It’s All Catching Up To Bibi Netanyahu


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Benjamin Netanyahu’s government is showing all the signs of heading for an early election, probably next spring. The leaders of coalition parties are already openly campaigning, Netanyahu’s Likud party is beginning to crack, senior military and civil-service figures are clashing openly with the prime minister, and Netanyahu remains broadly unpopular, despite overall public support for the war.

Benjamin Netanyahu’s government is showing all the signs of heading for an early election, probably next spring. The leaders of coalition parties are already openly campaigning, Netanyahu’s Likud party is beginning to crack, senior military and civil-service figures are clashing openly with the prime minister, and Netanyahu remains broadly unpopular, despite overall public support for the war.

It all caught up to him a while ago. The terrorist assault gave him a temporary reprieve. I believe that like Rudy after 9/11, Nettie will make a nice living off of other people's tragedy -- he'll cash in. Watch.
Now that Ultra-Orthodox have to serve in the military, it is going to create some pressure in his government,.
It is far from a done deal. The Court has no powers of enforcement and in its ruling did not specify exactly what actions to take. The ruling will lead to more negotiations and perhaps the removal of some exemptions and then further suits demanding more.
I post on a site where lots of foreigners comment on American government. None of them know shit. They have no idea what the Constitution says, separation of powers, Federal vs State powers, the Electoral College, none of it.

So I have learned that when tempted to comment on foreign political affairs, don't. You don't know shit about it. Don't delude yourself.

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