It's looking like Christopher Steele should be arrested!

Thoughts on this would be interesting.

Steele knowingly delivered Russian Propaganda to the FBI, knowing what it was, and so did THE FBI.

So in my opinion, this is really, Espionage...since he was engaging in secreting propaganda out of Russia, and delivering it to Russian Moles in the FBI who then used it to damage our Democracy and interfere with our elections, and impede the peaceful transition of power, and then later, engage in a soft coup.

I agree he should be arrested and questioned about his loyalties. Was he a former spy or a former spy directed by current British agencies? Put out a warrant with Interpol and send him to America, where a solid FBI agent can arrest him.

There is only one way to really figure this out and that is to have Trump and the DOJ apply pressure to have him arrested. You will then be able to read between the lines about who might be behind this facade based on the response to such a request. The British should have no problem handing him over for extradition, and 98% of all nations would, except mortal U.S enemies.

If they don't? Would speak volumes...

Someone should tell you this is the United States of America not Nazi Germany. You can't arrest someone for no reason whatsoever. You are the one who needs to be arrested

You're quite hostile. You have some skin in this game? You some covert mi5 agent or something?

Like hell he shouldn't be arrested, he mislead a U.S federal agency and leaked said information to Yahoo News. He intended to create news to impact the election, NO DIFFERENT AT ALL FROM WHAT THOSE ARE ACCUSING THE RUSSIANS WERE DOING ON SOCIAL MEDIA! He didn't place one vote, neither did the Russians, but he attempted to create fake news, and successful had warrants placed against the candidate.

He also at very least needs to explain himself. Was he working for the British government or any government? Was he directed by the former administration to produce such a dossier "by all means necessary"?

I don't buy this b.s "he did this because he really didn't like Trump". LOL, yeah right, f off. If he is really committed to this "Resistance", then let's see how he likes facing justice in America.

Indeed, arrest his flaky, mutton eating ass and let's hear what he has to say! God Bless America!
Last edited:
here is what we knew before the memo release about Carter Page

Analysis | What we know about the warrant to surveil Carter Page

So what do we know about the Page warrant?

We know that it was issued on Oct. 19, 2016, according to reporting this week from The Post.

THAT IS AFTER Page left the Trump Campaign

We do know one element contained in it. The Post first reported on the warrant (known as a FISA warrant, short for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) in April. That report included this bit of information:

Three years before Page became an adviser to the Trump campaign, he came to the attention of FBI counterintelligence agents, who learned that Russian spy suspects had sought to use Page as a source for information.

In that case, one of the Russian suspects, Victor Podobnyy ā€” who was posing as a diplomat and was later charged by federal prosecutors with acting as an unregistered agent of a foreign government ā€” was captured on tape in 2013 discussing an effort to get information and documents from Page. ā€¦ In one secretly recorded conversation, detailed in the complaint, Podobnyy said Page ā€œwrote that he is sorry, he went to Moscow and forgot to check his inbox, but he wants to meet when he gets back. I think he is an idiot and forgot who I am. Plus he writes to me in Russian [to] practice the language. He flies to Moscow more often than I do. He got hooked on Gazprom thinking that if they have a project, he could rise up. Maybe he can. I donā€™t know, but itā€™s obvious that he wants to earn lots of money.ā€™ā€™

The FBI interviewed Page in June 2013, and he admitted to providing documents to Podobnyy,
though only ā€œbasic immaterial information and publicly available research documents.ā€

We know of other interactions between Page and Russian actors as well.

Page lived in Moscow from 2004 to 2007 while working for Merrill Lynch. In early July 2016, Page traveled back to the city to give a lecture, having been invited shortly after being named to the Trump team in March. Page informed campaign officials of his plans to travel the week before, though he at first denied having done so.

