It's not just COVID -- antivaxxers die more often from everything.

So far the only thing we can prove they are researching is a biological weapon of mass destruction.
Oh, what, you don't think there is any benefit to helping our biggest enemy fund research on how to make viruses more virulent and spread faster? I thought we were supposed to follow the science ------

Right over the cliff.
Oh, what, you don't think there is any benefit to helping our biggest enemy fund research on how to make viruses more virulent and spread faster? I thought we were supposed to follow the science ------

Right over the cliff.

So far, they have only spent money making a virus that wasn't harmful to human beings, harmful. The perfect biological weapon is the one that no human being has anti bodies for. I give you corona 19. The only problem with it is it wasn't lethal enough. They are working on even more deadly versions now.
So far, they have only spent money making a virus that wasn't harmful to human beings, harmful. The perfect biological weapon is the one that no human being has anti bodies for. I give you corona 19. The only problem with it is it wasn't lethal enough. They are working on even more deadly versions now.
Agreed. Some others we've READ they are working on are smallpox, the 1918 influenza, Bubonic plague (only a bacterium and easily killed now ---- but useful in war-torn or primitive countries), the old pre-1900 cholera that made people just fall down in the street dead. If people think all major powers aren't working hard on biological weapons, they haven't been reading the news --- it's not exactly a secret.

Ebola, of course, but really only for primitive countries, I think. We're embarrassed for choice. Blowback is their only problem, but I bet they are working on that issue. The Chinese being less bad off than the developed West is verrrrry interesting, and the Chinese have more people than they want anyway. So many more males than females that they can and do field a HUGE army. Send in a deadly germ, vaccinate their troops, invade through Mexico and mop up. Now America is Chinese.
Variolation! Shades of George Washington. You terrify me. You think people are unhappy about getting vaccinated ----- try variolated.

It would be hard, also, to figure out a way to variolate anyone with a virus that is contracted by breathing it in.

I guess you are basically saying to GIVE it to everyone, deliberately. I can think of some ways to do that, but A. that may already have happened in California in early 2020, and B. it's generally considered a war crime.

First of all, you do not deliberately infect everyone.
The risk factor is 400 times lower for those under 40 vs those over 70, so you only deliberately infect the young/healthy, who essentially are at no real risk.
Second is that you only need to achieve 70% for herd immunity, so between recovery immunity and inherent immunity, you only need to deliberately infect about 30% of the population.

As far as how you do it is trivial, since it can be done with the same swabs we use for testing.

And no it would not be hard to find volunteers.
The young all want to go to spring break, rock concerts, movies, restaurants, etc. and would gladly volunteer in order to end the lock downs and masks.

Would Gen. Washington have done it if it were a war crime?
You would have ended covid in less than a month.
That means only 60k deaths or so.
Saving over half a million lives.
There is no down side.
First of all, you do not deliberately infect everyone.
The risk factor is 400 times lower for those under 40 vs those over 70, so you only deliberately infect the young/healthy, who essentially are at no real risk.
Second is that you only need to achieve 70% for herd immunity, so between recovery immunity and inherent immunity, you only need to deliberately infect about 30% of the population.

As far as how you do it is trivial, since it can be done with the same swabs we use for testing.

And no it would not be hard to find volunteers.
The young all want to go to spring break, rock concerts, movies, restaurants, etc. and would gladly volunteer in order to end the lock downs and masks.

Would Gen. Washington have done it if it were a war crime?
You would have ended covid in less than a month.
That means only 60k deaths or so.
Saving over half a million lives.
There is no down side.
Problem is, your math isn't tested in the real world.

Thought experiments are just thoughts in someone's head.

Lives are alive. I see a difference there.
Problem is, your math isn't tested in the real world.

Thought experiments are just thoughts in someone's head.

Lives are alive. I see a difference there.

No, this is NOT theoretical at all.
That is why I brought up the example of Gen. Washington.
Variolation is the main tried and true historic method, going back to ancient Egypt and China.
The only time you do NOT do variolation is if the epidemic is TOO deadly, like Ebola, in which case you have no problem getting people to cooperate with full quarantine.
The point being that whatever you do it has to be FAST.
That is why you NEVER try to "flatten the curve".
That can ONLY make things worse, as it expands and spreads over time.
No, it is you who are ignorant.
The covid death toll is about 30k/month, while a bad flu has a death toll around 60k/month.
The fact we deliberately prevented herd immunity from ending it after a month or so, is why we have 700k dead.
You can't blame an ordinary virus for the stupid things we deliberately did.

