It's getting harder and harder to trust the police


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
I'm afraid of them for good reason. Too many bad experiences. No one has been charged yet in this crime.

Charges Dropped for 119 People After Cop Caught on Video Planting Meth on Innocent Grandma

Jackson County, FL — Dozens of innocent people who were rotting in jail have been freed and their charges erased after the corrupt cop who put them there was caught on his own body camera planting meth on an innocent mother. Jackson County Sheriff’s Deputy Zachary Wester has since been fired and a slew of lawsuits are now rolling in.

Wester’s fall from law enforcement grace and the 119 people who were exonerated are due largely in part to the diligence of a single person, assistant state attorney at the 14th Judicial Circuit, Christina Pumphrey.

Pumphrey’s job as assistant state attorney included reviewing evidence before moving forward with charges against individuals. When she began reviewing cases, she found something very peculiar.

“This is an exaggeration, but it felt like his (Wester’s) name was on half the cases,” Pumphrey told The Appeal. “It was seriously disproportionate.”

When Pumphrey began watching the body camera footage from Wester’s arrests, she found something even more disturbing. Many times, Wester was seen conducting illegal searches. Also, his written affidavits did not match what she watched in the videos. But that wasn’t the most telling aspect of all these videos.

Charges Dropped for 119 People After Cop Caught on Video Planting Meth on Innocent Grandma
There is absolutely no reason to place any trust in LE, IMO.

LE has demonstrated by their own actions that they deserve no trust from the general public.
Many of them are just paid, armed revenue collectors these days. The "Justice" system is for profit. They are incentivized to run up numbers, and get people in the system for fun and profit. Court costs, fees, fines, lawyer fees, etc.
I'm afraid of them for good reason. Too many bad experiences. No one has been charged yet in this crime.

Charges Dropped for 119 People After Cop Caught on Video Planting Meth on Innocent Grandma

Jackson County, FL — Dozens of innocent people who were rotting in jail have been freed and their charges erased after the corrupt cop who put them there was caught on his own body camera planting meth on an innocent mother. Jackson County Sheriff’s Deputy Zachary Wester has since been fired and a slew of lawsuits are now rolling in.

Wester’s fall from law enforcement grace and the 119 people who were exonerated are due largely in part to the diligence of a single person, assistant state attorney at the 14th Judicial Circuit, Christina Pumphrey.

Pumphrey’s job as assistant state attorney included reviewing evidence before moving forward with charges against individuals. When she began reviewing cases, she found something very peculiar.

“This is an exaggeration, but it felt like his (Wester’s) name was on half the cases,” Pumphrey told The Appeal. “It was seriously disproportionate.”

When Pumphrey began watching the body camera footage from Wester’s arrests, she found something even more disturbing. Many times, Wester was seen conducting illegal searches. Also, his written affidavits did not match what she watched in the videos. But that wasn’t the most telling aspect of all these videos.

Charges Dropped for 119 People After Cop Caught on Video Planting Meth on Innocent Grandma

Worse than this asshole are the alleged "good cops", who know about these kinds of shenanigans and say nothing.

I'm afraid of them for good reason. Too many bad experiences. No one has been charged yet in this crime.

Charges Dropped for 119 People After Cop Caught on Video Planting Meth on Innocent Grandma

Jackson County, FL — Dozens of innocent people who were rotting in jail have been freed and their charges erased after the corrupt cop who put them there was caught on his own body camera planting meth on an innocent mother. Jackson County Sheriff’s Deputy Zachary Wester has since been fired and a slew of lawsuits are now rolling in.

Wester’s fall from law enforcement grace and the 119 people who were exonerated are due largely in part to the diligence of a single person, assistant state attorney at the 14th Judicial Circuit, Christina Pumphrey.

Pumphrey’s job as assistant state attorney included reviewing evidence before moving forward with charges against individuals. When she began reviewing cases, she found something very peculiar.

“This is an exaggeration, but it felt like his (Wester’s) name was on half the cases,” Pumphrey told The Appeal. “It was seriously disproportionate.”

When Pumphrey began watching the body camera footage from Wester’s arrests, she found something even more disturbing. Many times, Wester was seen conducting illegal searches. Also, his written affidavits did not match what she watched in the videos. But that wasn’t the most telling aspect of all these videos.

Charges Dropped for 119 People After Cop Caught on Video Planting Meth on Innocent Grandma

Too bad he did not work in Maine.....know what I sayin' tsk tsk
There is absolutely no reason to place any trust in LE, IMO.

