Takeaway from the Presidential and VP debates

So nothing of substance. For example when Vance uttered this lie: "...you'd want to produce as much energy as possible in the United States of America ... Unfortunately, Kamala Harris has done exactly the opposite."
When in fact Under the Biden-Harris administration, the U.S. produced a record amount of oil last year —

Do you think if Trump were in office there would be less energy?

Why did you kids shut down the Keystone pipeline, for example?

And your war on fossil fuels, anything to say about that?
1. Without a doubt, JD Vance is the most gifted debater of the 4 candidates, not even close. Winning a debate does not necessarily make you the better President or right about your policies, but it certainly helps. JD finally got to challenge the continual media narrative that he a horrible VP choice and flushed them all down the commode. He was articulate, knowledgeable, kept his cool, and was a gentleman. You might say that he broke his cool when he tried to talk over the commentator, but the commentator broke her own rule by fact checking JD, something they all agreed not to do this go round but did anyway. She had it coming. JD showed the world he was not a push over and is a fighter and will refuse to bet walked on.

2. The media is horrific. The commentators in both debates only fact checked Trump and JD Vance and seemed oblivious to the lies from Kamala and Tampon Tim. They even agreed to not fact check the VP debate but broke their own rules anyway and did just that. Everyone sees their bias, but does anyone care? And the line of questioning also suffers as a result. Questions that were asked were asked to only help the DNC candidates. Israel had just been bombarded by Iran with the world on the brink of WW3, and the commentators sat there obsessing about abortion rights. And in both debates, the commentators pretended that America's biggest adversary in the world, which is China, does not really exist. No, the biggest adversary for the US it seems is really Orange man it seems. It is troubling that in neither debate was China brought up about anything, presumably because China basically owns both networks. Other topics not touched, like the national debt, were ignored as well. But the most glaring questions that were not asked was about the Covid crisis, which basically was the root of much of our economic woes today. It forever divided the country in various ways and ignored many voters concerns about the Constitutionality of taking away First Amendment rights all in the name of safety.

3. How the Covid Crisis was handled should have been one of the main topics of both debates. It is as if all the abuses Americans suffered from the government never happened, or if they did, they all came from only Trump as Trump personally caused any deaths that happened during Covid, which was another favorite media narrative during that time. The media held Trump personally responsible for Covid, despite the fact that many more died under Biden than Trump. They also ignored the fact that Trump tried to shut down travel to and from China and got called Xenophobic by people like Biden for doing so, but later was shown to be justified for wanting to do so. But the Covid crisis was basically botched by the Left as they became too restrictive, which is why the commentator steered clear of any questions about the horrific event. The DNC not allowing freedom of speech and freedom of assembly and freedom of religion, all in the name of public safety are all glaring reminders of why the DNC remains the biggest threat to democracy and freedom. People lost their businesses form the government mandated shutdowns without any compensation. People lost their jobs because they refused to get a mandatory vaccine, and people died from the mandatory vaccine at times, again without any compensation from the government and no ability to sue the manufacturer. Then when they went on Facebook to tell the world they lost their loved one from a government mandated vaccine, they got censored and kicked off social media. But at the same time, these same policy makers were all shown to be hypocrites as they ate at restaurants they closed down to the public, or had their hair done at salons they closed down to the public, or had parties as they assembled groups of people to party while forcing those they represent to isolate at home, etc. And how about the medical community telling dying patients they could not see their family members as they passed from this world as they died alone gasping for air to breath? Classy, eh? And shutting down the economy will impact the world economy from here on out and is one of the chief driving forces of inflation today, yet not a word about it. Tampon Tim was one of the most restrictive governors during this time, shutting down public education longer and trying to enforce more draconian rules and regulations to try and control the spread of it. Yea, that would not have been good for Tim to have to defend.

4. I am almost to the point in saying Presidential debates need to end for future races. The first debate we learned basically nothing about Kamala's positions on pretty much anything, as she was allowed to dodge questions by not having them asked about her controversial left winged positions from the past, like sponsoring a $93 trillion Green New Deal legislation with Bernie Sanders she once wanted past, yet not a word about it. However, it gives me pause when considering that the only way the world was going to learn how infirm Joe Biden was, was to force him out on that stage to be humiliated in front of the world because we could all see how bad he really was as Kamala and company sang his praises about being fit to be President up until that point. Also, if there were no debates, JD could not sell himself politically to a world consumed by the Left-wing media that attacks him and his party 24/7 as they control the narratives on pretty much every topic out there. Without JD being thrust onto the world state like that, there would be no way for people to know who he is or what he stands for, because the media certainly won't tell them.
Debates shouldn’t end, the issue is how they are conducted. It’s clear CBS, and ABC are bias and don’t care about helping the american people learn about the candidates.
Tim Jong Walz is friends with school shooters?!?....What the actual fuck?

Trump/Vance supports will claim Vance won. Harris/Walz supports will claim Walz won. What is important is how and if the debate swayed undecided voters.
1. Without a doubt, JD Vance is the most gifted debater of the 4 candidates, not even close.
Not even close. He had command of the issues, the stage, the moderators. and his opponent.
2. The media is horrific.
They're carrying the water for Harris, just like they did for Biden in 2020, so... yeah.
3. How the Covid Crisis was handled should have been one of the main topics of both debates.
That was 4 years go. If you;re looking for blame, there's plenty to go around, and if you're looking for solutions to the next bio-crisis, you wont have one until you know what it is.
4. I am almost to the point in saying Presidential debates need to end for future races.
With the media in the pocket of the Democrats -- except for Fox, but Dems won't debate there - there's no reason for a Republican to debate.

Vance refused to say trump lost in 2020 (because he knows how acknowledging facts infuriates Don) and has said he would do the illegal/unconstitutional thing Pence refused to do with respect to the fake electors. Disqualifying him for consideration as VP.

Not in the real world
Walz lied about the Minnesota abortion laws not allowing abortion in the 9th month.



That is the TEXT OF THE actual BILL FROM MN.GOV


Walz lied last night and was not fact checked by the lying mods.
Walz lied about the Minnesota abortion laws not allowing abortion in the 9th month.



That is the TEXT OF THE actual BILL FROM MN.GOV


Walz lied last night and was not fact checked by the lying mods.

The "mods" are Democrat Publicists.
Vance refused to say trump lost in 2020 (because he knows how acknowledging facts infuriates Don) and has said he would do the illegal/unconstitutional thing Pence refused to do with respect to the fake electors. Disqualifying him for consideration as VP.
the only voters that care about January 6th are in your cult. And you are already voting for the Vapid Twit.

Journalistic malpractice that they spent more time on January 6th than they did on the economy.

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