No one suggested we "just let it run wild" as YOU suggest.
The 2 historic choices are either full quarantine or deliberate variolation.
But are extremely fast, and can end an epidemic in less than a month.
Full quarantine is how we ended Ebola.
Variolation is how Gen. Washington ended smallpox in 1777.
This was 20 years before Jenner, so was not vaccination with a dead virus, but deliberate infection with a live and real virus.
Since those under 40 have 400 times the survival rate of those over 70, the death toll would have been fewer than 60k.
With variolation, you know who and when, so quarantine is easy.

And clearly these mRNA injections do not and can not convey ANY immunity at all.
They just temporarily stimulate antibody production.
Since these mRNA injections only get your own cells to grow spike proteins, the only thing they could get your immune system to remember and trigger on would be spike proteins, and since your own exosome use spike proteins for ACE2 receptor site access, it would be fatal if your immune system were to trigger on and attack spike proteins.
That is quite a screed with little to back it up. You most certainly will be hearing further. Be prepared
For the unvaccinated, the mortality rate was more than three times as high, at 1.11 per 100 person-years. The pattern held across all races and ethnicities, and in most of the age groups, even as overall mortality rates changed.

After excluding deaths from COVID, researchers compared death rates between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Excluding COVID, the unvaccinated are still dying at a rate three times higher than the unvaccinated.

The researchers don't really know why. A small part of it is that people with bad health problems might skip vaccination, and such people are more likely to die, but that's not nearly enough people to explain the difference.

Other guesses?

Maybe COVID deaths are being greatly undercounted.

Maybe vaccinated people take better care of themselves in general.

Maybe the unvaccinated engage in more self-destructive behavior.

Maybe Bill Gates is sending out covert assassination squads.

Maybe it's all another liberal media hoax from the known commies at _The Economist_.
Given up caring for those who don't care for themselves.
No, this is NOT theoretical at all.
That is why I brought up the example of Gen. Washington.
Variolation is the main tried and true historic method, going back to ancient Egypt and China.
The only time you do NOT do variolation is if the epidemic is TOO deadly, like Ebola, in which case you have no problem getting people to cooperate with full quarantine.
The point being that whatever you do it has to be FAST.
That is why you NEVER try to "flatten the curve".
That can ONLY make things worse, as it expands and spreads over time.
One thing is at least clear: whatever they tried, all that did not work.
No, it is you who are ignorant.
The covid death toll is about 30k/month, while a bad flu has a death toll around 60k/month.
The fact we deliberately prevented herd immunity from ending it after a month or so, is why we have 700k dead.
You can't blame an ordinary virus for the stupid things we deliberately did.

No one suggested we "just let it run wild" as YOU suggest.
The 2 historic choices are either full quarantine or deliberate variolation.
But are extremely fast, and can end an epidemic in less than a month.
Full quarantine is how we ended Ebola.
Variolation is how Gen. Washington ended smallpox in 1777.
This was 20 years before Jenner, so was not vaccination with a dead virus, but deliberate infection with a live and real virus.
Since those under 40 have 400 times the survival rate of those over 70, the death toll would have been fewer than 60k.
With variolation, you know who and when, so quarantine is easy.

And clearly these mRNA injections do not and can not convey ANY immunity at all.
They just temporarily stimulate antibody production.
Since these mRNA injections only get your own cells to grow spike proteins, the only thing they could get your immune system to remember and trigger on would be spike proteins, and since your own exosome use spike proteins for ACE2 receptor site access, it would be fatal if your immune system were to trigger on and attack spike proteins.
Holy shit dude!! There is a lot to unpack here. I will start by saying that you make a lot of claims and assertions but do not document much. Some of what you say is clearly horseshit white some to honest will require some research on my part.

The first load of horseshit that I will address is this:

“The covid death toll is about 30k/month, while a bad flu has a death toll around 60k/month.”

Really? The fact is that the monthly death rate has varied greatly over the course of the pandemic

COVID-19: This Is How Many Americans Have Died Each Month – 24/7 Wall St. (

You will see that the monthly toll was a good deal higher for many months, as high as 104,000 Apparently you also pulled the figures for monthly Flu deaths out of your pie hole . THe Flu does not kill 60K people a month

How many people die from the flu? (

Then you said:

“The fact we deliberately prevented herd immunity from ending it after a month or so, is why we have 700k dead. You can't blame an ordinary virus for the stupid things we deliberately did.”


