It’s A Special Kind Of War


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
…but, war it is!

1.The aim of the attack is to defeat tradition, culture, Western Civilization, and the attitudes that have allowed society to reach the peaks it has at this time.
If they win the war, it will be an ever increasing spiral into the abyss.

2. Sometimes it is put, succinctly, this way: Liberalism is a mental illness. True, but the description doesn’t include the undertone of true evil therein. Some may merely see the insanity….but miss that it demands we all embrace the insanity, and abolish morality, tradition, and religion itself.

3. “Man walks into women’s showers, accuses concerned naked woman of harassment for questioning his gender.
"Women’s feelings and safety are not deemed important, and our spaces shrink. To raise one’s voice can result in a lawsuit."

4. …the woman was showering in the female only facility when a completely naked man entered. The woman questioned the man thinking he unintentionally walked into the wrong change room. The man claimed he had a right to use the women’s facilities because he legally identified as a woman.

5. The woman later contacted management who reportedly told her individuals with male genitalia do not have access to female only facilities. The man, however, continued to use the women’s change rooms.

6. “What the f-ck is your problem?” the man allegedly responded. “This is none of your f-cking business!”

The man then attempted to sue the woman for insinuating that his male genitalia made him less of a woman.”
Man walks into women's showers, accuses concerned naked woman of harassment for questioning his gender. · Caldron Pool

7. "This is the great contribution of our Judeo-Christian foundation to Western civilization. The principles of justice are laid down in the Torah and the Gospels, and implemented through human actions memorialized in judicial codes.

The written laws and rules are codifications of the unwritten ones worked out over millennia as the result of human interactions and experience."
David Mamet

8. Transgender movement: forcing everyone to participate in some people's delusions.
…but, war it is!

1.The aim of the attack is to defeat tradition, culture, Western Civilization, and the attitudes that have allowed society to reach the peaks it has at this time.
If they win the war, it will be an ever increasing spiral into the abyss.

2. Sometimes it is put, succinctly, this way: Liberalism is a mental illness. True, but the description doesn’t include the undertone of true evil therein. Some may merely see the insanity….but miss that it demands we all embrace the insanity, and abolish morality, tradition, and religion itself.

3. “Man walks into women’s showers, accuses concerned naked woman of harassment for questioning his gender.
"Women’s feelings and safety are not deemed important, and our spaces shrink. To raise one’s voice can result in a lawsuit."

4. …the woman was showering in the female only facility when a completely naked man entered. The woman questioned the man thinking he unintentionally walked into the wrong change room. The man claimed he had a right to use the women’s facilities because he legally identified as a woman.

5. The woman later contacted management who reportedly told her individuals with male genitalia do not have access to female only facilities. The man, however, continued to use the women’s change rooms.

6. “What the f-ck is your problem?” the man allegedly responded. “This is none of your f-cking business!”

The man then attempted to sue the woman for insinuating that his male genitalia made him less of a woman.”
Man walks into women's showers, accuses concerned naked woman of harassment for questioning his gender. · Caldron Pool

7. "This is the great contribution of our Judeo-Christian foundation to Western civilization. The principles of justice are laid down in the Torah and the Gospels, and implemented through human actions memorialized in judicial codes.

The written laws and rules are codifications of the unwritten ones worked out over millennia as the result of human interactions and experience."
David Mamet

8. Transgender movement: forcing everyone to participate in some people's delusions.

What kind of Flame Zone quality taunting "Liberalism is a mental illness" ideology worshipping, focused on the immediate personette are you?

…but, war it is!

1.The aim of the attack is to defeat tradition, culture, Western Civilization, and the attitudes that have allowed society to reach the peaks it has at this time.
If they win the war, it will be an ever increasing spiral into the abyss.

2. Sometimes it is put, succinctly, this way: Liberalism is a mental illness. True, but the description doesn’t include the undertone of true evil therein. Some may merely see the insanity….but miss that it demands we all embrace the insanity, and abolish morality, tradition, and religion itself.

3. “Man walks into women’s showers, accuses concerned naked woman of harassment for questioning his gender.
"Women’s feelings and safety are not deemed important, and our spaces shrink. To raise one’s voice can result in a lawsuit."

