It's just a protest

Are you retarded or something?

FDA approved drugs manufacturers can ONLY be sued if they screw up production.

If Moderna produces mRNA vaccine as it was tested they cannot be sued.

Same thing with aspirin manufacturer, if they properly produce aspirin they cannot be sued.

This is not a complex concept, yet you seem to have trouble grasping it.

What you think, and what law says are completely opposite.
I literally provided you a link with the LAW, and you're still posting idiocies.

2005 PREP Act
Where do you get this this bullshit from?

Full Authorization from FDA absolutely shields drug manufacturers from any liability except production defects.

It basically certifies that the manufacturer did it's due diligence to ensure their product is safe and risks are defined.

From the law.

Full FDA approval means product satisfied all clinical trial phases and is eligible for wide use, therefore there is no need for liability protection. Pfizer Comirnaty and Moderna Spikevax are both fully approved, but not administered in the US, because as fully approved "vaccines" they have no liability shield.

Products approved under EUA are considered experimental and under 2005 PREP Act. those products are approved for emergency use and because of that they have immunity from lawsuits. That IS the only reason why original Moderna and Pfizer BioNTech are administered in the US, because they're immune from lawsuits.

I am not asking you to believe me. I am asking to read official documents. Pharma, media, even FDA, they can all lie and twist the truth, even lie... except when they're in court.

Doe et al. v. Austin, in short... U.S. Federal District Judge Allen Winsor of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida denied a preliminary injunction requested by 16 service members against the U.S. Military’s COVID vaccine mandate. A hearing is scheduled for Sept. 14, 2022. (???)

However, the judge’s acknowledgment that “the DOD cannot mandate vaccines that only have an EUA”. For two reasons.

One reason pertains to the difference in ingredients and manufacturing process between Pfizer’s EUA vaccine and the approved Comirnaty vaccine, and the other pertains to the legal difference between a fully licensed vaccine and an EUA vaccine. The latter reason would apply not just to the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, but also to the vaccines produced by Moderna and Johnson & Johnson (Janssen), both of which are authorized only as EUA products.

That alone tells you that FDA, government and media, they all lied to you about full approval of Pfizer BionTech "vaccine".

Pfizer BioNTech is approved under EUA only. Pfizer Comirnaty is fully approved. When FDA issued their approval, they issued series of confusing documents and public statements that contradicts official approval documents. One of those statements was:
"The licensed vaccine has the same formulation as the EUA-authorized vaccine and the products can be used interchangeably to provide the vaccination series without presenting any safety or effectiveness concerns. The products are legally distinct with certain differences that do not impact safety or effectiveness.”

In another lawsuit Children Health Defense v. FDA the acting FDA commissioner Janet Woodcock stated:
The black letter law is clear. There can be no biologic license approved to a medical product for diagnosing, preventing or treating COVID-19 if there is also still an Emergency Use Authorization for the same medical product serving the same purpose.
If blackletter law is clear, why any of the EUA "vaccines" is still allowed to be used, if there is FDA fully approved "vaccine" Pfizer Comirnaty? Or... why did FDA fully approved Pfizer Comirnaty "vaccine" if is not in production yet, and/or available in United States?

In both cases, the argument is that if there is fully FDA approved "vaccine" the EUA product should not exist (and vice versa). Why does it exist? Because EUA provides to pharma immunity from lawsuits.

Read it as many times is required for you to understand. If you're still too stupid to understand, that's on you. No wonder where those idiocies you're posting are coming from. Well, most likely from the media, but that's for another debate.
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It's all just an jumping from one argument of convinience to the next, when in reality they are just paranoid nuts afraid of shots and gobamint.
In the 60s and 70s, the left wouldn't trust the government as far as they could throw it.

Now, the left demands instant, unthinking obedience to the government.

What happened?
Finance minister is a hot Lil coke whore
It's unfuckin believable lol
Although not really ...I've been saying the entire west is coming down hard baby ....pun not intended

Socialists NEVER tolerate opinions that differ from their own. It's doesn't matter it is Soviet, Chinese, Cuban, or Venezuelan Communist, or Nazi Socialist, or todays American Democrat, or Canadian Liberal. They always resort to the same tactics regardless of what their name is.

Trudeau has decided long ago he wouldn't "tolerate those people" who hold "fringe unacceptable views". His language explains exactly what he think about anyone who is protesting against HIM.

Everything he's doing points to one outcome. He's deliberately trying to provoke peaceful people and bring about major social troubles so he can justify a police crackdown and his authoritarian power grab. There is no other logical explanation for what he's saying and doing. The same tactics are used by American Democrats, who are labeling everyone who disagrees with them either a racist, bigot, white nationalist, in order to provoke the reaction that would justify their power grab.
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yep, my country. what about fkwad? say something you small person. you anti american anti freedom fk. See in my country we have liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Free speech, right to bear arms, and a right to tell you to fk off.
What freedoms have you lost, moron? Liberty? Are you sitting in jail? You lost your "happiness" because your boy got beat? Awwwww. Cry me a river.

This Country of ours will continue to be "free" as long as Trump is not in power, you imbecile. He's already proven right up until this day what he's capable of whether you like it or not.
In the 60s and 70s, the left wouldn't trust the government as far as they could throw it.

Now, the left demands instant, unthinking obedience to the government.

What happened?

What happened?

