It's Official: Donald J. Trump Releases Five Point Plan For Ethics Reform To Make Government Honest

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Ruh roh. Chief Never Trumper Ben Sasse just said something nice about Trump:
Ben Sasse ‏@BenSasse 3h3 hours ago

Ben Sasse Retweeted Donald J. Trump

.@realDonaldTrump is making a serious ethics reform proposal here. All five points have merit and are worthy of debate / consideration.
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The power elites must be wetting themselves...If they didn't hate Trump now, they must really, really hate him now...The feeding trough is being overturned and what will the uni-party piggies do?
Dude, there is nothing on the page to which the OP links that even resembles a plan, much less one having five points pertaining to ethics reform.


And let me be clear. Ethics don't need reforming. Donald J. Trump does.
Dude, there is nothing on the page to which the OP links that even resembles a plan, much less one having five points pertaining to ethics reform.

View attachment 94167

Yes it does


Different link dude.

And don't you dare reply to me that you didn't correct your link. Was it really too much for you just to say, "Oops. Sorry. Here is the correct link."?
This is something that Hillary would never do.


Wow, that really doesn't solve any problems at all.
Show me Hillary's ethics reform plan!

So, having an "ethics reform plan" that won't do anything is better than someone who doesn't have anything? I think not. It's the same.
Why do you say his plan won't do anything?
First: I am going to re-institute a 5-year ban on all executive branch officials lobbying the government for 5 years after they leave government service. I am going to ask Congress to pass this ban into law so that it cannot be lifted by executive order.

Second: I am going to ask Congress to institute its own 5-year ban on lobbying by former members of Congress and their staffs.

Third: I am going to expand the definition of lobbyist so we close all the loopholes that former government officials use by labeling themselves consultants and advisors when we all know they are lobbyists.

Fourth: I am going to issue a lifetime ban against senior executive branch officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.

Fifth: I am going to ask Congress to pass a campaign finance reform that prevents registered foreign lobbyists from raising money in American elections.
This is something that Hillary would never do.


Wow, that really doesn't solve any problems at all.
Show me Hillary's ethics reform plan!

So, having an "ethics reform plan" that won't do anything is better than someone who doesn't have anything? I think not. It's the same.
Why do you say his plan won't do anything?

Because in order to deal with the problems of a corrupt govt, you need to stop the politicians being in the pay of the rich.

None of that is suggested here.

Also nothing about changing the way people vote to open up democracy in the USA either.

He merely wants to stop people who worked for the executive and legislature lobbying for 5 years after they served. Wow, that won't stop the lobbying. He wants to stop people who worked for the govt lobby on behalf of foreign companies. Again, it won't stop it happening. It'd merely change who does the actually lobbying. You could still hire someone as a lobbyist, but have some unknowns as the official lobbyist.

It's nonsense what he proposes as a way of dealing with the problems of govt.
This is something that Hillary would never do.


Wow, that really doesn't solve any problems at all.
Show me Hillary's ethics reform plan!

So, having an "ethics reform plan" that won't do anything is better than someone who doesn't have anything? I think not. It's the same.
Why do you say his plan won't do anything?

Because in order to deal with the problems of a corrupt govt, you need to stop the politicians being in the pay of the rich.

None of that is suggested here.

Also nothing about changing the way people vote to open up democracy in the USA either.

He merely wants to stop people who worked for the executive and legislature lobbying for 5 years after they served. Wow, that won't stop the lobbying. He wants to stop people who worked for the govt lobby on behalf of foreign companies. Again, it won't stop it happening. It'd merely change who does the actually lobbying. You could still hire someone as a lobbyist, but have some unknowns as the official lobbyist.

It's nonsense what he proposes as a way of dealing with the problems of govt.
What do you mean "changing the way people vote to open up democracy"?

What needs to be specifically changed?
Wow, that really doesn't solve any problems at all.
Show me Hillary's ethics reform plan!

So, having an "ethics reform plan" that won't do anything is better than someone who doesn't have anything? I think not. It's the same.
Why do you say his plan won't do anything?

Because in order to deal with the problems of a corrupt govt, you need to stop the politicians being in the pay of the rich.

None of that is suggested here.

Also nothing about changing the way people vote to open up democracy in the USA either.

He merely wants to stop people who worked for the executive and legislature lobbying for 5 years after they served. Wow, that won't stop the lobbying. He wants to stop people who worked for the govt lobby on behalf of foreign companies. Again, it won't stop it happening. It'd merely change who does the actually lobbying. You could still hire someone as a lobbyist, but have some unknowns as the official lobbyist.

It's nonsense what he proposes as a way of dealing with the problems of govt.
What do you mean "changing the way people vote to open up democracy"?

What needs to be specifically changed?

More political parties (therefore more views) being represented within Congress, therefore Proportional Representation. More chance for others not of the main two parties to be elected president (a runoff similar to the French way of electing a President).

This way people actually have a choice. Right now people feel they have a choice between two people they don't particularly like. Johnson has, what?, 6% in the polls right now, which is high for a third party, but pathetic for democracy.

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