It's looking like Christopher Steele should be arrested!

I agree he should be arrested and questioned about his loyalties. Was he a former spy or a former spy directed by current British agencies? Put out a warrant with Interpol and send him to America, where a solid FBI agent can arrest him.
Arrest him for what? Making the FBI look stupid?

No for him helping them all to interfere in your democratic election and then them all putting out the horsecrap that The Donald and Putin and the Russians were all colluding to interfere in your democratic election and then the MSM whores running with that 24/7 so the LOSERS and American Traitors could attempt to remove the democratically elected Donald J. Trump because Hillary was supposed to win because she's a bought and paid for Puppet for The Usual Suspects.

Don't you care that the Leftists with the Obama appointed FBI whores and the MSM whores all colluded to PISS on your democratic election process? That they were happy for America to be a Banana Republic?
I agree he should be arrested and questioned about his loyalties. Was he a former spy or a former spy directed by current British agencies? Put out a warrant with Interpol and send him to America, where a solid FBI agent can arrest him.
Arrest him for what? Making the FBI look stupid?

No for him helping them all to interfere in your democratic election and then them all putting out the horsecrap that The Donald and Putin and the Russians were all colluding to interfere in your democratic election and then the MSM whores running with that 24/7 so the LOSERS and American Traitors could attempt to remove the democratically elected Donald J. Trump because Hillary was supposed to win because she's a bought and paid for Puppet for The Usual Suspects.

Don't you care that the Leftists with the Obama appointed FBI whores and the MSM whores all colluded to PISS on your democratic election process? That they were happy for America to be a Banana Republic?

From what I gather, he just did what he was paid to do; it's the FBI that fucked up for taking information that they couldn't verify and running with it.

Besides, he's a British Citizen, he can lie to the FBI all he wants so what are they going to charge him with? Being a douche bag?

.. .and even if they could charge him with something, what makes anybody think the British are going to turn over a retired MI-6 agent ?
I agree he should be arrested and questioned about his loyalties. Was he a former spy or a former spy directed by current British agencies? Put out a warrant with Interpol and send him to America, where a solid FBI agent can arrest him.
Arrest him for what? Making the FBI look stupid?

No for him helping them all to interfere in your democratic election and then them all putting out the horsecrap that The Donald and Putin and the Russians were all colluding to interfere in your democratic election and then the MSM whores running with that 24/7 so the LOSERS and American Traitors could attempt to remove the democratically elected Donald J. Trump because Hillary was supposed to win because she's a bought and paid for Puppet for The Usual Suspects.

Don't you care that the Leftists with the Obama appointed FBI whores and the MSM whores all colluded to PISS on your democratic election process? That they were happy for America to be a Banana Republic?

From what I gather, he just did what he was paid to do; it's the FBI that fucked up for taking information that they couldn't verify and running with it.

Besides, he's a British Citizen, he can lie to the FBI all he wants so what are they going to charge him with? Being a douche bag?

.. .and even if they could charge him with something, what makes anybody think the British are going to turn over a retired MI-6 agent ?

He'll come on the air, look straight in to the camera and tell America that what he is about to say is very controversial.

He'll pause for a moment, and tell us..

I have spent a long and arduous year investigating what I was tasked with, and my initial findings are this. I have lost sleep, skipped lunch, worked long hours, lost friends, and even 5 members of my Investigative Team.

What I have to tell America is very troubling, and shocking, but also very true.

That One Donald J. Trump, President of The United States, did Indeed Travel To Russia, stayed in a Russian Hotel, and in that Hotel DID INDEED ENGAGE IN USPEAKABLE BASE AND MORALLY REPREHENSIBLE BEHAVIOR WHEN HE URINATED ON HILLARY CLINTON.

No Reasonable Prosecutor would Ever Prosecute The President for this Act!

He'll come on the air, look straight in to the camera and tell America that what he is about to say is very controversial.

He'll pause for a moment, and tell us..

I have spent a long and arduous year investigating what I was tasked with, and my initial findings are this. I have lost sleep, skipped lunch, worked long hours, lost friends, and even 5 members of my Investigative Team.

