It's All Trump's Fault

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
Is anyone surprised? The truth is, this wouldnt be happening if Biden wasnt forced into the country. Deep down the Democrats know this. But this will be the spin:

Eighteen months later, President Joe Biden is pointing to the agreement signed in Doha, Qatar, as he tries to deflect blame for the Taliban overrunning Afghanistan in a blitz. He says it bound him to withdraw U.S. troops, setting the stage for the chaos engulfing the country.

What is not that shocking but shocking is the 100% total lack of any media discussion of W.

Why were we in afghan?


What were we doing there?

We know what W was NOT DOING....

"Osama" "not a priority"

Flip off TNA and let Taliban win afghan civil war

Shut up any American troop by any means necessary noticing that after W bowed to Israel and flipped off TNA because they were allies with Iran, our military was

Just sitting there

And had


Hey, pat, we found 'em, come on.....

Is anyone surprised? The truth is, this wouldnt be happening if Biden wasnt forced into the country. Deep down the Democrats know this. But this will be the spin:

Eighteen months later, President Joe Biden is pointing to the agreement signed in Doha, Qatar, as he tries to deflect blame for the Taliban overrunning Afghanistan in a blitz. He says it bound him to withdraw U.S. troops, setting the stage for the chaos engulfing the country.

Lol, the current situation in Afghanistan is Trump's fault. If I were trump I would own it. He stopped a 2.5 trillion dollar boondoggle. Best fucking thing he ever did for our country. Sorry for the afghans left to deal with the Taliban but it is their fucking country. We held their hands for almost twenty fucking years. Not our fault they can't take care of them selves . Trump was finally the adult in the room that had the courage to cut ties and Biden was the adult in the room to not stop it. Hard decisions create pain adults realize this the child like electorate that's wants a perfect word that will never exist can go suck their thumbs some where.
Is anyone surprised? The truth is, this wouldnt be happening if Biden wasnt forced into the country. Deep down the Democrats know this. But this will be the spin:

Eighteen months later, President Joe Biden is pointing to the agreement signed in Doha, Qatar, as he tries to deflect blame for the Taliban overrunning Afghanistan in a blitz. He says it bound him to withdraw U.S. troops, setting the stage for the chaos engulfing the country.

All tRump's fault? No.

Does he share some blame? Fuck yeah.
All tRump's fault? No.

Does he share some blame? Fuck yeah.

Is that the official CCP position?

Biden voted for troops in Afghanistan and he sat back and did nothing as Barry Hussein's lap dog for eight years. Trump didn't want troops in Afghanistan and he said so but democrats boxed him in for four years with faked "dossiers" and faked allegations of "collusion". Don't Biden supporters think it's strange that he addressed America about Covid booster-booster shots while people were dying and it's chaos in Afghanistan? Somethin ain't right with the guy.
Is anyone surprised? The truth is, this wouldnt be happening if Biden wasnt forced into the country. Deep down the Democrats know this. But this will be the spin:

Eighteen months later, President Joe Biden is pointing to the agreement signed in Doha, Qatar, as he tries to deflect blame for the Taliban overrunning Afghanistan in a blitz. He says it bound him to withdraw U.S. troops, setting the stage for the chaos engulfing the country.


Joe Biddum was handcuffed by a year old deal with a shithole country with a bunch of 15th century guys wearing towels on their heads.

Funny, nothing stopped him from aborting, changing, delaying or cancelling the 150 or so other odd deals of Trump's that Joe walked all over!
President Joe Biden is pointing to the agreement signed in Doha, Qatar, as he tries to deflect blame for the Taliban overrunning Afghanistan in a blitz. He says it bound him to withdraw U.S. troops, setting the stage for the chaos engulfing the country.
If you actually read Surrender Monkey Tramp's complete surrender agreement you would know Biden is right.
What did Surrender Monkey Tramp agree to:
  1. Release of Taliban terrorist prisoners,
  2. Lifting of all sanctions,
  3. Complete withdrawal from Afghanistan,
  4. To never again threaten to use force, use force, or interfere in any way in Afghanistan
  5. To seek positive relations with the Taliban
  6. To establish economic reconciliation with the new post occupation Islamic government of Afghanistan
Lol, the current situation in Afghanistan is Trump's fault. If I were trump I would own it.

Seriously, go get stuffed. Do you Lefties EVER own up to anything?

If Joe Biddum took over an NFL football team as the new head coach and had a losing season, he'd blame the old head coach saying it was still his team and plays.

Joe Bidden took this evacuation and first closed the organization that used to be in charge of getting people in other countries stranded out of there, then he had the military evacuate the Bagram Air Base while 10,000 Americans were still in the country + countless others.

Now the whole thing has imploded because the Afghan army that he trained for 20 years wasn't worth spit needing to send 6000 back in because there is no one left there to help these people leave.
If you actually read Surrender Monkey Tramp's complete surrender agreement

JOE BIDDEN disastrously evacuates Afghanistan trying to take all the credit: A BRAVE and HISTORIC effort by a fearless leader taking responsibility!

DONALD TRUMP signs deal to end longest war in US history finally bringing our boys home: Trump's a surrender monkey with a surrender deal because the guy who stole his office totally bungled the deal!

JOE BIDDEN disastrously evacuates Afghanistan trying to take all the credit: A BRAVE and HISTORIC effort by a fearless leader taking responsibility!

DONALD TRUMP signs deal to end longest war in US history finally bringing our boys home: Trump's a surrender monkey with a surrender deal because the guy who stole his office totally bungled the deal!

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How exactly is this not a total surrender???
What Surrender Monkey Tramp agreed to:
  1. Release of Taliban terrorist prisoners,
  2. Lifting of all sanctions,
  3. Complete withdrawal from Afghanistan,
  4. To never again threaten to use force, use force, or interfere in any way in Afghanistan
  5. To seek positive relations with the Taliban
  6. To establish economic reconciliation with the new post occupation Islamic government of Afghanistan
You would know better than I, Nazi bastard.

Says the dumbfuck who doesn't know what the Reichstag Fire was....


You truly are dumb as a stump, Chang.

I have no idea why Xi gives you your daily bowl of rice. He should sell you to Apple.
If you actually read Surrender Monkey Tramp's complete surrender agreement you would know Biden is right.
What did Surrender Monkey Tramp agree to:
  1. Release of Taliban terrorist prisoners,
  2. Lifting of all sanctions,
  3. Complete withdrawal from Afghanistan,
  4. To never again threaten to use force, use force, or interfere in any way in Afghanistan
  5. To seek positive relations with the Taliban
  6. To establish economic reconciliation with the new post occupation Islamic government of Afghanistan

Edtheliar - nothing you claim is true.

As always.
Says the dumbfuck who doesn't know what the Reichstag Fire was....


You truly are dumb as a stump, Chang.

I have no idea why Xi gives you your daily bowl of rice. He should sell you to Apple.
I know exactly what it was, Nazi bastard. Do you know where it happened? You should, it's part of your history.
I know exactly what it was, Nazi bastard. Do you know where it happened? You should, it's part of your history.

Do you grasp the connection to the the fraud on 1/6 and the continued assault on Der Juden by your vassal state, the democrats?

Of course you don't - you're a moron.

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