It's Gonna Be Ugly on Nov 8th. Election Night 2022.

The night may be on tenterhooks but probably not.Probably
quiet as church mice.Because too much is at steak.
Too much to lose.No day in the park.No Robert Redford
soft comedy.No Three Stooges.No Powerful Drama like
- Death of a Salesman -. No big name Battle movie.
The Electorate is already pooped out.
1). Election Deniers. Unless (R) win. That is the Standard.

Hottest Races.

2). Kari Lake (AZ Governor) will WIN, but still claim Fraud.
3). OZ will LOSE, and the PA Vote Fraud will Rise again, w/o any Evidence.
4). AZ, Kelly vis Masters, Lets hear the Fraud complaints, from either side.
5). Ohio, can Vance Lose, oh the cries of fraud. Vance will win, but if NOT.....Cries of Fraud.
6). Murray will win WA. FACT. If not, then cash in your Fraud Ticket.

Just a start.
Feel Free to Add.

Why cant BOTH SIDES just be right? That we've allowed graft and corruption and unskilled politicos to SELECT and operate our voting equipment. And that MANY of those systems DO have serious flaws. See the latest scandal about buying ChiCom S/ware that knows more about your election workers and officials than you do. Do a search on Konnech storing election material on servers in China.

We can also ALL be right that security, TIMELINESS, and ACCURACY should be incredibly perfect. And it is not -- because of legal hanky panky and court challenges that DEFY the authority of State laws and Constitutions?

Face the shiny reality -- election DENIERS are NUMEROUS on both sides. Election soothsayers are full of shit. And NOBODY in positions of authority wants to address any of this.
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Tomorrow, moron. Polls close at 8 p.m., that is 25 hrs 45 min, away currently. Damn even a broken clock is right twice a day. You can't even say that.

And Yet, you clearly don't understand State rules, about counting Votes.
Some States, such as PA, has LAW, Yes LAW, that says they can't count ANY mail-in votes UNTIL after the polls close.

Am I wrong?
1). Election Deniers. Unless (R) win. That is the Standard.

Hottest Races.

2). Kari Lake (AZ Governor) will WIN, but still claim Fraud.
3). OZ will LOSE, and the PA Vote Fraud will Rise again, w/o any Evidence.
4). AZ, Kelly vis Masters, Lets hear the Fraud complaints, from either side.
5). Ohio, can Vance Lose, oh the cries of fraud. Vance will win, but if NOT.....Cries of Fraud.
6). Murray will win WA. FACT. If not, then cash in your Fraud Ticket.

Just a start.
Feel Free to Add.

And Yet, you clearly don't understand State rules, about counting Votes.
Some States, such as PA, has LAW, Yes LAW, that says they can't count ANY mail-in votes UNTIL after the polls close.

Am I wrong?
Irrelevant. You were talking about WA--or do you have the same malady as Joe Biden (aversion to the truth). BTW, since you want to spin this to PA, how is Fetterman suing about counting ballots if they can't be counted until after the polls close? Sounds to me like he is denying his loss before any votes have been counted---or maybe not, eh? Wrong again, Winnie
1). Election Deniers. Unless (R) win. That is the Standard.

Hottest Races.

2). Kari Lake (AZ Governor) will WIN, but still claim Fraud.
3). OZ will LOSE, and the PA Vote Fraud will Rise again, w/o any Evidence.
4). AZ, Kelly vis Masters, Lets hear the Fraud complaints, from either side.
5). Ohio, can Vance Lose, oh the cries of fraud. Vance will win, but if NOT.....Cries of Fraud.
6). Murray will win WA. FACT. If not, then cash in your Fraud Ticket.

Just a start.
Feel Free to Add.
On KCRA News (SAC) I watched an admitted 2020 election skeptic (MAGA) after being trained as a poll watcher. She was no longer a skeptic after seeing the safeguards of our elections process. Crying fraud is for losers.
1). Election Deniers. Unless (R) win. That is the Standard.

Hottest Races.

2). Kari Lake (AZ Governor) will WIN, but still claim Fraud.
3). OZ will LOSE, and the PA Vote Fraud will Rise again, w/o any Evidence.
4). AZ, Kelly vis Masters, Lets hear the Fraud complaints, from either side.
5). Ohio, can Vance Lose, oh the cries of fraud. Vance will win, but if NOT.....Cries of Fraud.
6). Murray will win WA. FACT. If not, then cash in your Fraud Ticket.

Just a start.
Feel Free to Add.
Ah, I hate to break this to you, Winco but the people that are pushing a "fraud" narrative right now are Democrats who have slowly come to the realization that they're about to get their asses handed to them in this election! They're already trying to come up with excuses for why they've lost!
Irrelevant. You were talking about WA--or do you have the same malady as Joe Biden (aversion to the truth). BTW, since you want to spin this to PA, how is Fetterman suing about counting ballots if they can't be counted until after the polls close? Sounds to me like he is denying his loss before any votes have been counted---or maybe not, eh? Wrong again, Winnie

here's another example of how the 2 "brand name party" warriors talk PAST each other. COULD IT BE that since "early voting" is already closed and ALREADY tallied on (probably in your state) removable drives -- why SHOULDN"T mail-in ballots be counted as they are received?

You're just not allowed to DISCLOSE the tallies until the polls close.
On KCRA News (SAC) I watched an admitted 2020 election skeptic (MAGA) after being trained as a poll watcher. She was no longer a skeptic after seeing the safeguards of our elections process. Crying fraud is for losers.
I also saw the TV piece on ABC 13 Las Vegas.
No, I want an upset....I went out on a limb and took a sleeper....Now pick one or STFU.

Not specific races.

Go the fuck away, loser.

Ah, I hate to break this to you, Winco but the people that are pushing a "fraud" narrative right now are Democrats who have slowly come to the realization that they're about to get their asses handed to them in this election! They're already trying to come up with excuses for why they've lost!
Oh, so the Narrative NOW CHANGES.
why SHOULDN"T mail-in ballots be counted as they are received?
Good question. Personally, I like the idea of ELECTION DAY, not week, month or year.
COULD IT BE that since "early voting" is already closed and ALREADY tallied on (probably in your state)
Nope, voting in WA has been open since at least Oct. 27 (when I delivered my ballot in person) until 8 pm tomorrow night.

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