Should sane liberals patriotic to America ditch Kamala for Jill Stein?

Huh??? Are you saying Harris accepted the endorsement without YOUR permission?

You got it all wrong. I love that dumbass Kamala claimed to be "honored" by it. I have typed "Dick Cheney" 1000 times here since...
Jill Stein is a vastly better candidate than Kamala.

You would say Kamala was too far left if she was Jill Stein liar. You're even doing it to Kamala now. I see your commercials scaring UAW workers about EV's. What do you think Jill thinks about gas and coal?
You would say Kamala was too far left if she was Jill Stein liar. You're even doing it to Kamala now. I see your commercials scaring UAW workers about EV's. What do you think Jill thinks about gas and coal?

Jill Stein is honest, Kamala is a huge liar
Jill Stein admits she is Jewish, Kamala LIES ABOUT IT
Jill Stein detests Zionist Fascist 911 Traitor Dick Cheney, Kamala is "honored" to be endorsed by Cheney
Jill Stein supports free and fair elections, Kamala is for election fraud
Jill Stein has an IQ over 100, Kamala does not
Jill Stein is honest, Kamala is a huge liar
Jill Stein admits she is Jewish, Kamala LIES ABOUT IT
Jill Stein detests Zionist Fascist 911 Traitor Dick Cheney, Kamala is "honored" to be endorsed by Cheney
Jill Stein supports free and fair elections, Kamala is for election fraud
Jill Stein has an IQ over 100, Kamala does not
Hey, she can't help it if so many Republicans also agree Trump is unfit to serve.

If only there were some Dick Chaney's and 111 other former Republicans and

more than 740 former military, government, national security leaders and other public servants who signed on to an open letter yesterday proudly endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris to be the next president of the United States.

Trump stole the election from Hillary and stopped Jill's request for a recount. Not because there weren't odd things that happened (thank to Rick Snyder finding Trump the 10,700 votes he needed to beat Hillary) but because Jill had no chance of winning.

I don't know why Hillary didn't speak up and demand the recount. Rick Snyder stole MI for Trump in 2016.

And interestingly, just like I hate Dick Chaney, I hate Rick Snyder too. But even HE is not voting for Trump. Trump put his wife on his team. Why? Because Rick Snyder DELIVERED Michigan to him. Duh.
Hey, she can't help it if so many Republicans also agree Trump is unfit to serve.

If only there were some Dick Chaney's and 111 other former Republicans and

more than 740 former military, government, national security leaders and other public servants who signed on to an open letter yesterday proudly endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris to be the next president of the United States.

Trump stole the election from Hillary and stopped Jill's request for a recount. Not because there weren't odd things that happened (thank to Rick Snyder finding Trump the 10,700 votes he needed to beat Hillary) but because Jill had no chance of winning.

I don't know why Hillary didn't speak up and demand the recount. Rick Snyder stole MI for Trump in 2016.

And interestingly, just like I hate Dick Chaney, I hate Rick Snyder too. But even HE is not voting for Trump. Trump put his wife on his team. Why? Because Rick Snyder DELIVERED Michigan to him. Duh.

You hate TRUTH and AMERICA as does everyone for KAMALA.
You were one of the hate hoaxing homos on 1/6
I just figured out not only did Bush steal 2000 and 2004, Trump stole Michigan in 2016. Remember 2020 he called Georgia to have the Republican governor/sos FIND him 11,000 votes like that was doable? Trump sounded like he knew for a fact that could be done but Rafflissburger said no thank god. But why did Trump say "come on gimme a break"? Because he did it in MI. Rick Snyder. The payoff was Trump appointed her to his administration. She hates public schools and wanted to implement her right wing policies. For whatever reason she fired her or she quit and now Rick Snyder isn't endorsing Trump for POTUS. Man they'll make movies about this years to come.

It dawned on me when Jill Stein was denied a recount in MI. Something shady happened and the judge, who I'll admit was a Obama appointment (but went along with Trump?) but the judge told Jill no because she wasn't harmed. Because she only got 1% of the vote.

BUT WHAT ABOUT HILLARY? Why didn't Hillary object and ask for a recount. Fascinating. But Trump only beat Hillary by 10,600 votes in MI. That's why he knew Georgia could "FIND" him 11,600 which is all he needed. His words. On tape.

Man, Democrats need to remind people of all this in October just before the election. I want to see commercials reminding us. I'm going to write Kamala.
which side was BUSTED CHEATING by the USA Today recount of FLA 2000?

Most Newspapers back then were run by Republicans.

Hanging chads? That's the excuse to throw out ballots? And they purposely chose thin paper that they knew would produce hanging chads? That was their excuse for tossing out black votes?

The woman in charge of the elections was a Democrat right? Yea sure. But NOT in 1996. Remember PNAC? It was Project 2025 in the 90's. They planned how to steal the election in 2000 long before the election. And the Iraq invasion. So this woman who was a Democrat and ran the election, really wasn't a Democrat. It was so Jeb and Katherine Harris could cover their ass. Say look it was all free and fair.

Butterfly ballots.

Republicans used ever tactic. Ultimately, they started a riot to stop the recount. What were they afraid of? And the Supreme Court gave it to Bush. With a stupid reason that makes no sense. Basically, "for the sake of the country and our reputation, we're just gonna give it to Bush". Then Gore has to take it and he rolls his eyes as HE certified Bush. Much like Pence certified Biden.

Don't get me started.
In 2008 conservative voters made a huge error not ditching John McCain and voting for Libertarian nominee Bob Barr. The result was 8 years of Ms Barack....

In 2024, liberal voters have a very legit candidate in Jill Stein...

and while EMH disagrees with many of Ms Stein's positions, she is a person of integrity, character, and patriotism to America, while Kamala is clearly not.

If the Dem voters ditched Kamala for Stein, essentially zero-ed out Kamala, Stein would be up by 10 right now...
Jill Stein usually runs on the Green Party Ticket.
In 2008 conservative voters made a huge error not ditching John McCain and voting for Libertarian nominee Bob Barr. The result was 8 years of Ms Barack....

In 2024, liberal voters have a very legit candidate in Jill Stein...

and while EMH disagrees with many of Ms Stein's positions, she is a person of integrity, character, and patriotism to America, while Kamala is clearly not.

If the Dem voters ditched Kamala for Stein, essentially zero-ed out Kamala, Stein would be up by 10 right now...
Jill Stein shows up every four years to run for president. Then she's gone until the next presidential election rolls around

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