What I have to tell America is very troubling, and shocking, but also very true.

That One Donald J. Trump, President of The United States, did Indeed Travel To Russia, stayed in a Russian Hotel, and in that Hotel DID INDEED ENGAGE IN USPEAKABLE BASE AND MORALLY REPREHENSIBLE BEHAVIOR WHEN HE URINATED ON HILLARY CLINTON.

No Reasonable Prosecutor would Ever Prosecute The President for this Act!

Angry Tree Guy ^ ^ ^ lives in an alternate universe :)
I agree he should be arrested and questioned about his loyalties. Was he a former spy or a former spy directed by current British agencies? Put out a warrant with Interpol and send him to America, where a solid FBI agent can arrest him.
Arrest him for what? Making the FBI look stupid?

No for him helping them all to interfere in your democratic election and then them all putting out the horsecrap that The Donald and Putin and the Russians were all colluding to interfere in your democratic election and then the MSM whores running with that 24/7 so the LOSERS and American Traitors could attempt to remove the democratically elected Donald J. Trump because Hillary was supposed to win because she's a bought and paid for Puppet for The Usual Suspects.

Don't you care that the Leftists with the Obama appointed FBI whores and the MSM whores all colluded to PISS on your democratic election process? That they were happy for America to be a Banana Republic?

From what I gather, he just did what he was paid to do; it's the FBI that fucked up for taking information that they couldn't verify and running with it.

Besides, he's a British Citizen, he can lie to the FBI all he wants so what are they going to charge him with? Being a douche bag?

.. .and even if they could charge him with something, what makes anybody think the British are going to turn over a retired MI-6 agent ?

"it's the FBI that fucked up for taking information that they couldn't verify and running with it."

They did not care if it was horsecrap, they just wanted something that they thought would help Hillary and stop The Donald, now I have read some things about the FBI and they are not supposed to be used in this type of political sense either to help a candidate win an election or help to stop a candidate winning an election, so Hillary and her people with probably Obama helping them as he was still the American President and also that Lynch woman helping - remember the strange meeting she had on the plane with Bill and Hillary as the plane sat on the runway? - they all got the FBI to collude with them to attempt to pervert the American electoral democratic process to illegally get Hillary into The White House and when that failed they came up with all the Russian interfering in the American election to help The Donald and that horsecrap.

He'll come on the air, look straight in to the camera and tell America that what he is about to say is very controversial.

He'll pause for a moment, and tell us..

I have spent a long and arduous year investigating what I was tasked with, and my initial findings are this. I have lost sleep, skipped lunch, worked long hours, lost friends, and even 5 members of my Investigative Team.

What I have to tell America is very troubling, and shocking, but also very true.

That One Donald J. Trump, President of The United States, did Indeed Travel To Russia, stayed in a Russian Hotel, and in that Hotel DID INDEED ENGAGE IN USPEAKABLE BASE AND MORALLY REPREHENSIBLE BEHAVIOR WHEN HE URINATED ON HILLARY CLINTON.

No Reasonable Prosecutor would Ever Prosecute The President for this Act!

Angry Tree Guy ^ ^ ^ lives in an alternate universe :)
One that pisses on your Universe, and today pissed on your chances of cheating your way to any Midterm Election victories, and any hopes of you gaining ground in The House and Senate. In Fact, you and your Corrupt Putin Cock Sucking Party are going to LOSE GROUND.

I wouldn't be shocked that THE GOP ends up with a SUPER MAJORITY after this stunt you all pulled.

Can't wait to see James Comey arrested at 5:00 AM in his Pajamas.

He'll come on the air, look straight in to the camera and tell America that what he is about to say is very controversial.

He'll pause for a moment, and tell us..

I have spent a long and arduous year investigating what I was tasked with, and my initial findings are this. I have lost sleep, skipped lunch, worked long hours, lost friends, and even 5 members of my Investigative Team.

What I have to tell America is very troubling, and shocking, but also very true.