“No one suggested we "just let it run wild" as YOU suggest.
The 2 historic choices are either full quarantine or deliberate variolation.
But are extremely fast, and can end an epidemic in less than a month.
Full quarantine is how we ended Ebola. Variolation is how Gen. Washington ended smallpox in 1777.”

Really We need to take a deep dive into this. Achieving heard immunity through quarantine is just plain stupid. Quarantine in the absence of widespread vaccination would never achieve herd immunity.........

Wait for herd immunity before scrapping quarantine restrictions, official says (

And variolation vaccines are not necessary to achieve immunity. Your understanding of how vaccines work is abysmal . You stated that you did not suggest that the way to achieve herd immunity from covid is to “let it run wild “ However, whether or not you believe it or admit it , the only way to achieve herd immunity without universal vaccines is to “let it run wild” and kill a lot more people

Understanding mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines | CDC

And your claim that we beat Ebola by quarantine is a flat out lie. It was beaten by a vaccine in conjunction with isolation

Ebola: How a killer disease was stopped in its tracks - BBC News

And yes, Washington beat smallpox with a vi variolation vaccine, So what is your point. The fact that was the technology available then does not mean that the Covid vaxx which is not a variolation is not effective.

And then there is this nonsense

“And clearly these mRNA injections do not and can not convey ANY immunity at all.
They just temporarily stimulate antibody production.

Since these mRNA injections only get your own cells to grow spike proteins, the only thing they could get your immune system to remember and trigger on would be spike proteins, and since your own exosome use spike proteins for ACE2 receptor site access, it would be fatal if your immune system were to trigger on and attack spike proteins.”

Dude !.....That is immunity! See link above
  • Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines teach our cells how to make a protein that will trigger an immune response inside our bodies.
  • Like all vaccines, mRNA vaccines benefit people who get vaccinated by giving them protection against diseases like COVID-19 without risking the serious consequences of getting sick.
There is something seriously wrong with the way your brain works, or more accuratly does not

All evidence so far, suggest recovery immunity is life long.
It is only the mRNA injections that only convey a 4 month temporary boost to the production of antibodies.
More horseshit without sourceing it. Yiou are so fucking lazy that you don't even bother to find some pseudo science that your pedeling here . You just rely on appeal to ingnorance and appeal to authority logical fallacies . You are a mess and not in a good way
Your intentions are good, but you have ZERO science.
For example, tell me one epidemic that was ever ended in progress, with a vaccine?
So once you realize vaccines have never stopped a single epidemic in progress, then start to think about what has stopped them, and which methods had the least deaths.
A hint, it is those methods that are fastest.
And "flattening the curve" for almost 2 years is the opposite of "fast".
See post 70 and then tell the class who has zero sciencer.

How stupid are you anyway?
Do you even know what the word "mutate" means?
It means random damage, like from a radiation strike.
That is destructive and fatal to a virus almost an infinite number of times.
It takes millions of years before a random mutation is likely to happen in a higher being, and only slightly faster in short lived simple viruses.
Still on the order of ten thousand years or so.
What does happen faster is not mutation.
It is either natural selection of already existing variants, or it is a hybrid, where more than one virus injected its RNA into the same cell, and they combine.
Anyone using the word "mutate" when referring to a virus, is just WRONG!!

Flu does NOT mutate.
There are just hundreds of long existing strains, and we just don't know which is going to be making the rounds.

How are mRNA injections ever going to convey any immunity?
They don't have a virus for the immune system to trigger on.
They do get our own cells to start growing spike proteins, but our immune system can't start triggering on spike proteins.
If it did, then we would die, because our own exosomes have to rely on spike proteins for ACE2 receptor site access.
Another rambling screed of free association blather with no documentation to back it up. And even if what you say is true, what is the relevance to the Covis issue?
At this stage, the antivaxxers here know they're spouting weird cult pseudoscience nonsense. That's why so many of them are secretly getting vaccinated. You know, just like the way all of their political cult leaders have gotten vaccinated.

That's good. We don't care _why_ the antivaxxers are getting vaccinated, so long as they do it. If they get vaccinated and then immediately run back here to earn fascist brownie points by spreading antivaxxer lies, that's fine. After all, it's not like anyone outside of their cult falls for it.
Holy shit dude!! There is a lot to unpack here. I will start by saying that you make a lot of claims and assertions but do not document much. Some of what you say is clearly horseshit white some to honest will require some research on my part.