LE has demonstrated by their own actions that they deserve no trust from the general public.

Bullshit ^^^ and a damn lie. One data point and your opinion is formed? That only happens when someone has a bias and a hard-on for someone or something.
There is absolutely no reason to place any trust in LE, IMO.

LE has demonstrated by their own actions that they deserve no trust from the general public.

Bullshit ^^^ and a damn lie. One data point and your opinion is formed? That only happens when someone has a bias and a hard-on for someone or something.
Almost spit my beer out at the irony!
There is absolutely no reason to place any trust in LE, IMO.

LE has demonstrated by their own actions that they deserve no trust from the general public.

Bullshit ^^^ and a damn lie. One data point and your opinion is formed? That only happens when someone has a bias and a hard-on for someone or something.

Well, you are certainly welcome to your opinion, just as I am welcome to my own opinion.

My opinion is however the correct opinion & I stand by my opinion.

LE has demonstrated it no longer deserves to have the trust of the public that it serves.

This did not happen 'over night' but it did happen, none the less.
I'm afraid of them for good reason. Too many bad experiences. No one has been charged yet in this crime.

Charges Dropped for 119 People After Cop Caught on Video Planting Meth on Innocent Grandma

Jackson County, FL — Dozens of innocent people who were rotting in jail have been freed and their charges erased after the corrupt cop who put them there was caught on his own body camera planting meth on an innocent mother. Jackson County Sheriff’s Deputy Zachary Wester has since been fired and a slew of lawsuits are now rolling in.

Wester’s fall from law enforcement grace and the 119 people who were exonerated are due largely in part to the diligence of a single person, assistant state attorney at the 14th Judicial Circuit, Christina Pumphrey.

Pumphrey’s job as assistant state attorney included reviewing evidence before moving forward with charges against individuals. When she began reviewing cases, she found something very peculiar.

“This is an exaggeration, but it felt like his (Wester’s) name was on half the cases,” Pumphrey told The Appeal. “It was seriously disproportionate.”

When Pumphrey began watching the body camera footage from Wester’s arrests, she found something even more disturbing. Many times, Wester was seen conducting illegal searches. Also, his written affidavits did not match what she watched in the videos. But that wasn’t the most telling aspect of all these videos.

Charges Dropped for 119 People After Cop Caught on Video Planting Meth on Innocent Grandma
Dirty cops have no place in Law Enforcement.. Put that puke in jail!

This is precisely what Quota's cause... Making up shit and false charges.
I'm afraid of them for good reason. Too many bad experiences. No one has been charged yet in this crime.

Charges Dropped for 119 People After Cop Caught on Video Planting Meth on Innocent Grandma

Jackson County, FL — Dozens of innocent people who were rotting in jail have been freed and their charges erased after the corrupt cop who put them there was caught on his own body camera planting meth on an innocent mother. Jackson County Sheriff’s Deputy Zachary Wester has since been fired and a slew of lawsuits are now rolling in.

Wester’s fall from law enforcement grace and the 119 people who were exonerated are due largely in part to the diligence of a single person, assistant state attorney at the 14th Judicial Circuit, Christina Pumphrey.

Pumphrey’s job as assistant state attorney included reviewing evidence before moving forward with charges against individuals. When she began reviewing cases, she found something very peculiar.

“This is an exaggeration, but it felt like his (Wester’s) name was on half the cases,” Pumphrey told The Appeal. “It was seriously disproportionate.”

When Pumphrey began watching the body camera footage from Wester’s arrests, she found something even more disturbing. Many times, Wester was seen conducting illegal searches. Also, his written affidavits did not match what she watched in the videos. But that wasn’t the most telling aspect of all these videos.

Charges Dropped for 119 People After Cop Caught on Video Planting Meth on Innocent Grandma

Oh that dirty son of a bitch!
I want to know where his supervisor was. As a retired LEO Sergeant I kept track of officer production to see if someone was pulling this kind of crap. Most officers get 20-30 cases, in 90 days, if they are working narcotics, but this guy was a road officer. Major red flags that something was very wrong. My question now is, was the sergeant complicit by making unrealistic expectations on his officers or did he just simply fail in his supervison?

Probably all legit. They will screw up and go right back in mostly.

After reading the article, they are reviewing the tapes of all the arrests and searches. No prosecutor in his right mind would bring any of these charges once it was proven the officer planted evidence or searched illegally. This officer is now worse than a convicted felon as a witness.