That One Donald J. Trump, President of The United States, did Indeed Travel To Russia, stayed in a Russian Hotel, and in that Hotel DID INDEED ENGAGE IN USPEAKABLE BASE AND MORALLY REPREHENSIBLE BEHAVIOR WHEN HE URINATED ON HILLARY CLINTON.

No Reasonable Prosecutor would Ever Prosecute The President for this Act!

Angry Tree Guy ^ ^ ^ lives in an alternate universe :)
One that pisses on your Universe, and today pissed on your chances of cheating your way to any Midterm Election victories, and any hopes of you gaining ground in The House and Senate. In Fact, you and your Corrupt Putin Cock Sucking Party are going to LOSE GROUND.

I wouldn't be shocked that THE GOP ends up with a SUPER MAJORITY after this stunt you all pulled.

Can't wait to see James Comey arrested at 5:00 AM in his Pajamas.

"Can't wait to see James Comey arrested at 5:00 AM in his Pajamas."

Or wearing womens underwear like J. Edgar Hoover used to, that would be a lot more interesting :smoke:

He'll come on the air, look straight in to the camera and tell America that what he is about to say is very controversial.

He'll pause for a moment, and tell us..

I have spent a long and arduous year investigating what I was tasked with, and my initial findings are this. I have lost sleep, skipped lunch, worked long hours, lost friends, and even 5 members of my Investigative Team.

What I have to tell America is very troubling, and shocking, but also very true.

That One Donald J. Trump, President of The United States, did Indeed Travel To Russia, stayed in a Russian Hotel, and in that Hotel DID INDEED ENGAGE IN USPEAKABLE BASE AND MORALLY REPREHENSIBLE BEHAVIOR WHEN HE URINATED ON HILLARY CLINTON.

No Reasonable Prosecutor would Ever Prosecute The President for this Act!

Angry Tree Guy ^ ^ ^ lives in an alternate universe :)
One that pisses on your Universe, and today pissed on your chances of cheating your way to any Midterm Election victories, and any hopes of you gaining ground in The House and Senate. In Fact, you and your Corrupt Putin Cock Sucking Party are going to LOSE GROUND.

I wouldn't be shocked that THE GOP ends up with a SUPER MAJORITY after this stunt you all pulled.

Can't wait to see James Comey arrested at 5:00 AM in his Pajamas.

"Can't wait to see James Comey arrested at 5:00 AM in his Pajamas."

Or wearing womens underwear like J. Edgar Hoover used to, that would be a lot more interesting :smoke:
That's a good one. I might pee myself laughing if I saw that.

Breaking: James Comey just arrested wearing Victoria's Secret Panties!
One that pisses on your Universe, and today pissed on your chances of cheating your way to any Midterm Election victories, and any hopes of you gaining ground in The House and Senate. In Fact, you and your Corrupt Putin Cock Sucking Party are going to LOSE GROUND.

I wouldn't be shocked that THE GOP ends up with a SUPER MAJORITY after this stunt you all pulled.

Can't wait to see James Comey arrested at 5:00 AM in his Pajamas.

You're very amusing Angry Tree Guy, but caps and bold caps don't make a word you say true.

We'll call this one the "Devin Dud" - He's good at those :cool-45:

He'll come on the air, look straight in to the camera and tell America that what he is about to say is very controversial.

He'll pause for a moment, and tell us..

I have spent a long and arduous year investigating what I was tasked with, and my initial findings are this. I have lost sleep, skipped lunch, worked long hours, lost friends, and even 5 members of my Investigative Team.

What I have to tell America is very troubling, and shocking, but also very true.

That One Donald J. Trump, President of The United States, did Indeed Travel To Russia, stayed in a Russian Hotel, and in that Hotel DID INDEED ENGAGE IN USPEAKABLE BASE AND MORALLY REPREHENSIBLE BEHAVIOR WHEN HE URINATED ON HILLARY CLINTON.

No Reasonable Prosecutor would Ever Prosecute The President for this Act!

Angry Tree Guy ^ ^ ^ lives in an alternate universe :)
One that pisses on your Universe, and today pissed on your chances of cheating your way to any Midterm Election victories, and any hopes of you gaining ground in The House and Senate. In Fact, you and your Corrupt Putin Cock Sucking Party are going to LOSE GROUND.

