It's Official: Between Mueller, Comey, Holder, and Obama, The FBI Was Useless


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The evidence has already been presented of how Mueller and his FBI knew about and suppressed any reporting on wide-spread Russian crimes and scandals in the US, to include Bribery, Extortion, and Influence-Purchasing in a successful attempt to purchase 20% of the US' supply of Uranium back in 2009-2010. None of the 4 brought up all of these crimes and scandal to the Committee responsible for approving or denying the sale, which would have shut it down. Hillary Clinton, sitting on that committee, certainly did not mention she had received $145 Million in Clinton Foundation donations from the Russian lead in their effort to buy the Uranium - which Mueller and his FBI knew about.

The evidence of how Comey - Mueller's protégé - used an alias on Twitter and how he and his criminal FBI leaked classified information to the public / press, how Comey protected Hillary from indictment and criminal charges by writing her exoneration letter before interviews were conducted and the investigation had really gotten under-way...allowing Hillary to continue to run for the Presidency while under 2 FBI investigations for crimes she DID commit.

Further corruption, incompetence, and potential criminal acts within the FBI continue to surface...about how the FBI watched a Russian spy got close to Hillary...and her radioactive national security-threatening illegal server / TOP SECRET SCI secrets...and just let it happen.

The FBI, in itself, has become a corrupt, criminal, treasonous SWAMP that need to be drained of its leadership, possibly more.

Katie Pavlich - A Russian Spy Got Close to Hillary Clinton and the FBI Watched It Happen

"...a Russian spy did get close to at least one presidential candidate during her time as Secretary of State: Hillary Clinton. A female Russian spy posing as an American accountant, for instance, used a false identity to burrow her way into the employ of a major Democratic donor in hopes of gaining intelligence on Hillary Clinton's department, records show. The spy was arrested and deported as she moved closer to getting inside the secretary's department, agents said.

The FBI watched as it happened and eventually moved in to stop it.

It turns out, all the Russian government really had to do was dangle a bunch of money in front of Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation to get the access they were looking for. After all, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
helped Russian nuclear officials become successful in their bribe filled quest to gain 20 percent control of U.S. uranium supplies. This was a goal handed down by Russian President Vladimir Putin himself. In return, those same Russian nuclear officials worked to make the Clintons richer by paying enormous speaking fees directly to former President Bill Clinton and pumped tens-of-millions of dollars into the Clinton Foundation.

As time goes by and more information is revealed, the Russia story has become far more about the Clintons than it is about President Trump."

Dangle enough money in front of Hillary Clinton and she would F* a snake or betray her own parents.....

The FBI - Mueller and Comey - was dirty as hell, but not as dirty as the Clintons!
The evidence has already been presented of how Mueller and his FBI knew about and suppressed any reporting on wide-spread Russian crimes and scandals in the US, to include Bribery, Extortion, and Influence-Purchasing in a successful attempt to purchase 20% of the US' supply of Uranium back in 2009-2010. None of the 4 brought up all of these crimes and scandal to the Committee responsible for approving or denying the sale, which would have shut it down. Hillary Clinton, sitting on that committee, certainly did not mention she had received $145 Million in Clinton Foundation donations from the Russian lead in their effort to buy the Uranium - which Mueller and his FBI knew about.

The evidence of how Comey - Mueller's protégé - used an alias on Twitter and how he and his criminal FBI leaked classified information to the public / press, how Comey protected Hillary from indictment and criminal charges by writing her exoneration letter before interviews were conducted and the investigation had really gotten under-way...allowing Hillary to continue to run for the Presidency while under 2 FBI investigations for crimes she DID commit.

Further corruption, incompetence, and potential criminal acts within the FBI continue to surface...about how the FBI watched a Russian spy got close to Hillary...and her radioactive national security-threatening illegal server / TOP SECRET SCI secrets...and just let it happen.

The FBI, in itself, has become a corrupt, criminal, treasonous SWAMP that need to be drained of its leadership, possibly more.

Katie Pavlich - A Russian Spy Got Close to Hillary Clinton and the FBI Watched It Happen

"...a Russian spy did get close to at least one presidential candidate during her time as Secretary of State: Hillary Clinton. A female Russian spy posing as an American accountant, for instance, used a false identity to burrow her way into the employ of a major Democratic donor in hopes of gaining intelligence on Hillary Clinton's department, records show. The spy was arrested and deported as she moved closer to getting inside the secretary's department, agents said.

The FBI watched as it happened and eventually moved in to stop it.

It turns out, all the Russian government really had to do was dangle a bunch of money in front of Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation to get the access they were looking for. After all, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
helped Russian nuclear officials become successful in their bribe filled quest to gain 20 percent control of U.S. uranium supplies. This was a goal handed down by Russian President Vladimir Putin himself. In return, those same Russian nuclear officials worked to make the Clintons richer by paying enormous speaking fees directly to former President Bill Clinton and pumped tens-of-millions of dollars into the Clinton Foundation.

