It's me the KSigMason


Traveling Templar
Aug 20, 2008
Found this place by MasTequila on PoliticalForum looking for Publius

A little bit about me:

Born and raised in Idaho by a cop and a nurse. I have two sisters (both have at one time served in the Army with me). I have a beatiful nephew, several aunts/uncles, and so many cousins I stopped counting. I have a male German shorthair and a female Boston Bull Terrier, and one moody box turtle.

Soldier in the Idaho Army Guard since early '02 (dual MOS of Intel Analyst / UAS Operator) and I am currently the OPS NCO and Standardization Instructor Operator. I have one deployment under my belt and much of my time in the Guard has been in some kind of active duty capacity.

I am a member of the Freemasons here in Idaho. I moved quickly through the ranks and I am now the Senior Warden of my Lodge; it's kind of the VP/#2.

When I can fit it into my schedule I take some college courses. I am majoring in Political Science with an emphasis on International Relations. I am very close to my Bachelor's (I already have 2-Associates) and plan on pursuing a Master's in Diplomacy. I want to get into the Department of the State.

Now for what everyone has been scrolling political beliefs. I am Conservative, not a Republican. As for the conservative portion, I consider myself a Constitutional Conservative...what it says, goes. The specifics on my beliefs will become apparent as I post.

If you have questions, then ask.
The fact that you identify yourself as a conservative but not a Republican is hopeful.

At least that indicates to me that you understand that the Republicans aren't conservatives as I understand the word.
The fact that you identify yourself as a conservative but not a Republican is hopeful.

At least that indicates to me that you understand that the Republicans aren't conservatives as I understand the word.
lol...I agree the Republican Party has fallen away from it's roots.
It's been a long time since I've been on here. I've been very busy. Work has kept me busy and traveling. I've also done much more in the Freemasons. Hello everyone...again.
Welcome back.

Will you replace my brick sidewalk at no charge?
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