I wouldn't be shocked that THE GOP ends up with a SUPER MAJORITY after this stunt you all pulled.

Can't wait to see James Comey arrested at 5:00 AM in his Pajamas.

"Can't wait to see James Comey arrested at 5:00 AM in his Pajamas."

Or wearing womens underwear like J. Edgar Hoover used to, that would be a lot more interesting :smoke:
That's a good one. I might pee myself laughing if I saw that.

Breaking: James Comey just arrested wearing Victoria's Secret Panties!

One who does need dealing with is that Rod Rosenstein snake in the grass, obviously a plant it says he's a Republican but one who's loyalty is not to The Donald but the opposite.

Rule 101 in Western politics, never appoint or trust or surround yourself with anyone who looks like a Rodent.

Rod "Rodent Face" Rosenstein.

Thoughts on this would be interesting.

Steele knowingly delivered Russian Propaganda to the FBI, knowing what it was, and so did THE FBI.

So in my opinion, this is really, Espionage...since he was engaging in secreting propaganda out of Russia, and delivering it to Russian Moles in the FBI who then used it to damage our Democracy and interfere with our elections, and impede the peaceful transition of power, and then later, engage in a soft coup.
Only ignorant uninformed trumptards would think that Steele was the problem. Insane loon

Yea we all know the real problem..... The DNC rigged their nomination and Hillary got caught red handed
Thoughts on this would be interesting.

Steele knowingly delivered Russian Propaganda to the FBI, knowing what it was, and so did THE FBI.

So in my opinion, this is really, Espionage...since he was engaging in secreting propaganda out of Russia, and delivering it to Russian Moles in the FBI who then used it to damage our Democracy and interfere with our elections, and impede the peaceful transition of power, and then later, engage in a soft coup.

Read who was involved in delivering that doctored Christopher Steele dossier to the Hillary Clinton Campaign and the will not be shocked that it was John McCain.

McCain associate subpoenaed over Trump-Russia dossier

House Intel panel subpoenas McCain associate over Trump dossier
Thoughts on this would be interesting.

Steele knowingly delivered Russian Propaganda to the FBI, knowing what it was, and so did THE FBI.

So in my opinion, this is really, Espionage...since he was engaging in secreting propaganda out of Russia, and delivering it to Russian Moles in the FBI who then used it to damage our Democracy and interfere with our elections, and impede the peaceful transition of power, and then later, engage in a soft coup.
Only ignorant uninformed trumptards would think that Steele was the problem. Insane loon

Yea we all know the real problem..... The DNC rigged their nomination and Hillary got caught red handed

the loony things you believe. :rofl:

it's so cute that you think you're credible.:lol:
So, democrats collaborated with a foreign entity to influence the election? :eek:

That thers is callooooshun!


What about The Congo jungle? :smoke:
I thought most of them were supposed to flee to Canada or Mexico after the Election, so my question is, Why did James Comey not go to Canada after the election instead of.....end up.....sending his own ASS to jail. Which is what should happen here.

I wonder if they'll send Donald to jail in Canada. :rofl:
Thoughts on this would be interesting.

Steele knowingly delivered Russian Propaganda to the FBI, knowing what it was, and so did THE FBI.

So in my opinion, this is really, Espionage...since he was engaging in secreting propaganda out of Russia, and delivering it to Russian Moles in the FBI who then used it to damage our Democracy and interfere with our elections, and impede the peaceful transition of power, and then later, engage in a soft coup.
Only ignorant uninformed trumptards would think that Steele was the problem. Insane loon

Yea we all know the real problem..... The DNC rigged their nomination and Hillary got caught red handed

the loony things you believe. :rofl:

it's so cute that you think you're credible.:lol:

The facts suck don't it ?
Thoughts on this would be interesting.

Steele knowingly delivered Russian Propaganda to the FBI, knowing what it was, and so did THE FBI.