As time goes by and more information is revealed, the Russia story has become far more about the Clintons than it is about President Trump."

Dangle enough money in front of Hillary Clinton and she would F* a snake or betray her own parents.....

The FBI - Mueller and Comey - was dirty as hell, but not as dirty as the Clintons!
Comey handed Trump the Presidency with a lie. Since you’re a republican, you shouldn’t knock him just because he ended up realizing what a terrible mistake he made.
It's all going to come out to bite them in the arse eventually. It is going to be very PAINFUL for the dems, I'm sure.
Comey handed Trump the Presidency with a lie.

What 'lie' would that exactly be?

Hillary broke numerous laws regarding the Illegal possession of, handling of, storage of, sharing of, destruction of Top Secret Classified documents, each one carrying their own criminal charges - THOUSANDS of criminal charges.

Hillary Obstructed Justice, refusing to comply with an FBI subpoena that ordered her to turn over EVERYTHING.
- She destroyed evidence, claiming it was 'personal' (and we will never know)
- She used Bleach Bit to wipe her server
- She destroyed devices, took Sim cards out of the ones she turned in and did not turn them all in
(* Compare that to how the FBI 'stormed' / raided Manaforte's home and seized all of his PCs/servers/info/devices)

The FBI has THOUSANDS of official documents / e-mails she never turned in, criminal violations of both the FOIA and the Federal Records Acts, each one carrying their own criminal charge - THOUSANDS OF CRIMINAL CHARGES

Her Top aide's PC - the one sitting on her naked pedophile husband's 'junk' - contained thousands of Hillary's classified e-mails / documents.

...and we know how she accepted $145 million from the Russians for her influence on the Committee that decided to sell 20% of US Uranium to the Criminal Russians.

It is BEYOND amazing how seditious loyalty to the DNC runs within snowflakes, so much that they are willing to defend treasonous, betraying criminal Democrats.
Yeah :rofl:

“Comey used an alias on twitter...” :eek:

OMG the implications!!! :eek::eek::eek:


Obama used an alias...e-mailing Hillary back and forth on her illegal server, lying to the media about how he did not know about her server until the media told him.

Most of Obama's Cabinet (like the EPA Lead) used personal accounts and aliases in order to get around the FOIA and Federal Records Acts and to NOT be identified while perpetrating crimes, like Hillary was caught doing.

Comey leaked illegal information...and was using his account to divulge personal, potentially classified information.
Yeah :rofl:

“Comey used an alias on twitter...” :eek:

OMG the implications!!! :eek::eek::eek:


Obama used an alias...e-mailing Hillary back and forth on her illegal server, lying to the media about how he did not know about her server until the media told him.

Most of Obama's Cabinet (like the EPA Lead) used personal accounts and aliases in order to get around the FOIA and Federal Records Acts and to NOT be identified while perpetrating crimes, like Hillary was caught doing.

Comey leaked illegal information...and was using his account to divulge personal, potentially classified information.
Illegal server? How was it illegal, when servers were not addressed by law until after she left the State Department? :eusa_think:

Have you ever commented on Jared and Ivanka’s secret e-mails being used to conduct govt. business?
That Hillary was back under investigation just days before the election. Don’t play dumb.
Who's playing dumb?

Trump was NOT under investigation by the FBI while Hillary was under MULTIPLE investigations for crimes she DID commit.

And you know damn-well that had a Republican been under multiple FBI investigations for crimes, to include Espionage, before the election they would have been forced from the race.

Hillary was protected - by Obama, the media, and - as we know now - Comey, who wrote her exoneration letter before interviews had even been conducted.

Don't play stupid - although it becomes you, you know the truth.
The evidence has already been presented of how Mueller and his FBI knew about and suppressed any reporting on wide-spread Russian crimes and scandals in the US, to include Bribery, Extortion, and Influence-Purchasing in a successful attempt to purchase 20% of the US' supply of Uranium back in 2009-2010. None of the 4 brought up all of these crimes and scandal to the Committee responsible for approving or denying the sale, which would have shut it down. Hillary Clinton, sitting on that committee, certainly did not mention she had received $145 Million in Clinton Foundation donations from the Russian lead in their effort to buy the Uranium - which Mueller and his FBI knew about.

The evidence of how Comey - Mueller's protégé - used an alias on Twitter and how he and his criminal FBI leaked classified information to the public / press, how Comey protected Hillary from indictment and criminal charges by writing her exoneration letter before interviews were conducted and the investigation had really gotten under-way...allowing Hillary to continue to run for the Presidency while under 2 FBI investigations for crimes she DID commit.

