Republican establishment should read the writing on the wall and rethink what they need for political survival.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). Their mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.’s-only-one-major-retailer-is-still-selling-semi-automatic-rifles/ar-BBJHwJC?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp


weird thing for the last year

you lefties have nothing but complain and call trump hitler or a fascist

now you are begging him to take your guns away


pretty ironic

That is the best post of the week, Jon! Nicely done!
Only the Republican Party and conservatives remain steadfast in the belief these weapons should be freely available to all.

And over the past decade, these young people watched as conservatives spewed disrespect, bigotry, and racial hatred towards the first African-American President, Muslims, black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, and anyone else whose heritage they deemed questionable.
False, but also irrelevant to the gun-grabbing debate.

Across the country U.S. students see ending the sales of semi-automatic assault type rifles as a matter of survival.
They don't even know what the fuck that means.

In the 1960s and early 70s, the protests by hundreds-of-thousands of kids in their late teens and early to mid twenties forced the government to end the Vietnam War. Now, this up and coming generation has had a gut full of the conservatives offering only “thoughts and prayers” as their best efforts to end the mass killings of children and adults in our schools and other public gathering places.
Comparing this bullshit to the Vietnam War?

After watching this happen so quickly, the old, white, Republican establishment should read the writing on the wall and rethink what they need for political survival.
They already know. We, the people will not put up with another bullshit assault weapons ban.

Their mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.
Well, then....fuck off.

We're going for machine guns!!! Nothing you can do about it.

They will be glad to see you croak. As they said the other day, they will outlive you and what you think won’t matter a lick.
I hope I am not around for the communist circle jerk, followed by great suffering, revolution, war, and a return to freedom. That will be a struggle I would like to miss.

But, bet your ass I will go to my grave shooting if you commies try anything while I am still alive.

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