You have politicians who present themselves as "moderate" while being full blown socialists. Once elected, they proceed with their socialist policies, while labeling everyone who disagree as enemy. That's how you get Obama and Biden in the US, Trudeau in Canada, Macron in France, Morrison in Australia, Ardern in New Zealand etc.

Just listen this loon in his own words, and who he admire most, and why...

What happened?

You have politicians who present themselves as "moderate" while being full blown socialists. Once elected, they proceed with their socialist policies, while labeling everyone who disagree as enemy. That's how you get Obama and Biden in the US, Trudeau in Canada, Macron in France, Morrison in Australia, Ardern in New Zealand etc.

Just listen this loon in his own words, and who he admire most, and why...

What is really telling is that he admired China specifically because they are a dictatorship.

He admires them not despite their terrible government, he admires them BECAUASE they are a dictatorship.
What is really telling is that he admired China specifically because they are a dictatorship.

He admires them not despite their terrible government, he admires them BECAUASE they are a dictatorship.
Why would anyone who cares about Freedom praise that?
It takes more than seven years for a new drug to pass the usual FDA approval process, unless dangerous and illegal shortcuts are taken as have been taken with this mRNA shit.
More paranoid bullshit.

Abso-fucking-lutely there is a way to expedite aproval process given the huge resources and urgency of the situation.
In the 60s and 70s, the left wouldn't trust the government as far as they could throw it.

Now, the left demands instant, unthinking obedience to the government.

What happened?
Horsecrap, there is a distinct difference betwen "thinking" and being a total paranoid nut who lives on conspiracy theories.
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What you think, and what law says are completely opposite.
I literally provided you a link with the LAW, and you're still posting idiocies.

2005 PREP Act
PREP provides same liability cover to vaccines with EUA as Full Aproval.

Lets read together:

The declaration provides immunity from liability (except for willful misconduct) for entities and individuals involved in the development, manufacture, testing, distribution, administration, and use of such countermeasures

There is nothing in the law that makes a carveout for EUA specifically.

HHS confirmed that:

There are no liability or compensation differences between a countermeasure approved under an EUA or one that has received full FDA approval,” confirmed an HHS spokesperson.

What freedoms have you lost, moron? Liberty? Are you sitting in jail? You lost your "happiness" because your boy got beat? Awwwww. Cry me a river.

This Country of ours will continue to be "free" as long as Trump is not in power, you imbecile. He's already proven right up until this day what he's capable of whether you like it or not.
Still waiting on what Trump did to you?

the fact Trump terrifies you make’s my day
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PREP provides same liability cover to vaccines with EUA as Full Aproval.

Lets read together:

The declaration provides immunity from liability (except for willful misconduct) for entities and individuals involved in the development, manufacture, testing, distribution, administration, and use of such countermeasures

There is nothing in the law that makes a carveout for EUA specifically.

HHS confirmed that:

There are no liability or compensation differences between a countermeasure approved under an EUA or one that has received full FDA approval,” confirmed an HHS spokesperson.

WaPo opinion means nothing, what matter is the law.

The PREP Act empowers the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to immunize “covered persons" (including pharmaceutical companies and healthcare providers) that make what are called “countermeasures" (including vaccines) from liability in a declared public health emergency.

That's exactly what HHS did when they declared the coronavirus pandemic to be such an emergency, in March 2020. Without emergency, there is no EUA.

The fully FDA approved products, not issued under emergency declaration, approved thru normal trial process are not immune from lawsuits, which is specified in the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (the Vaccine Act) as a way to ensure that the injured would receive compensation, The law does provide drugmakers with some protection from open-ended liability, as shown in Supreme Court case Bruesewitz v. Wyeth LLC.

Affirming, the Supreme Court of the United States held that the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 preempted the parents' design-defect claim against the manufacturer seeking compensation for injury to the child allegedly caused by the vaccine's side effects. The design of the vaccine was not subject to question in a tort action since a vaccine side-effect could always be avoidable by use of a different vaccine not containing the harmful element, and what the Vaccine Act established as a complete defense was unavoidability, given safe manufacture and warning, with respect to the particular design. Further, although products-liability law established three grounds for liability--defective manufacture, inadequate warnings, and defective design--the Vaccine Act mentioned only manufacture and warnings, and the failure to mention design-defect liability was by deliberate choice, not inadvertence.

There you go, moron.

Does any "vaccine" you got so far had any inserts with the warnings, side effects, or they were left completely blank?

I'll answer it for you... inserts are completely blank, and you can't even get a shot if you don't sign you won't sue in case of adverse effects. That alone tells you that without signature you would be able to sue. Second, no country in the world was provided with Prizer or Moderna "vaccines" without providing complete protection from any lawsuits. Why's that, if "vaccines" are "safe and effective"?
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The convoy broke some of the rules of staging a mass protest. Primarily there needs to be someone to turn it off just before it starts becoming unpopular. You can't hurt the people you say you are trying to help. You should make it about one thing. You try to turn it off before the authorities escalate. You show up expecting to be arrested and with bail money or you stay home. Should probably leave the nazi/confederate flags at home.
Who brought a Nazi flag?
In the 60s and 70s, the left wouldn't trust the government as far as they could throw it.

Now, the left demands instant, unthinking obedience to the government.

What happened?
They got to be in charge. Now it's THEIR authority and they don't want anyone challenging it.
Two words for you, Trump asslicker:

so you still got nothing? color me surprise. I see your Trump turrets is still going strong. The man didn't do one fking thing to you and you treat his family worse than Bin Laden. Simply amazing.

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