4. …the woman was showering in the female only facility when a completely naked man entered. The woman questioned the man thinking he unintentionally walked into the wrong change room. The man claimed he had a right to use the women’s facilities because he legally identified as a woman.

5. The woman later contacted management who reportedly told her individuals with male genitalia do not have access to female only facilities. The man, however, continued to use the women’s change rooms.

6. “What the f-ck is your problem?” the man allegedly responded. “This is none of your f-cking business!”

The man then attempted to sue the woman for insinuating that his male genitalia made him less of a woman.”
Man walks into women's showers, accuses concerned naked woman of harassment for questioning his gender. · Caldron Pool

7. "This is the great contribution of our Judeo-Christian foundation to Western civilization. The principles of justice are laid down in the Torah and the Gospels, and implemented through human actions memorialized in judicial codes.

The written laws and rules are codifications of the unwritten ones worked out over millennia as the result of human interactions and experience."
David Mamet

8. Transgender movement: forcing everyone to participate in some people's delusions.

What kind of Flame Zone quality taunting "Liberalism is a mental illness" ideology worshipping, focused on the immediate personette are you?


Was there anything in the OP, including the conclusion, that you can dispute?

Is truth offensive to you?

9. "This is Birgitte from Stavanger, whom I spoke with recently in Norway. She was showering in the changing room of her local gym when she saw a naked man with his penis out.

She asked him politely whether he had gotten lost, whereupon he replied that he was a woman and had registered as such, and thereby had the right to be there. Birgitte asked the staff who said no men should be in the women's locker room. Still the man kept on showing up there, and when Birgitte contacted he staff again, he sued her for harrassment and discrimination.

Under Norway's new gender identity law from 2016, anyone can change their gender without having to undergo surgery, and then has the right to use facilities designated for that sex. Birgitte now faced a trial for harrassment just for not wanting a man in her locker room - not only that, the media depicted her as an evil, non- tolerant "phobic" woman.

Nobody seemed to understand that it is not the WORD "man" she objected to, it is the presence of ACTUAL male organs in a female space where we take our clothes off.

This is one of the consequences of gender identity legislation based on self-identification. Women's feelings and safety are not deemed important, and our spaces shrink. To raise one's voice can result in a lawsuit. It is becoming clear these laws are passed without any feminist perspective whatsoever."
Kajsa Ekis Ekman

Transgender movement: forcing everyone to participate in some people's delusions.
10. Sometimes it is put, succinctly, this way: Liberalism is a mental illness. True, but the description doesn’t include the undertone of true evil therein. Some may merely see the insanity….but miss that it demands we all embrace the insanity, and abolish morality, tradition, and religion itself.

“Coach accused of drilling holes in locker rooms to record ‘numerous underage’ girls

… up-and-coming high school rowing team coach who already had a record of success.

The women’s varsity crew that Timothy Warren Vallier coached in Rockford, Mich., recently placed No. 8 in the country, according to ABC affiliate WZZM.

But while he was developing a reputation as a talented coach, investigators say the 30-year-old educator was hiding a nefarious secret.

For the past four years, police maintain, Vallier used hidden cameras to covertly record about 100 videos of his female athletes through a peephole he’d drilled in the teenagers’ changing room.” Coach accused of drilling holes in locker rooms to record ‘numerous underage’ girls

But….when insane Liberals are in charge of the board of education:

School Punishes Male Teacher For Refusing To Watch A Naked Girl In The Boys’ Locker Room

A Florida school district allowed a self-described transgender female student access to the boys' locker room, with no warning to parents. The first time she walked in, she caught 'boys (literally) with their pants down.'

…ordered a male P.E. teacher to supervise the potentially undressed girl in the Chasco Middle School locker room, the letter says. When he refused to “knowingly place himself in a position to observe a minor female in the nude or otherwise in a state of undress,” administrators told him “he will be transferred to another school as discipline for ‘not doing your job in the locker room.'

… administrator initially threatened to put the male coach on administrative leave, telling him that refusing to supervise a potentially naked female student would “not be tolerated,…””

This is what one empowers when they vote Democrat.
…but, war it is!

