It's Gonna Be Ugly on Nov 8th. Election Night 2022.

Mass Mail In Ballots are illegitimate. Especially the ones the cheating Dems sent out (250,000) that were sent out to unidentified and unverified so called voters.

You don't accept explanations. It is a waste of time to explain anything to a commie.
And NEITHER of you can 'define' the so-called fraud.
POS trump started the LIE, and all it is is a 'talking point'
No proof of fraud.

2,000 mules is a joke. D'Souza is a felon.
The MEMES have words on them. WORDS.

I'll be laughing at you FOR DAYS over that one. :banana: :rofl: :eusa_dance:

In fact, I might prepare A MEME about how much Dems rely on memes and AVOID serious debate or issue discussion. And I will have the words in MY MEME fact-checked.

You're a hoot. But this is the reason your party is shriveling around you.
I'll be laughing at you FOR DAYS over that one. :banana: :rofl: :eusa_dance:

In fact, I might prepare A MEME about how much Dems rely on memes and AVOID serious debate or issue discussion. And I will have the words in MY MEME fact-checked.

You're a hoot. But this is the reason your party is shriveling around you.

There is a reason that I no longer debate morons! That's why I use mostly memes and such.

And NEITHER of you can 'define' the so-called fraud.
POS trump started the LIE, and all it is is a 'talking point'
No proof of fraud.

2,000 mules is a joke. D'Souza is a felon.
You do not accept proof, commie.
I am very concerned that Democrats may lose the House, Senate, or both. That would place the nation in Hell - or at least Purgatory for the foreseeable future. Democrats aren't perfect - but they're far better than Republicans. Republicans have become evil.
1). Election Deniers. Unless (R) win. That is the Standard.

Hottest Races.

2). Kari Lake (AZ Governor) will WIN, but still claim Fraud.
3). OZ will LOSE, and the PA Vote Fraud will Rise again, w/o any Evidence.
4). AZ, Kelly vis Masters, Lets hear the Fraud complaints, from either side.
5). Ohio, can Vance Lose, oh the cries of fraud. Vance will win, but if NOT.....Cries of Fraud.
6). Murray will win WA. FACT. If not, then cash in your Fraud Ticket.

Just a start.
Feel Free to Add.
Looks like I got correct, that 4 out of 4.
Now 2, I hope I'm wrong. Looks like lake is gonna LOSE. LOOLLOOLLOLL
You're a moron, Winnie, STFU
And you doubt me. LOLLLOLLL
When will the ........... oh wait....... it already started, even before a single vote was cast or counted.......the cries of FRAUD.
All you need to know that they are cheating is that the election was 4 days ago and it's still not counted. Nothing you say to the contrary is truth.
Verify, Scan, Count, Report.

Why do you have a CT for this?
When will the ........... oh wait....... it already started, even before a single vote was cast or counted.......the cries of FRAUD.
It's cause like stink on shit, we recognize you.
It's cause like stink on shit, we recognize you.
Verify, Scan, Count, Report.

It's because of the walk in ballots.
It takes time.
You want them to do it correctly, right?

Verify, Scan, Count, Report.
Verify, Scan, Count, Report.

It's because of the walk in ballots.
It takes time.
You want them to do it correctly, right?

Verify, Scan, Count, Report.
Obfuscation. Misdirection. Lie.

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