This trip became the subject of several of the reports in Steeleā€™s dossier. Report No. 94, dated July 19, claims that Page met with the president of Russian energy firm Rosneft and a Kremlin official named Igor Diveykin. Report No. 134, dated Oct. 18, suggests that in his meeting with Rosneft President Igor Sechin, Page discussed getting a stake in the company in exchange for sanctions on Russia being lifted. Page denied those meetings after they became public in a Yahoo News report in September 2016 ā€” a report which triggered his taking leave from the campaign.

In other words, the warrant application was submitted after Page had publicly broken with Trump, undercutting the idea that the campaign was being targeted.

Testifying before the House Intelligence Committee last year, Page admitted to a brief interaction with Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich during that July trip. In a memo sent to the campaign after his return, though, Page wrote that in a ā€œprivate meeting,ā€ the official had ā€œexpressed strong support for Mr. Trump and a desire to work together toward devising better solutions in response to a vast range of current international problems.ā€

He traveled to Moscow again in December 2016 and again encountered Dvorkovich. But that trip would have come after the period under consideration.

Itā€™s not clear whether Steeleā€™s memo on the first trip was turned over to the FBI right away. The first report that Steele produced was on June 20, and it ā€” suggesting possible attempts to blackmail Trump by the Russian government ā€” prompted Steele to raise with Fusion GPSā€™s Simpson the prospect of informing the FBI about what heā€™d learned. In his testimony to the Senate, Simpson said that a July 26 report was produced after Steele had already met with the FBI, so itā€™s not clear whether the July 19 memo was produced before or after that meeting.

Simpson does at one point say that after Steele talked to the FBI, ā€œexternal developments occurredā€ over the summer, including that ā€œCarter Page shows up in Moscow and gives a speech.ā€

ā€œI vaguely recall that these external events prompted us to say, ā€˜I wonder what the FBI did, whoops, havenā€™t heard from them,ā€™ ā€ he said. This suggests that the FBI hadnā€™t been informed about Steeleā€™s Page report before that point, though itā€™s not clear.

Yahoo Newsā€™s September report about Page meeting with the Rosneft official and Diveykin cites only ā€œU.S. intelligence officialsā€ as a source, so itā€™s unclear whether the meetings derived from Steeleā€™s research or if intelligence officials heard the same rumors. Steele met with an FBI contact again in Rome in mid-to-late September, at which point he may have provided his reports on Page.

Fusion GPSā€™s research into Page led Simpson to believe that, as Podobnyy said, Page might be the type to be leveraged by the Kremlin, given his relative youth and interest in making money.

ā€œWhen we talk about things in the dossier that are confirmed, this is one of the things that I think really stands out as notable, which is that Chris [Steele] identified Carter Page as someone who had seemed to be in the middle of the campaign, between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin,ā€ Simpson said in his testimony, ā€œand he later turned out to be an espionage suspect who was, in fact, someone that the FBI had been investigating for years.ā€

We donā€™t know what the memo claims. But the evidence at hand suggests that arguments that the FBIā€™s warrant application ā€” which was found to be robust enough to be renewed by Trump appointee Rod J. Rosenstein in the spring ā€” was based solely or primarily on politically motivated research from Steele arenā€™t backed up by whatā€™s already publicly known.

Glenn Kessler contributed to this report.
Thoughts on this would be interesting.

Steele knowingly delivered Russian Propaganda to the FBI, knowing what it was, and so did THE FBI.

So in my opinion, this is really, Espionage...since he was engaging in secreting propaganda out of Russia, and delivering it to Russian Moles in the FBI who then used it to damage our Democracy and interfere with our elections, and impede the peaceful transition of power, and then later, engage in a soft coup.

I agree he should be arrested and questioned about his loyalties. Was he a former spy or a former spy directed by current British agencies? Put out a warrant with Interpol and send him to America, where a solid FBI agent can arrest him.

There is only one way to really figure this out and that is to have Trump and the DOJ apply pressure to have him arrested. You will then be able to read between the lines about who might be behind this facade based on the response to such a request. The British should have no problem handing him over for extradition, and 98% of all nations would, except mortal U.S enemies.

If they don't? Would speak volumes...