1.The aim of the attack is to defeat tradition, culture, Western Civilization, and the attitudes that have allowed society to reach the peaks it has at this time.
If they win the war, it will be an ever increasing spiral into the abyss.

2. Sometimes it is put, succinctly, this way: Liberalism is a mental illness. True, but the description doesn’t include the undertone of true evil therein. Some may merely see the insanity….but miss that it demands we all embrace the insanity, and abolish morality, tradition, and religion itself.

3. “Man walks into women’s showers, accuses concerned naked woman of harassment for questioning his gender.
"Women’s feelings and safety are not deemed important, and our spaces shrink. To raise one’s voice can result in a lawsuit."

4. …the woman was showering in the female only facility when a completely naked man entered. The woman questioned the man thinking he unintentionally walked into the wrong change room. The man claimed he had a right to use the women’s facilities because he legally identified as a woman.

5. The woman later contacted management who reportedly told her individuals with male genitalia do not have access to female only facilities. The man, however, continued to use the women’s change rooms.

6. “What the f-ck is your problem?” the man allegedly responded. “This is none of your f-cking business!”

The man then attempted to sue the woman for insinuating that his male genitalia made him less of a woman.”
Man walks into women's showers, accuses concerned naked woman of harassment for questioning his gender. · Caldron Pool

7. "This is the great contribution of our Judeo-Christian foundation to Western civilization. The principles of justice are laid down in the Torah and the Gospels, and implemented through human actions memorialized in judicial codes.

The written laws and rules are codifications of the unwritten ones worked out over millennia as the result of human interactions and experience."
David Mamet

8. Transgender movement: forcing everyone to participate in some people's delusions.

What kind of Flame Zone quality taunting "Liberalism is a mental illness" ideology worshipping, focused on the immediate personette are you?


Was there anything in the OP, including the conclusion, that you can dispute?

Is truth offensive to you?

Um, I told you my dispute with your name calling.

Time to work on reading comprehension. It was a pretty short reply.
…but, war it is!

1.The aim of the attack is to defeat tradition, culture, Western Civilization, and the attitudes that have allowed society to reach the peaks it has at this time.
If they win the war, it will be an ever increasing spiral into the abyss.

2. Sometimes it is put, succinctly, this way: Liberalism is a mental illness. True, but the description doesn’t include the undertone of true evil therein. Some may merely see the insanity….but miss that it demands we all embrace the insanity, and abolish morality, tradition, and religion itself.

3. “Man walks into women’s showers, accuses concerned naked woman of harassment for questioning his gender.
"Women’s feelings and safety are not deemed important, and our spaces shrink. To raise one’s voice can result in a lawsuit."

4. …the woman was showering in the female only facility when a completely naked man entered. The woman questioned the man thinking he unintentionally walked into the wrong change room. The man claimed he had a right to use the women’s facilities because he legally identified as a woman.

5. The woman later contacted management who reportedly told her individuals with male genitalia do not have access to female only facilities. The man, however, continued to use the women’s change rooms.

6. “What the f-ck is your problem?” the man allegedly responded. “This is none of your f-cking business!”

The man then attempted to sue the woman for insinuating that his male genitalia made him less of a woman.”
Man walks into women's showers, accuses concerned naked woman of harassment for questioning his gender. · Caldron Pool

7. "This is the great contribution of our Judeo-Christian foundation to Western civilization. The principles of justice are laid down in the Torah and the Gospels, and implemented through human actions memorialized in judicial codes.

The written laws and rules are codifications of the unwritten ones worked out over millennia as the result of human interactions and experience."
David Mamet

8. Transgender movement: forcing everyone to participate in some people's delusions.

What kind of Flame Zone quality taunting "Liberalism is a mental illness" ideology worshipping, focused on the immediate personette are you?


Was there anything in the OP, including the conclusion, that you can dispute?

Is truth offensive to you?

Um, I told you my dispute with your name calling.

Time to work on reading comprehension. It was a pretty short reply.

Was there anything in the OP, including the conclusion, that you can dispute?

Is truth offensive to you?
11. As many have said, Liberalism is a mental illness.

But…if any wish to claim it is largely hypocrisy as well….well, who can argue.