Everyone who was arrested legally will get a free pass due to this as well.
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that is because i am afraid the higher ups in major police departments of major cities are corrupt and connected to evil institutions like the CIA and DIA. just hope someday the lower level local police get together to form a revolutuon and stop them someday. I have a friend who used to be a police officer.He got out of it when he saw all the corruption that went on in police departments.He could not be a part of it,wanted nothing to do with it anymore.

He worked for the phoenix police
I'm afraid of them for good reason. Too many bad experiences. No one has been charged yet in this crime.

Charges Dropped for 119 People After Cop Caught on Video Planting Meth on Innocent Grandma

Jackson County, FL — Dozens of innocent people who were rotting in jail have been freed and their charges erased after the corrupt cop who put them there was caught on his own body camera planting meth on an innocent mother. Jackson County Sheriff’s Deputy Zachary Wester has since been fired and a slew of lawsuits are now rolling in.

Wester’s fall from law enforcement grace and the 119 people who were exonerated are due largely in part to the diligence of a single person, assistant state attorney at the 14th Judicial Circuit, Christina Pumphrey.

Pumphrey’s job as assistant state attorney included reviewing evidence before moving forward with charges against individuals. When she began reviewing cases, she found something very peculiar.

“This is an exaggeration, but it felt like his (Wester’s) name was on half the cases,” Pumphrey told The Appeal. “It was seriously disproportionate.”

When Pumphrey began watching the body camera footage from Wester’s arrests, she found something even more disturbing. Many times, Wester was seen conducting illegal searches. Also, his written affidavits did not match what she watched in the videos. But that wasn’t the most telling aspect of all these videos.

Charges Dropped for 119 People After Cop Caught on Video Planting Meth on Innocent Grandma

here is another good one.

Cops are legal criminals; 8 Baltimore Police officers indicted on federal racketeering charges. FFS!

Reminds me of that Kurt Russel/Ray Liotta movie,cant remember the name of it but in the film,Liotta is a police officer who lives on the same block Russel and his wife do. Russeels wife in the film is nice to Liotta and he tntreprets that as her coming on to him when eh finds out differently and she does not want him and he does not listen and Russel threatens him to stay away from his wife,he has some corrupt pals on the police force plans som cocaine in his house and get him arrested.

It had a happy ending with Liotta dying in the end and Russel getting out on bail killing him in self defense when he tried to rape his wife but we know thats not how it happens in the real world with happy endings.
I'm afraid of them for good reason. Too many bad experiences. No one has been charged yet in this crime.

Charges Dropped for 119 People After Cop Caught on Video Planting Meth on Innocent Grandma

Jackson County, FL — Dozens of innocent people who were rotting in jail have been freed and their charges erased after the corrupt cop who put them there was caught on his own body camera planting meth on an innocent mother. Jackson County Sheriff’s Deputy Zachary Wester has since been fired and a slew of lawsuits are now rolling in.

Wester’s fall from law enforcement grace and the 119 people who were exonerated are due largely in part to the diligence of a single person, assistant state attorney at the 14th Judicial Circuit, Christina Pumphrey.

Pumphrey’s job as assistant state attorney included reviewing evidence before moving forward with charges against individuals. When she began reviewing cases, she found something very peculiar.

“This is an exaggeration, but it felt like his (Wester’s) name was on half the cases,” Pumphrey told The Appeal. “It was seriously disproportionate.”

When Pumphrey began watching the body camera footage from Wester’s arrests, she found something even more disturbing. Many times, Wester was seen conducting illegal searches. Also, his written affidavits did not match what she watched in the videos. But that wasn’t the most telling aspect of all these videos.

Charges Dropped for 119 People After Cop Caught on Video Planting Meth on Innocent Grandma

here is another good one.

Cops are legal criminals; 8 Baltimore Police officers indicted on federal racketeering charges. FFS!

Reminds me of that Kurt Russel/Ray Liotta movie,cant remember the name of it but in the film,Liotta is a police officer who lives on the same block Russel and his wife do. Russeels wife in the film is nice to Liotta and he tntreprets that as her coming on to him when eh finds out differently and she does not want him and he does not listen and Russel threatens him to stay away from his wife,he has some corrupt pals on the police force plans som cocaine in his house and get him arrested.

It had a happy ending with Liotta dying in the end and Russel getting out on bail killing him in self defense when he tried to rape his wife but we know thats not how it happens in the real world with happy endings.
Unlawful entry.

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