Someone should tell you this is the United States of America not Nazi Germany. You can't arrest someone for no reason whatsoever. You are the one who needs to be arrested

You're quite hostile. You have some skin in this game? You some covert mi5 agent or something?

Like hell he shouldn't be arrested, he mislead a U.S federal agency and leaked said information to Yahoo News. He intended to create news to impact the election, NO DIFFERENT AT ALL FROM WHAT THOSE ARE ACCUSING THE RUSSIANS ARE DOING ON SOCIAL MEDIA!

He also at very least needs to explain himself. Was he working for the British government or any government? Was he directed by the former administration to produce such a dossier "by all means necessary"?

I don't buy this b.s "he did this because he really didn't like Trump". LOL, yeah right, f off. If he is really committed to this "Resistance", then let's see how he likes facing justice in America.

Indeed, arrest his flaky, mutton eating ass and let's hear what he has to say! God Bless America!

He was working for hilary clinton.......
here is what we knew before the memo release about Carter Page

Analysis | What we know about the warrant to surveil Carter Page

So what do we know about the Page warrant?

We know that it was issued on Oct. 19, 2016, according to reporting this week from The Post.

THAT IS AFTER Page left the Trump Campaign

We do know one element contained in it. The Post first reported on the warrant (known as a FISA warrant, short for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) in April. That report included this bit of information:

Three years before Page became an adviser to the Trump campaign, he came to the attention of FBI counterintelligence agents, who learned that Russian spy suspects had sought to use Page as a source for information.

In that case, one of the Russian suspects, Victor Podobnyy ā€” who was posing as a diplomat and was later charged by federal prosecutors with acting as an unregistered agent of a foreign government ā€” was captured on tape in 2013 discussing an effort to get information and documents from Page. ā€¦ In one secretly recorded conversation, detailed in the complaint, Podobnyy said Page ā€œwrote that he is sorry, he went to Moscow and forgot to check his inbox, but he wants to meet when he gets back. I think he is an idiot and forgot who I am. Plus he writes to me in Russian [to] practice the language. He flies to Moscow more often than I do. He got hooked on Gazprom thinking that if they have a project, he could rise up. Maybe he can. I donā€™t know, but itā€™s obvious that he wants to earn lots of money.ā€™ā€™

The FBI interviewed Page in June 2013, and he admitted to providing documents to Podobnyy,
though only ā€œbasic immaterial information and publicly available research documents.ā€

We know of other interactions between Page and Russian actors as well.

Page lived in Moscow from 2004 to 2007 while working for Merrill Lynch. In early July 2016, Page traveled back to the city to give a lecture, having been invited shortly after being named to the Trump team in March. Page informed campaign officials of his plans to travel the week before, though he at first denied having done so.

This trip became the subject of several of the reports in Steeleā€™s dossier. Report No. 94, dated July 19, claims that Page met with the president of Russian energy firm Rosneft and a Kremlin official named Igor Diveykin. Report No. 134, dated Oct. 18, suggests that in his meeting with Rosneft President Igor Sechin, Page discussed getting a stake in the company in exchange for sanctions on Russia being lifted. Page denied those meetings after they became public in a Yahoo News report in September 2016 ā€” a report which triggered his taking leave from the campaign.

In other words, the warrant application was submitted after Page had publicly broken with Trump, undercutting the idea that the campaign was being targeted.

Testifying before the House Intelligence Committee last year, Page admitted to a brief interaction with Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich during that July trip. In a memo sent to the campaign after his return, though, Page wrote that in a ā€œprivate meeting,ā€ the official had ā€œexpressed strong support for Mr. Trump and a desire to work together toward devising better solutions in response to a vast range of current international problems.ā€

He traveled to Moscow again in December 2016 and again encountered Dvorkovich. But that trip would have come after the period under consideration.