For example….

“Hollywood Reacts to Christine Blasey Ford’s Testimony at Brett Kavanaugh Hearing

After hearing her testimony, many celebrities, including Kathy Griffin, Emmy Rossum, and Chelsea Handler, took to social media to share their thoughts. Rossum tweeted, “As a survivor of sexual assault, it’s empowering to watch Dr. Ford stand there strong & vulnerable & speak her truth to the entire world. No matter how this goes, we are disrupting a toxic system and this is just the beginning for women, minorities and ️‍. Together.”

Susan Sarandon


I believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. I believe Deborah Ramirez. I believe Julie Swetnick. There is no path forward for Judge Brett Kavanaugh. #BelieveSurvivors #TIMESUP …

Hollywood Reacts to Christine Blasey Ford’s Testimony at Brett Kavanaugh Hearing

But…..when we have an actual rapist of a child……they cheered:

12. Liberals, it seems, not longer accept the connection between these terms:

The insanity/stupidity reaches previously unknown levels:

"EMU group ends 'The Vagina Monologues,' citing exclusion of some women

YPSILANTI, MI - Eastern Michigan University's Women's Resource Center will no longer host productions of "The Vagina Monologues," noting that the play's version of feminism excludes some women.

The WRC announced its decision in an email, which came after the center evaluated responses from a survey. Survey respondents opposing the production consistently indicated they were concerned that the play centers on cisgender women, that the play's version of feminism excludes some women, including trans women, and that overall, "The Vagina Monologue" lacks diversity and inclusion.

... a WRC workshop titled "Not all women have vaginas," during the 2017-18 academic year.

EMU is not the first university to reconsider its position in hosting "The Vagina Monologues."

American University's Women's Initiative chose to change the event to the "Breaking Ground Monologues" in an effort to "broaden the focus from specifically female genitalia to multiple identities and bodies."

In 2015, a student group at Mount Holyoke College decided to cancel its annual performance of production, saying the play excludes the experiences of transgender women who don't have a vagina."
EMU group ends 'The Vagina Monologues,' citing exclusion of some women

Liberals in charge of anything gives a poignant meaning to the phrase "the inmates running the asylum."
Its simple, liberal freaks are trying to force normal people into accepting their disgusting filthy behavior.
PoliticalChic volunteering to serve on the front line of this "war"? She going to be checking for peckers outside women's restrooms or packers outside mens? It seems like a better way to spend her time than cutting and pasting ridiculousness from the interwebs...
PoliticalChic volunteering to serve on the front line of this "war"? She going to be checking for peckers outside women's restrooms or packers outside mens? It seems like a better way to spend her time than cutting and pasting ridiculousness from the interwebs...

How about we get you on record here.....which participant in the lawsuit do you support?

3. “Man walks into women’s showers, accuses concerned naked woman of harassment for questioning his gender.
"Women’s feelings and safety are not deemed important, and our spaces shrink. To raise one’s voice can result in a lawsuit."

4. …the woman was showering in the female only facility when a completely naked man entered. The woman questioned the man thinking he unintentionally walked into the wrong change room. The man claimed he had a right to use the women’s facilities because he legally identified as a woman.

5. The woman later contacted management who reportedly told her individuals with male genitalia do not have access to female only facilities. The man, however, continued to use the women’s change rooms.

6. “What the f-ck is your problem?” the man allegedly responded. “This is none of your f-cking business!”

The man then attempted to sue the woman for insinuating that his male genitalia made him less of a woman.”
Man walks into women's showers, accuses concerned naked woman of harassment for questioning his gender. · Caldron Pool

Speak up, dunce!
Last edited:
PoliticalChic volunteering to serve on the front line of this "war"? She going to be checking for peckers outside women's restrooms or packers outside mens? It seems like a better way to spend her time than cutting and pasting ridiculousness from the interwebs...

The silence is deafening!!!

I win again, huh?

PoliticalChic volunteering to serve on the front line of this "war"? She going to be checking for peckers outside women's restrooms or packers outside mens? It seems like a better way to spend her time than cutting and pasting ridiculousness from the interwebs...

How about we get you on record here.....which participant in the lawsuit do you support?

