It’s a Miracle


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
It’s a Miracle
How Dianne Feinstein saved the day for the Republican Party.... The election of Donald Trump to be president of the United States is viewed by many as a modern political miracle (or, if you’re Hillary Clinton or her fans, a curse). But if you want to find the true political wonder of recent years, the electoral equivalent of feeding thousands from two fish, I offer you the miracle-worker of 2018, Senator Dianne “the Galvanizer” Feinstein...Although Feinstein likely did not betray Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s request for anonymity herself, her feckless and reckless handling of Ford’s 36-year-old sexual assault accusation against D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh led to a spectacle so outrageous, so beneath the dignity even of an already ignominious Senate Democratic Caucus, that Republicans and non-leftist unaffiliated voters across the nation have come together to oppose the injustice meted out by Feinstein, Spartacus, Kamala Harris, and others against a good man and his family.... It’s a feat that was so obviously beyond anybody’s ability to accomplish — and beyond many people’s interest in accomplishing — that it seemed as unlikely as feeding five thousand hungry souls with two fish and five loaves of bread.... This issue has been so unifying, so galvanizing for the broader Republican coalition because it is the first major political issue of the Trump presidency that has very little to do with Trump himself. It’s hardly a secret: the president is a polarizing figure even within his own party. He is particularly polarizing among suburban independents and Republicans in the key House districts mentioned earlier... The chance comes from making the election in large part about the treatment of Brett Kavanaugh, about Democrats dragging his reputation and his family through mud with shards of broken glass in it, about making the country debate what “Devil’s Triangle” means and about whether a highly respected jurist once “threw ice.”

Trump won his election with a fraction of the money, an entire media (including much of FNC) and even a secret island meeting of evil oligarchs against him.
Yet, there are still some who don’t want to follow his leadership.
There may be a silver lining to this mess created by Sen. Feinstein's crooked handling of the accusation against Judge Kavanaugh and may convinced some of the never-Trumpers we have needed someone with Mr. Trump's gifts for decades.
The first US Presidential candidate to benefit from a burglary was John F. Kennedy(D). His operatives burgled Mr. Nixon's lawyer's office and gave the material to a newspaper columnist who hated Mr. Nixon. The resulting "October surprise" helped JFK "win" the election.
The first US President to weaponize the IRS was JFK and his brother Robert. When steel executives raised prices against his request, he had the IRS attack them.
The first US President to weaponize the FBI was Lyndon Baines Johnson(D). He had the FBI wiretap Sen. Goldwater's campaign HQ and airplane.
The first hotly contested nomination for the US Supreme Court was when Sen. "Chappaquiddick Ted" Kennedy(D) lied about Judge Bork.
For decades, Democrats have been called the "evil party" as these improprieties became more and more common. The Republicans were the "stupid party" for not fighting back. Many of Mr. Trump's supporters welcomed his ability to shove the Democrat's lies back in their faces - he even forced Hillary to stop accusing him of abusing women. The breakdown of our traditional norms of civility will not end well, and Democrats are the primary offenders.

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