Further corruption, incompetence, and potential criminal acts within the FBI continue to surface...about how the FBI watched a Russian spy got close to Hillary...and her radioactive national security-threatening illegal server / TOP SECRET SCI secrets...and just let it happen.

The FBI, in itself, has become a corrupt, criminal, treasonous SWAMP that need to be drained of its leadership, possibly more.

Katie Pavlich - A Russian Spy Got Close to Hillary Clinton and the FBI Watched It Happen

"...a Russian spy did get close to at least one presidential candidate during her time as Secretary of State: Hillary Clinton. A female Russian spy posing as an American accountant, for instance, used a false identity to burrow her way into the employ of a major Democratic donor in hopes of gaining intelligence on Hillary Clinton's department, records show. The spy was arrested and deported as she moved closer to getting inside the secretary's department, agents said.

The FBI watched as it happened and eventually moved in to stop it.

It turns out, all the Russian government really had to do was dangle a bunch of money in front of Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation to get the access they were looking for. After all, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
helped Russian nuclear officials become successful in their bribe filled quest to gain 20 percent control of U.S. uranium supplies. This was a goal handed down by Russian President Vladimir Putin himself. In return, those same Russian nuclear officials worked to make the Clintons richer by paying enormous speaking fees directly to former President Bill Clinton and pumped tens-of-millions of dollars into the Clinton Foundation.

As time goes by and more information is revealed, the Russia story has become far more about the Clintons than it is about President Trump."

Dangle enough money in front of Hillary Clinton and she would F* a snake or betray her own parents.....

The FBI - Mueller and Comey - was dirty as hell, but not as dirty as the Clintons!
Comey handed Trump the Presidency with a lie. Since you’re a republican, you shouldn’t knock him just because he ended up realizing what a terrible mistake he made.
you mean his brief moment of consciousness? Is that what you are referring to?
Yeah :rofl:

“Comey used an alias on twitter...” :eek:

OMG the implications!!! :eek::eek::eek:


Obama used an alias...e-mailing Hillary back and forth on her illegal server, lying to the media about how he did not know about her server until the media told him.

Most of Obama's Cabinet (like the EPA Lead) used personal accounts and aliases in order to get around the FOIA and Federal Records Acts and to NOT be identified while perpetrating crimes, like Hillary was caught doing.

Comey leaked illegal information...and was using his account to divulge personal, potentially classified information.
can you say 33k emails deleted?
That Hillary was back under investigation just days before the election. Don’t play dumb.
Who's playing dumb?

Trump was NOT under investigation by the FBI while Hillary was under MULTIPLE investigations for crimes she DID commit.

And you know damn-well that had a Republican been under multiple FBI investigations for crimes, to include Espionage, before the election they would have been forced from the race.

Hillary was protected - by Obama, the media, and - as we know now - Comey, who wrote her exoneration letter before interviews had even been conducted.

Don't play stupid - although it becomes you, you know the truth.
Hillary was not under investigation when Comey wrote his near-treasonous letter just days before the election, throwing it for Trump. Meanwhile, Trump actually WAS under investigation since July, but Comey kept it secret. As a result of that investigation multiple members of the pussy grabber’s team have been fired, recused, and forced to resign, all in disgrace.
That Hillary was back under investigation just days before the election. Don’t play dumb.
Who's playing dumb?

Trump was NOT under investigation by the FBI while Hillary was under MULTIPLE investigations for crimes she DID commit.

And you know damn-well that had a Republican been under multiple FBI investigations for crimes, to include Espionage, before the election they would have been forced from the race.

Hillary was protected - by Obama, the media, and - as we know now - Comey, who wrote her exoneration letter before interviews had even been conducted.

Don't play stupid - although it becomes you, you know the truth.
Hillary was not under investigation when Comey wrote his near-treasonous letter just days before the election, throwing it for Trump. Meanwhile, Trump actually WAS under investigation since July, but Comey kept it secret. As a result of that investigation multiple members of the pussy grabber’s team have been fired, recused, and forced to resign, all in disgrace.
again, comey had a brief moment of consciousness and probably worried about his life in the future under a clinton. he would become a scape goat. He's now one anyway. he was a loser and remains one. he has zip credibility to anything. so blah, blah, blah some more about whatever you like, it doesn't change facts. Just saying.
^ she posted, despite Hillary losing; proving that at best she was unable to rig anything

Because they can't even do THAT right. Lol!
We did pretty well stopping repeal and exposing Trump’s Russian agents. More to come.
looks like the agents were all hitlery's. want to discuss the dossier? who paid for that now? you hear that news this morning yet? how about manaford and who he was really working for? hmmm seems you will see the hammer fall shortly, Mueller is all over it.

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