3. “Man walks into women’s showers, accuses concerned naked woman of harassment for questioning his gender.
"Women’s feelings and safety are not deemed important, and our spaces shrink. To raise one’s voice can result in a lawsuit."

4. …the woman was showering in the female only facility when a completely naked man entered. The woman questioned the man thinking he unintentionally walked into the wrong change room. The man claimed he had a right to use the women’s facilities because he legally identified as a woman.

5. The woman later contacted management who reportedly told her individuals with male genitalia do not have access to female only facilities. The man, however, continued to use the women’s change rooms.

6. “What the f-ck is your problem?” the man allegedly responded. “This is none of your f-cking business!”

The man then attempted to sue the woman for insinuating that his male genitalia made him less of a woman.”
Man walks into women's showers, accuses concerned naked woman of harassment for questioning his gender. · Caldron Pool

Speak up, dunce!

Which one you signing up for in your silly "war"? Pecker or packer?
PoliticalChic volunteering to serve on the front line of this "war"? She going to be checking for peckers outside women's restrooms or packers outside mens? It seems like a better way to spend her time than cutting and pasting ridiculousness from the interwebs...

How about we get you on record here.....which participant in the lawsuit do you support?

3. “Man walks into women’s showers, accuses concerned naked woman of harassment for questioning his gender.
"Women’s feelings and safety are not deemed important, and our spaces shrink. To raise one’s voice can result in a lawsuit."

4. …the woman was showering in the female only facility when a completely naked man entered. The woman questioned the man thinking he unintentionally walked into the wrong change room. The man claimed he had a right to use the women’s facilities because he legally identified as a woman.

5. The woman later contacted management who reportedly told her individuals with male genitalia do not have access to female only facilities. The man, however, continued to use the women’s change rooms.

6. “What the f-ck is your problem?” the man allegedly responded. “This is none of your f-cking business!”

The man then attempted to sue the woman for insinuating that his male genitalia made him less of a woman.”
Man walks into women's showers, accuses concerned naked woman of harassment for questioning his gender. · Caldron Pool

Speak up, dunce!

Which one you signing up for in your silly "war"? Pecker or packer?

I believe I just exposed you.
Much ado about nothing as usual. If a trans man does something kinda stupid, or feels she should be allowed in the woman's shows before transitioning, assuming that is what happened here, so what. People do dumb things all the time. But in the right wing mind, oh horror, society is collapsing. LOL Reminds me of people who are always whining the sky is falling. Readings below for the not easily excited. The sky is always falling for the cranky human.

'In this article, Lorna Finlayson, Katharine Jenkins, and Rosie Worsdale make the feminist case for trans inclusivity.'


A powerful poem about what it feels like to be transgender

"Trans activism is excusing & advocating violence against women, and it’s time to speak up"

Trans activism is excusing & advocating violence against women, and it’s time to speak up

'Transgender: a dialogue'

Transgender identities: a conversation between two philosophers | Aeon Essays
Much ado about nothing as usual. If a trans man does something kinda stupid, or feels she should be allowed in the woman's shows before transitioning, assuming that is what happened here, so what. People do dumb things all the time. But in the right wing mind, oh horror, society is collapsing. LOL Reminds me of people who are always whining the sky is falling. Readings below for the not easily excited. The sky is always falling for the cranky human.

'In this article, Lorna Finlayson, Katharine Jenkins, and Rosie Worsdale make the feminist case for trans inclusivity.'


A powerful poem about what it feels like to be transgender

"Trans activism is excusing & advocating violence against women, and it’s time to speak up"

Trans activism is excusing & advocating violence against women, and it’s time to speak up

'Transgender: a dialogue'

Transgender identities: a conversation between two philosophers | Aeon Essays

How about we get you on record here.....which participant in the lawsuit do you support?

3. “Man walks into women’s showers, accuses concerned naked woman of harassment for questioning his gender.
"Women’s feelings and safety are not deemed important, and our spaces shrink. To raise one’s voice can result in a lawsuit."

4. …the woman was showering in the female only facility when a completely naked man entered. The woman questioned the man thinking he unintentionally walked into the wrong change room. The man claimed he had a right to use the women’s facilities because he legally identified as a woman.