So in my opinion, this is really, Espionage...since he was engaging in secreting propaganda out of Russia, and delivering it to Russian Moles in the FBI who then used it to damage our Democracy and interfere with our elections, and impede the peaceful transition of power, and then later, engage in a soft coup.
Only ignorant uninformed trumptards would think that Steele was the problem. Insane loon

Yea we all know the real problem..... The DNC rigged their nomination and Hillary got caught red handed

If I was an American Leftist I would have supported Bernie Sanders, I think from what I read about him he seems like a good man, of course he's a Socialist, but he's not corrupt like Hillary her campaign probably rigged the nomination from him, most 18-24 year old Americans were crazy for Bernie and his crowds were HUGE when he had a rally, unlike Hillary's but she had it all rigged because of those Super Delegate things she had the majority of them in her pocket and Bernie Sanders because of that never had a chance at the end of the day no matter how many American Leftists voted for him in those Primaries etc.
I agree he should be arrested and questioned about his loyalties. Was he a former spy or a former spy directed by current British agencies? Put out a warrant with Interpol and send him to America, where a solid FBI agent can arrest him.
Arrest him for what? Making the FBI look stupid?

No for him helping them all to interfere in your democratic election and then them all putting out the horsecrap that The Donald and Putin and the Russians were all colluding to interfere in your democratic election and then the MSM whores running with that 24/7 so the LOSERS and American Traitors could attempt to remove the democratically elected Donald J. Trump because Hillary was supposed to win because she's a bought and paid for Puppet for The Usual Suspects.

Don't you care that the Leftists with the Obama appointed FBI whores and the MSM whores all colluded to PISS on your democratic election process? That they were happy for America to be a Banana Republic?

From what I gather, he just did what he was paid to do; it's the FBI that fucked up for taking information that they couldn't verify and running with it.

Besides, he's a British Citizen, he can lie to the FBI all he wants so what are they going to charge him with? Being a douche bag?

.. .and even if they could charge him with something, what makes anybody think the British are going to turn over a retired MI-6 agent ?

"it's the FBI that fucked up for taking information that they couldn't verify and running with it."

They did not care if it was horsecrap, they just wanted something that they thought would help Hillary and stop The Donald, now I have read some things about the FBI and they are not supposed to be used in this type of political sense either to help a candidate win an election or help to stop a candidate winning an election, so Hillary and her people with probably Obama helping them as he was still the American President and also that Lynch woman helping - remember the strange meeting she had on the plane with Bill and Hillary as the plane sat on the runway? - they all got the FBI to collude with them to attempt to pervert the American electoral democratic process to illegally get Hillary into The White House and when that failed they came up with all the Russian interfering in the American election to help The Donald and that horsecrap.

Exactly the FBI DID NOT CARE, they know they couldn't verify a lot of what was in it but (allegedly) went ahead and used it anyways, so it's on them not on Christopher Steele who was hired to do a political op research report.

I don't understand why you Republicans are upset with Christopher Steele, he just handed Trump and the Republicans a big giant gift on a silver platter,

a. Given the reported behavior of the FBI regarding this "dossier" it adds support for what Trump has been saying about the Obama DOJ all along (corrupt)
b. This whole imbroglio casts doubt on the credibility of the Mueller investigation as far as collusion
c. The Republicans have effectively weaponized this thing against their political opponents to make them look corrupt and stupid.

The Republicans and Trump should be sending Steele a thank you note since he essentially got paid by the Democrats to build them a hand grenade, then they pulled the pin, dropped the spoon, swallowed it and before it went off, they French kissed the FBI.

As far as I'm concerned this whole thing is just political theater and I'll wait for the IG report to come out before drawing any conclusions but just from a political standpoint the optics here look bad for the Democrats and the FBI.
Thoughts on this would be interesting.

Steele knowingly delivered Russian Propaganda to the FBI, knowing what it was, and so did THE FBI.

So in my opinion, this is really, Espionage...since he was engaging in secreting propaganda out of Russia, and delivering it to Russian Moles in the FBI who then used it to damage our Democracy and interfere with our elections, and impede the peaceful transition of power, and then later, engage in a soft coup.

Not if Jeff "No Department is perfect" (even if they staged a failed coup d'ete) Sessions remains AG

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