The first load of horseshit that I will address is this:

“The covid death toll is about 30k/month, while a bad flu has a death toll around 60k/month.”

Really? The fact is that the monthly death rate has varied greatly over the course of the pandemic

COVID-19: This Is How Many Americans Have Died Each Month – 24/7 Wall St. (

You will see that the monthly toll was a good deal higher for many months, as high as 104,000 Apparently you also pulled the figures for monthly Flu deaths out of your pie hole . THe Flu does not kill 60K people a month

How many people die from the flu? (

Then you said:

“The fact we deliberately prevented herd immunity from ending it after a month or so, is why we have 700k dead. You can't blame an ordinary virus for the stupid things we deliberately did.”


“No one suggested we "just let it run wild" as YOU suggest.
The 2 historic choices are either full quarantine or deliberate variolation.
But are extremely fast, and can end an epidemic in less than a month.
Full quarantine is how we ended Ebola. Variolation is how Gen. Washington ended smallpox in 1777.”

Really We need to take a deep dive into this. Achieving heard immunity through quarantine is just plain stupid. Quarantine in the absence of widespread vaccination would never achieve herd immunity.........

Wait for herd immunity before scrapping quarantine restrictions, official says (

And variolation vaccines are not necessary to achieve immunity. Your understanding of how vaccines work is abysmal . You stated that you did not suggest that the way to achieve herd immunity from covid is to “let it run wild “ However, whether or not you believe it or admit it , the only way to achieve herd immunity without universal vaccines is to “let it run wild” and kill a lot more people

Understanding mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines | CDC

And your claim that we beat Ebola by quarantine is a flat out lie. It was beaten by a vaccine in conjunction with isolation

Ebola: How a killer disease was stopped in its tracks - BBC News

And yes, Washington beat smallpox with a vi variolation vaccine, So what is your point. The fact that was the technology available then does not mean that the Covid vaxx which is not a variolation is not effective.

And then there is this nonsense

“And clearly these mRNA injections do not and can not convey ANY immunity at all.
They just temporarily stimulate antibody production.

Since these mRNA injections only get your own cells to grow spike proteins, the only thing they could get your immune system to remember and trigger on would be spike proteins, and since your own exosome use spike proteins for ACE2 receptor site access, it would be fatal if your immune system were to trigger on and attack spike proteins.”

Dude !.....That is immunity! See link above
  • Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines teach our cells how to make a protein that will trigger an immune response inside our bodies.
  • Like all vaccines, mRNA vaccines benefit people who get vaccinated by giving them protection against diseases like COVID-19 without risking the serious consequences of getting sick.
There is something seriously wrong with the way your brain works, or more accuratly does not


You need to work on your word and reading comprehension.

Sure the actual monthly death tolls vary, but the point of "flattening the curve" was to reduce the average death toll from a potential high of 60k, down to 30k.
And the obvious problem with that is then you are conserving easy hosts, making herd immunity impossible, which then makes any epidemic last indefinitely.

And yes, seasonal flu has killed about the same number of people per month as covid.
{... According to data collected by the CDC from 2010 to 2020, the agency estimates that the flu has caused 12,000–52,000 deaths annually. ,,,}
That flu has a short season normally, so only lasts about a month. Which means if we had not "flatten the curve" with covid, it would likely have ended in a month as well.

You said:
{... Achieving heard immunity through quarantine is just plain stupid. Quarantine in the absence of widespread vaccination would never achieve herd immunity......... }
And that is obviously all wrong.
Vaccines have not existed until around 1800 when Jenner modified risky variolation into safer vaccination.
So then all epidemics before then, going back hundreds of millions of years, had to be ended by herd immunity, NOT vaccinations.

The reality is what I said.
Which is that there are only 2 ways to end any epidemic in progress.

One is full quarantine, with masks, social distancing, contact checking, etc.
That IS how we beat Ebola.
You said we instead used "isolation", but isolation IS full quarantine.
That is how you fight any epidemic that is very lethal.

The other is deliberate infection of volunteers most likely to survive.
And that is NOT letting the epidemic run wild.
Running wild is wrong because it hits the vulnerable as well as the healthy, so has too high of a death risk.
It also is random infection, so you do not know when a person is infected and contagious, so you can isolate them from the vulnerable.
With deliberate infection, variolation, you avoid infecting those likely to die, and you control when and who gets it, for the smallest possible death toll, and the shortest possible epidemic as a whole.