Itā€™s not clear whether Steeleā€™s memo on the first trip was turned over to the FBI right away. The first report that Steele produced was on June 20, and it ā€” suggesting possible attempts to blackmail Trump by the Russian government ā€” prompted Steele to raise with Fusion GPSā€™s Simpson the prospect of informing the FBI about what heā€™d learned. In his testimony to the Senate, Simpson said that a July 26 report was produced after Steele had already met with the FBI, so itā€™s not clear whether the July 19 memo was produced before or after that meeting.

Simpson does at one point say that after Steele talked to the FBI, ā€œexternal developments occurredā€ over the summer, including that ā€œCarter Page shows up in Moscow and gives a speech.ā€

ā€œI vaguely recall that these external events prompted us to say, ā€˜I wonder what the FBI did, whoops, havenā€™t heard from them,ā€™ ā€ he said. This suggests that the FBI hadnā€™t been informed about Steeleā€™s Page report before that point, though itā€™s not clear.

Yahoo Newsā€™s September report about Page meeting with the Rosneft official and Diveykin cites only ā€œU.S. intelligence officialsā€ as a source, so itā€™s unclear whether the meetings derived from Steeleā€™s research or if intelligence officials heard the same rumors. Steele met with an FBI contact again in Rome in mid-to-late September, at which point he may have provided his reports on Page.

Fusion GPSā€™s research into Page led Simpson to believe that, as Podobnyy said, Page might be the type to be leveraged by the Kremlin, given his relative youth and interest in making money.

ā€œWhen we talk about things in the dossier that are confirmed, this is one of the things that I think really stands out as notable, which is that Chris [Steele] identified Carter Page as someone who had seemed to be in the middle of the campaign, between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin,ā€ Simpson said in his testimony, ā€œand he later turned out to be an espionage suspect who was, in fact, someone that the FBI had been investigating for years.ā€

We donā€™t know what the memo claims. But the evidence at hand suggests that arguments that the FBIā€™s warrant application ā€” which was found to be robust enough to be renewed by Trump appointee Rod J. Rosenstein in the spring ā€” was based solely or primarily on politically motivated research from Steele arenā€™t backed up by whatā€™s already publicly known.

Glenn Kessler contributed to this report.

Except what you just posted isn't testified to by mccabe....they presented a fake dossier to a Federal Judge, swore under oath it was true, and used the warrant to spy on the Trump campaign.....

We told you they did this, you guys we know they did this......this is just the beginning.....
Thoughts on this would be interesting.

Steele knowingly delivered Russian Propaganda to the FBI, knowing what it was, and so did THE FBI.

So in my opinion, this is really, Espionage...since he was engaging in secreting propaganda out of Russia, and delivering it to Russian Moles in the FBI who then used it to damage our Democracy and interfere with our elections, and impede the peaceful transition of power, and then later, engage in a soft coup.

Comey testified that some of it had been verified. Putting out valid information is not espionage. It is Republicans and Russians who are working together. Rudsian twitter bots were pushing the #releasethememo hashtag. It is Trump and Republicans who need to be arrested.

Comey testified that some of it had been verified.

wow impressive no one has ever lied under oath --LOL

Nunes is a lying weasel. His memo contains several factual errors. He is a troll looking for crumbs from Trump.

Dumb is just a breakdown of the actual evidence and testimony...moron......

This is the biggest scandal in U.S. history, you do not get a FISA warrant to spy on the opposition party without the Attorney General signing off on it, and the AG doesn't sign off on it without the President knowing........this makes Watergate look like Kindergarten, they had to do a break in, these guys used the government to direct the entire Intelligence apparatus against Trump...

This isn't even the end of the beginning of this crap....

No it is not. It is a interpretation of facts. The fact is the underlying information has not been declassified so things can be taken out of context. Also there are several factual lies in the report. Nunes claims that Comey testified under oath that the dossier was salacious and unverified. The trouble is that Comey testified that some of it was verified, some unverified and some salacious. That is a factual lie. If he is lying about a easily verifiable fact then why should the stuff that cannot be verified be believed.

This is bigger than Watergate. Republicans and Russians working together. Russian twitter bots were pushing the #releasethe memo hashtag. That is treasonous behavior.

