China keeps ramming Philippines ships

The Philippines just elected the son of the guy who declared martial law for a decade. They clearly aren't a Democracy.

Taiwan was ruled by a fascist name Chiang for decades, but they are a rebellious province of China, so not my problem. The third dictatorship I was referring to in relations to the SCS was Vietnam.

Elected. Until he tries to stay in power like your butt buddy Maduro in Venezuela, your definition is wrong.

Taiwan has had open elections for decades now.

Ukraine can't be considered a part of the old Russian/Soviet Empire?
Elected. Until he tries to stay in power like your butt buddy Maduro in Venezuela, your definition is wrong.

Taiwan has had open elections for decades now.

Ukraine can't be considered a part of the old Russian/Soviet Empire?

Nope. The minute they put that twat back into power, I gave up on them.

Taiwan isn't a country, it's claims to be part of China. Let the Chinese sort it out.

Again- Taiwan claims to be the rulers of China. It's an internal matter.
Nope. The minute they put that twat back into power, I gave up on them.

Taiwan isn't a country, it's claims to be part of China. Let the Chinese sort it out.

Again- Taiwan claims to be the rulers of China. It's an internal matter.

That you don't see the Ukraine thing could be similar is telling.

It's a representative Republic, not a bunch of Former commies playing capitalist oligarchs.

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