Its Official: Iran Joins the Nuclear Club!


Apr 22, 2007

The first thing libs are going to come out and scream is its their right. Israel has them. We have them.

I say this is not good and is going to lead to a scary arms race. Who will be the next nations to acquire the bomb? It will come in stages:
Stage One - Iran's Immediate Regional Enemies: Iraq (ironically), Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Turkey.
Stage Two - Other Regional Players: Syria, the UAE, Jordan, Libya and Lebanon
Stage Three - Rogue Nations (with the info, experts and obivous no penalities for going nuclear, Rogue "poor" Nations go nuclear) - Sudan, Zimbawae, Myammar, Yemen, Afgahnistan, Uzbekistan, Somolia, the Congo, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua etc.
Stage Four - The Non-Nuclear Developing World Jumps on board (not wanting to be dependent on others for protection when the rogue nations have them) - Spain, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Beligium, Ireland etc.

Before you know it there are dozens of countries with the bomb. MAD will not have the same effect. Its only a matter of time before one goes off, 2 smaller nations use them against each other in a dispute, terrorist get them etc.

Note: Unlike many I don't blame this on Obama. He tried and didn't have much time to stop them. In honesty what could he do. No way he could engage in another war. He tried diplomacy, but that didn't work. The liberals in Europe were not on board for tough sanctions and Russia and China were only too happy to give US the :eusa_hand:!

Sorry but blaming Obama is DISINGENIOUS!
The first thing libs are going to come out and scream is its their right. Israel has them. We have them.

Actually, you're kinda wrong, the White House Press Secretary today said that they basically don't believe Iran.
From reading the article, I think the question is: What is a nuclear state? Does possessing the knowledge to refine uranium to weapons grade constitute a nuclear state? Or does a country have to have successfully tested a nuclear weapon?
Iran has nuclear weapons? Maybe you need to let our Government know. Every other sources says they are years away from having a working weapon
Well, there is nuclear and nuclear.

they have been refining uranium for a long time through gas centrifuges. All that may mean is they have one Hiroshima style bomb. This is an expensive and stupid way to go for it, as it costs a bomb and you have very little to show for it. On the flip side, you dont need to test the thing. It will work.

The next one will also cost a lot.

This is a waste of money no matter how you do it.

they may like to celebrate, but anybody they might want to use it on, (The US, Israel, Russia) has Bikini style bombs that are 1000 times more impressive. In terms of comparison, it is like the difference between a thumbtack and a machete.

So they have a nuke. They try and use it, it will be deflected away, and retaliation will eliminate Iran as a nation. i don't think they really want to go that route. They just want bragging rights, but I think the average Iranian would have legitimate questions on why they bothered to waste the cash this way.
The first thing libs are going to come out and scream is its their right. Israel has them. We have them.

Actually, you're kinda wrong, the White House Press Secretary today said that they basically don't believe Iran.

So that is our new "friendly approach"?

Simply call them liars with an international media audience?

Cant wait to see how that pans out for us.

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