You are the dumb shitted moron. They wouldn't let you captain a toy boat in a bathtub.
Thoughts on this would be interesting.

Steele knowingly delivered Russian Propaganda to the FBI, knowing what it was, and so did THE FBI.

So in my opinion, this is really, Espionage...since he was engaging in secreting propaganda out of Russia, and delivering it to Russian Moles in the FBI who then used it to damage our Democracy and interfere with our elections, and impede the peaceful transition of power, and then later, engage in a soft coup.

I agree he should be arrested and questioned about his loyalties. Was he a former spy or a former spy directed by current British agencies? Put out a warrant with Interpol and send him to America, where a solid FBI agent can arrest him.

There is only one way to really figure this out and that is to have Trump and the DOJ apply pressure to have him arrested. You will then be able to read between the lines about who might be behind this facade based on the response to such a request. The British should have no problem handing him over for extradition, and 98% of all nations would, except mortal U.S enemies.

If they don't? Would speak volumes...

Someone should tell you this is the United States of America not Nazi Germany. You can't arrest someone for no reason whatsoever. You are the one who needs to be arrested

You're quite hostile. You have some skin in this game? You some covert mi5 agent or something?

Like hell he shouldn't be arrested, he mislead a U.S federal agency and leaked said information to Yahoo News. He intended to create news to impact the election, NO DIFFERENT AT ALL FROM WHAT THOSE ARE ACCUSING THE RUSSIANS ARE DOING ON SOCIAL MEDIA!

He also at very least needs to explain himself. Was he working for the British government or any government? Was he directed by the former administration to produce such a dossier "by all means necessary"?

I don't buy this b.s "he did this because he really didn't like Trump". LOL, yeah right, f off. If he is really committed to this "Resistance", then let's see how he likes facing justice in America.

Indeed, arrest his flaky, mutton eating ass and let's hear what he has to say! God Bless America!

He was working for hilary clinton.......

Not good enough under the circumstances. This cannot go forward without consequences, if people keep screaming "there needs to be consequences for the Russian for interfering in our election" and I agree, what about other forms of interference?

You guys are just going to be a launching ground for allied spy agencies who feel empowered to constantly spy on, spread rumours and whatnot to decide the outcome. This is bloody absurd and it cannot go without a reaction. This was about global influences not wanting an uncontrollable businessman to win, so who exactly was bold enough to interfere in an excessive manner, outside of the Russians (and I don't doubt they tried to influence it and wanted Trump to win)?
The FBI needs punished

Steele needs punished

Clinton, Obama, The DNC need punished.

Russia is already under sanctions and is on the verge of more.

Thoughts on this would be interesting.

Steele knowingly delivered Russian Propaganda to the FBI, knowing what it was, and so did THE FBI.

So in my opinion, this is really, Espionage...since he was engaging in secreting propaganda out of Russia, and delivering it to Russian Moles in the FBI who then used it to damage our Democracy and interfere with our elections, and impede the peaceful transition of power, and then later, engage in a soft coup.

I agree he should be arrested and questioned about his loyalties. Was he a former spy or a former spy directed by current British agencies? Put out a warrant with Interpol and send him to America, where a solid FBI agent can arrest him.

There is only one way to really figure this out and that is to have Trump and the DOJ apply pressure to have him arrested. You will then be able to read between the lines about who might be behind this facade based on the response to such a request. The British should have no problem handing him over for extradition, and 98% of all nations would, except mortal U.S enemies.

If they don't? Would speak volumes...

Someone should tell you this is the United States of America not Nazi Germany. You can't arrest someone for no reason whatsoever. You are the one who needs to be arrested

You're quite hostile. You have some skin in this game? You some covert mi5 agent or something?

Like hell he shouldn't be arrested, he mislead a U.S federal agency and leaked said information to Yahoo News. He intended to create news to impact the election, NO DIFFERENT AT ALL FROM WHAT THOSE ARE ACCUSING THE RUSSIANS ARE DOING ON SOCIAL MEDIA!

