It's getting harder and harder to trust the police

Support the police but demand accountability for transgressions.

Simple enough no?

Sure, I spent three years running IA; most transgressions did not meet the standard for termination. Those that did, were referred to the hiring authority where the games began.

Otherwise, counseling memos, remedial training, a permanent letter of reprimand and suspensions without pay were within our power with the support of the chief.
The OP said

When Pumphrey began watching the body camera footage from Wester’s arrests, she found something even more disturbing. Many times, Wester was seen conducting illegal searches. Also, his written affidavits did not match what she watched in the videos. But that wasn’t the most telling aspect of all these videos.

I'd like to know why those videos weren't looked at at the time those cases were in court. It's great that the assistant district attorney looked at old cases and found what she did, but why weren't the videos looked at when it could have made a difference?
The OP said

When Pumphrey began watching the body camera footage from Wester’s arrests, she found something even more disturbing. Many times, Wester was seen conducting illegal searches. Also, his written affidavits did not match what she watched in the videos. But that wasn’t the most telling aspect of all these videos.

I'd like to know why those videos weren't looked at at the time those cases were in court. It's great that the assistant district attorney looked at old cases and found what she did, but why weren't the videos looked at when it could have made a difference?
lol how would I know?
Support the police but demand accountability for transgressions.

Simple enough no?

Sure, I spent three years running IA; most transgressions did not meet the standard for termination. Those that did, were referred to the hiring authority where the games began.

Otherwise, counseling memos, remedial training, a permanent letter of reprimand and suspensions without pay were within our power with the support of the chief.
Passing the buck like most democrats.
The OP said

When Pumphrey began watching the body camera footage from Wester’s arrests, she found something even more disturbing. Many times, Wester was seen conducting illegal searches. Also, his written affidavits did not match what she watched in the videos. But that wasn’t the most telling aspect of all these videos.

I'd like to know why those videos weren't looked at at the time those cases were in court. It's great that the assistant district attorney looked at old cases and found what she did, but why weren't the videos looked at when it could have made a difference?
lol how would I know?

It was a general question concerning the subject. I wasn't asking you specifically, mikey
Support the police but demand accountability for transgressions.

Simple enough no?

Sure, I spent three years running IA; most transgressions did not meet the standard for termination. Those that did, were referred to the hiring authority where the games began.

Otherwise, counseling memos, remedial training, a permanent letter of reprimand and suspensions without pay were within our power with the support of the chief.
Passing the buck like most democrats.

Wrong, as usual. I was not "passing the buck", I was explaining to the ignorant how things are done.
Support the police but demand accountability for transgressions.

Simple enough no?

Sure, I spent three years running IA; most transgressions did not meet the standard for termination. Those that did, were referred to the hiring authority where the games began.

Otherwise, counseling memos, remedial training, a permanent letter of reprimand and suspensions without pay were within our power with the support of the chief.
Passing the buck like most democrats.

Relax mikey. You finally got lucky and started a thread that people actually want to discuss that wasn't about blow jobs and dildos. Now, STFU and let people talk. Why are you trying to kill your own thread dumb ass?.
Support the police but demand accountability for transgressions.

Simple enough no?

Sure, I spent three years running IA; most transgressions did not meet the standard for termination. Those that did, were referred to the hiring authority where the games began.

Otherwise, counseling memos, remedial training, a permanent letter of reprimand and suspensions without pay were within our power with the support of the chief.
Passing the buck like most democrats.

Relax mikey. You finally got lucky and started a thread that people actually want to discuss that wasn't about blow jobs and dildos. Now, STFU and let people talk. Why are you trying to kill your own thread dumb ass?.

To your question:

Q. Why are you trying to kill your own thread dumb ass?

A. You answered your own question in the last two words.
Support the police but demand accountability for transgressions.

Simple enough no?

Sure, I spent three years running IA; most transgressions did not meet the standard for termination. Those that did, were referred to the hiring authority where the games began.

Otherwise, counseling memos, remedial training, a permanent letter of reprimand and suspensions without pay were within our power with the support of the chief.
Passing the buck like most democrats.

Wrong, as usual. I was not "passing the buck", I was explaining to the ignorant how things are done.
It must be wonderful to live in a world where everyone but you is wrong and ignorant. In reality I think you're just another arrogant liar.
Support the police but demand accountability for transgressions.

Simple enough no?

Sure, I spent three years running IA; most transgressions did not meet the standard for termination. Those that did, were referred to the hiring authority where the games began.

Otherwise, counseling memos, remedial training, a permanent letter of reprimand and suspensions without pay were within our power with the support of the chief.
Passing the buck like most democrats.

Wrong, as usual. I was not "passing the buck", I was explaining to the ignorant how things are done.
It must be wonderful to live in a world where everyone but you is wrong and ignorant. In reality I think you're just another arrogant liar.

Don't lie, you never seem to think, you echo the line like a good sheep following a herd, and are guided by your emotions and biases.
There is absolutely no reason to place any trust in LE, IMO.

LE has demonstrated by their own actions that they deserve no trust from the general public.

Bullshit ^^^ and a damn lie. One data point and your opinion is formed? That only happens when someone has a bias and a hard-on for someone or something.
Almost spit my beer out at the irony!

At 10:30 in the morning? That explains your judgments.
I have far more trust in LEOs to do the Right thing than I have in any Democrat/Progressive to do so.
So far 58 Police Officers died in the line of duty this year. Who ya gonna call when something goes bump in the night?
Fortunately I don't trust anybody, cop or not, in any walk of life. The human condition is the human condition regardless of a person's specific career.
So far 58 Police Officers died in the line of duty this year. Who ya gonna call when something goes bump in the night?

Actually, I call my friends: Colt, Smith & Wesson, Cold Steel and Remington, but I need the police to clean up the mess afterwards.
Somehow the FBI escapes scrutiny but that's another story. There are about 700 thousand sworn Police Officers in the United States and they are under more scrutiny and stress than any other job. Even though about 58 Police Officers died in the line of duty in the first six months of 2019 for some reason hypocrite (mostly) lefties find the time to claim that they don't trust the people who keep them safe. The system works when a bad Cop is revealed but for some reason that isn't enough for budding anarchists.

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