5. The woman later contacted management who reportedly told her individuals with male genitalia do not have access to female only facilities. The man, however, continued to use the women’s change rooms.

6. “What the f-ck is your problem?” the man allegedly responded. “This is none of your f-cking business!”

The man then attempted to sue the woman for insinuating that his male genitalia made him less of a woman.”
Man walks into women's showers, accuses concerned naked woman of harassment for questioning his gender. · Caldron Pool

How about this.....women with penises???

12. Liberals, it seems, not longer accept the connection between these terms:

The insanity/stupidity reaches previously unknown levels:

"EMU group ends 'The Vagina Monologues,' citing exclusion of some women

YPSILANTI, MI - Eastern Michigan University's Women's Resource Center will no longer host productions of "The Vagina Monologues," noting that the play's version of feminism excludes some women.

The WRC announced its decision in an email, which came after the center evaluated responses from a survey. Survey respondents opposing the production consistently indicated they were concerned that the play centers on cisgender women, that the play's version of feminism excludes some women, including trans women, and that overall, "The Vagina Monologue" lacks diversity and inclusion.

... a WRC workshop titled "Not all women have vaginas," during the 2017-18 academic year.

Ready to admit the ideology you support is based on insanity????
"God Apologizes For Gendered Language In Bible


HEAVEN—Remorseful for using terms that fly in the face of contemporary progressive sensibilities, God Almighty issued an apology Tuesday for the gendered language found throughout His Word, the Holy Bible.

“The fact that gendered language has been non-offensive for millennia is no excuse, since through my omniscience I knew that by the time the 21st Century rolled around it would no longer be considered acceptable,” the statement, miraculously delivered through a heavenly messenger, read in part.

“Please accept my deepest and most sincere apologies for using such offensive terminology when describing humankind and myself throughout the pages of Scripture, and feel free to edit the eternal Word of God so that it aligns more closely with your current, advanced understanding of the nature of things,” he continued, adding that it was never His intention to advance the agenda of the patriarchy.

“My choices were unfortunate and regrettable, and I have no intention of trying to mansplain them away. I will do better.”

Bible publishers worldwide reportedly began work Tuesday on new translations of the Holy Scriptures, removing any pronouns or phrases which specify a gender either directly or by implication."
God Apologizes For Gendered Language In Bible
10. Sometimes it is put, succinctly, this way: Liberalism is a mental illness. True, but the description doesn’t include the undertone of true evil therein. Some may merely see the insanity….but miss that it demands we all embrace the insanity, and abolish morality, tradition, and religion itself.

“Coach accused of drilling holes in locker rooms to record ‘numerous underage’ girls

… up-and-coming high school rowing team coach who already had a record of success.

The women’s varsity crew that Timothy Warren Vallier coached in Rockford, Mich., recently placed No. 8 in the country, according to ABC affiliate WZZM.

But while he was developing a reputation as a talented coach, investigators say the 30-year-old educator was hiding a nefarious secret.

For the past four years, police maintain, Vallier used hidden cameras to covertly record about 100 videos of his female athletes through a peephole he’d drilled in the teenagers’ changing room.” Coach accused of drilling holes in locker rooms to record ‘numerous underage’ girls

But….when insane Liberals are in charge of the board of education:

School Punishes Male Teacher For Refusing To Watch A Naked Girl In The Boys’ Locker Room

A Florida school district allowed a self-described transgender female student access to the boys' locker room, with no warning to parents. The first time she walked in, she caught 'boys (literally) with their pants down.'

…ordered a male P.E. teacher to supervise the potentially undressed girl in the Chasco Middle School locker room, the letter says. When he refused to “knowingly place himself in a position to observe a minor female in the nude or otherwise in a state of undress,” administrators told him “he will be transferred to another school as discipline for ‘not doing your job in the locker room.'

… administrator initially threatened to put the male coach on administrative leave, telling him that refusing to supervise a potentially naked female student would “not be tolerated,…”” School Punishes Male Teacher For Refusing To Watch A Naked Girl

This is what one empowers when they vote Democrat.
^ Voted for a prostitute fucking, pussy grabbing rape apologist, and loves it

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