And no, vaccines have never ended a single epidemic in progress.
That is because vaccines take too long.
They prevent future epidemics, not end ones in progress.
There was no vaccine used to end the Ebola outbreak in the world.
No one in the US or Europe was vaccinated against Ebola.

And NO, Washington beat smallpox by deliberate infection, NOT a vaccine.
There were no vaccines in 1777, and would not be any vaccines for another 20 years.
Variolation is deliberate infection, not a vaccine.

And you still do NOT get it with mRNA injections.
They do NOT teach the immune system how to detect and attack covid, because they do not contain any covid.
They just get our own cells to grow spike proteins, but you can't get our immune system to trigger on spike proteins because our own body already has to use spike proteins. Our own exosomes enter our cells by using a spike protein. If we did somehow get our immune system to attack spike proteins, we would die because then our immune system would attack our own exosomes.
They are now admitting that the 90% efficacy rating of these mRNA injections drops from 90 to 60% after the first month. Then they drop to 30% after the second month. After the third month they will no longer have any effect at all. That is why they are doing "boosters". The "boosters" do not strengthen any immunity because there is no immunity at all. All they are doing is what the first shot did, which is to temporarily stimulate antibody production, and 3 months later the booster will also be gone and useless.
You need to work on your word and reading comprehension.

Sure the actual monthly death tolls vary, but the point of "flattening the curve" was to reduce the average death toll from a potential high of 60k, down to 30k.
And the obvious problem with that is then you are conserving easy hosts, making herd immunity impossible, which then makes any epidemic last indefinitely.

And yes, seasonal flu has killed about the same number of people per month as covid.
{... According to data collected by the CDC from 2010 to 2020, the agency estimates that the flu has caused 12,000–52,000 deaths annually. ,,,}
That flu has a short season normally, so only lasts about a month. Which means if we had not "flatten the curve" with covid, it would likely have ended in a month as well.

You said:
{... Achieving heard immunity through quarantine is just plain stupid. Quarantine in the absence of widespread vaccination would never achieve herd immunity......... }
And that is obviously all wrong.
Vaccines have not existed until around 1800 when Jenner modified risky variolation into safer vaccination.
So then all epidemics before then, going back hundreds of millions of years, had to be ended by herd immunity, NOT vaccinations.

The reality is what I said.
Which is that there are only 2 ways to end any epidemic in progress.

One is full quarantine, with masks, social distancing, contact checking, etc.
That IS how we beat Ebola.
You said we instead used "isolation", but isolation IS full quarantine.
That is how you fight any epidemic that is very lethal.

The other is deliberate infection of volunteers most likely to survive.
And that is NOT letting the epidemic run wild.
Running wild is wrong because it hits the vulnerable as well as the healthy, so has too high of a death risk.
It also is random infection, so you do not know when a person is infected and contagious, so you can isolate them from the vulnerable.
With deliberate infection, variolation, you avoid infecting those likely to die, and you control when and who gets it, for the smallest possible death toll, and the shortest possible epidemic as a whole.

And no, vaccines have never ended a single epidemic in progress.
That is because vaccines take too long.
They prevent future epidemics, not end ones in progress.
There was no vaccine used to end the Ebola outbreak in the world.
No one in the US or Europe was vaccinated against Ebola.

And NO, Washington beat smallpox by deliberate infection, NOT a vaccine.
There were no vaccines in 1777, and would not be any vaccines for another 20 years.
Variolation is deliberate infection, not a vaccine.

And you still do NOT get it with mRNA injections.
They do NOT teach the immune system how to detect and attack covid, because they do not contain any covid.
They just get our own cells to grow spike proteins, but you can't get our immune system to trigger on spike proteins because our own body already has to use spike proteins. Our own exosomes enter our cells by using a spike protein. If we did somehow get our immune system to attack spike proteins, we would die because then our immune system would attack our own exosomes.
They are now admitting that the 90% efficacy rating of these mRNA injections drops from 90 to 60% after the first month. Then they drop to 30% after the second month. After the third month they will no longer have any effect at all. That is why they are doing "boosters". The "boosters" do not strengthen any immunity because there is no immunity at all. All they are doing is what the first shot did, which is to temporarily stimulate antibody production, and 3 months later the booster will also be gone and useless.
You need to work on your organization and presentation skills. Try bulett points wth documentation instead of a stream of consciousness Gish Gallop laden screen,