He also at very least needs to explain himself. Was he working for the British government or any government? Was he directed by the former administration to produce such a dossier "by all means necessary"?

I don't buy this b.s "he did this because he really didn't like Trump". LOL, yeah right, f off. If he is really committed to this "Resistance", then let's see how he likes facing justice in America.

Indeed, arrest his flaky, mutton eating ass and let's hear what he has to say! God Bless America!

He was working for hilary clinton.......

Not good enough under the circumstances. This cannot go forward without consequences, if people keep screaming "there needs to be consequences for the Russian for interfering in our election" and I agree, what about other forms of interference?

You guys are just going to be a launching ground for allied spy agencies who feel empowered to constantly spy on, spread rumours and whatnot to decide the outcome. This is bloody absurd and it cannot go without a reaction. This was about global influences not wanting an uncontrollable businessman to win, so who exactly was bold enough to interfere in an excessive manner, outside of the Russians (and I don't doubt they tried to influence it and wanted Trump to win)?
Amazing bottom line that Hillary paid for a bogus file, then used it to get a bogus FISA
Is anything about this nasty woman ever genuine?
Thoughts on this would be interesting.

Steele knowingly delivered Russian Propaganda to the FBI, knowing what it was, and so did THE FBI.

So in my opinion, this is really, Espionage...since he was engaging in secreting propaganda out of Russia, and delivering it to Russian Moles in the FBI who then used it to damage our Democracy and interfere with our elections, and impede the peaceful transition of power, and then later, engage in a soft coup.
Only ignorant uninformed trumptards would think that Steele was the problem. Insane loon

Yea we all know the real problem..... The DNC rigged their nomination and Hillary got caught red handed

If I was an American Leftist I would have supported Bernie Sanders, I think from what I read about him he seems like a good man, of course he's a Socialist, but he's not corrupt like Hillary her campaign probably rigged the nomination from him, most 18-24 year old Americans were crazy for Bernie and his crowds were HUGE when he had a rally, unlike Hillary's but she had it all rigged because of those Super Delegate things she had the majority of them in her pocket and Bernie Sanders because of that never had a chance at the end of the day no matter how many American Leftists voted for him in those Primaries etc.

The 18-24 year olds are crazy about Bernie because the man is certifiable himself!
Thoughts on this would be interesting.

Steele knowingly delivered Russian Propaganda to the FBI, knowing what it was, and so did THE FBI.

So in my opinion, this is really, Espionage...since he was engaging in secreting propaganda out of Russia, and delivering it to Russian Moles in the FBI who then used it to damage our Democracy and interfere with our elections, and impede the peaceful transition of power, and then later, engage in a soft coup.

Comey testified that some of it had been verified. Putting out valid information is not espionage. It is Republicans and Russians who are working together. Rudsian twitter bots were pushing the #releasethememo hashtag. It is Trump and Republicans who need to be arrested.

Comey testified that some of it had been verified.

wow impressive no one has ever lied under oath --LOL

Nunes is a lying weasel. His memo contains several factual errors. He is a troll looking for crumbs from Trump.

Like what? Failing to mention that liberals look up to pond scum?
For Treason and being Agents of The Kremlin!
The FBI needs punished

Steele needs punished

Clinton, Obama, The DNC need punished.

Russia is already under sanctions and is on the verge of more.

For what?
No evidence of either. He is not a US citizen, opposition research is perfectly legal.

Opposition research by a foreigner is violation of federal election laws.
Thoughts on this would be interesting.

Steele knowingly delivered Russian Propaganda to the FBI, knowing what it was, and so did THE FBI.

So in my opinion, this is really, Espionage...since he was engaging in secreting propaganda out of Russia, and delivering it to Russian Moles in the FBI who then used it to damage our Democracy and interfere with our elections, and impede the peaceful transition of power, and then later, engage in a soft coup.
Go right ahead and make a citizens' arrest.

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