For now, I will just say that Ebola was controlled by isolation because the means of transmition was direct contact and most people who got it died. If you just quarentine Covid patirnts, eventually their immunity will wane, and they may well catch it and spread it again. Oh yes, and there was an Ebola vaccine, so there goes your credability again
You need to work on your organization and presentation skills. Try bulett points wth documentation instead of a stream of consciousness Gish Gallop laden screen,

For now, I will just say that Ebola was controlled by isolation because the means of transmition was direct contact and most people who got it died. If you just quarentine Covid patirnts, eventually their immunity will wane, and they may well catch it and spread it again. Oh yes, and there was an Ebola vaccine, so there goes your credability again

The sequence was dictated by you.
I had to respond in the same order you posted.

Although covid can be transmitted through the air, the reality is almost never does.
That is because oxygen and sunlight quickly destroy it.
So the main means of transmission has been through hand contact, which then gets to sinuses when you touch you own face.
Thus the emphasis on hand cleaner.

Isolation is just a poor description of quarantine.

Immunity does not wane in less than a scale of many years, with anything.
Covid recovery immunity likely is lifelong, but we just won't know until time passes.
Vaccine immunity never existed at all.
The covid vaccines never conferred any T-cell memory immunity, but instead just stimulated antibody production directly, by passing the immune system memory.

There is an Ebola vaccine, but it was too expensive, delicate, impractical, and too late to do any good.
The sequence was dictated by you.
I had to respond in the same order you posted.

Although covid can be transmitted through the air, the reality is almost never does.
That is because oxygen and sunlight quickly destroy it.
So the main means of transmission has been through hand contact, which then gets to sinuses when you touch you own face.
Thus the emphasis on hand cleaner.

Isolation is just a poor description of quarantine.

Immunity does not wane in less than a scale of many years, with anything.
Covid recovery immunity likely is lifelong, but we just won't know until time passes.
Vaccine immunity never existed at all.
The covid vaccines never conferred any T-cell memory immunity, but instead just stimulated antibody production directly, by passing the immune system memory.

There is an Ebola vaccine, but it was too expensive, delicate, impractical, and too late to do any good.
Holy fucking shit! You're doing the same thing that I called you on again. Gish Gallop stream of consciousness with no documentation. Isn't is almost never transmitted through the air? What a boatload of inane equie excrement! What alt-reality are you living in?

And where in the name of fuck are you getting this from>
Immunity does not wane in less than a scale of many years, with anything.
Covid recovery immunity likely is lifelong,

You have NO credability!!! None!!
No, it is you who are ignorant.
The covid death toll is about 30k/month, while a bad flu has a death toll around 60k/month.
The fact we deliberately prevented herd immunity from ending it after a month or so, is why we have 700k dead.
You can't blame an ordinary virus for the stupid things we deliberately did.

No one suggested we "just let it run wild" as YOU suggest.
The 2 historic choices are either full quarantine or deliberate variolation.
But are extremely fast, and can end an epidemic in less than a month.
Full quarantine is how we ended Ebola.
Variolation is how Gen. Washington ended smallpox in 1777.
This was 20 years before Jenner, so was not vaccination with a dead virus, but deliberate infection with a live and real virus.
Since those under 40 have 400 times the survival rate of those over 70, the death toll would have been fewer than 60k.
With variolation, you know who and when, so quarantine is easy.

And clearly these mRNA injections do not and can not convey ANY immunity at all.
They just temporarily stimulate antibody production.
Since these mRNA injections only get your own cells to grow spike proteins, the only thing they could get your immune system to remember and trigger on would be spike proteins, and since your own exosome use spike proteins for ACE2 receptor site access, it would be fatal if your immune system were to trigger on and attack spike proteins.
Future speaker with mostly human parts but many internal AI mechanisms as well: “Humans need more AI assistance. Remember what untweeked humans did when they thought slowing down a virus was a good idea! Humans need our help.” The example swung the deciding members into full support for half human/half motor parts to never again repeat such calamities!
What I think is that they ruined the reputation of the word "vaccine," which was sky-high, by pimping these inferior concoctions as a cure, a prevention, a life-saver!! When we now learn they aren't and never were. I've taken my last shot, at least voluntarily. I think they promoted these inferior not-vaccines to make huge money for the medical industry. And it was all snake oil, all the time.
Spot on Circe! The exact reason the definition for vaccine was changed to encourage public trust as they knew it would. The motive? Deception at is prime.

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