Trump Suggests Terrifying Solution To Ending Crime: The PURGE

We all know exactly what Trump's policies are, IM2. He'll do what he did before Covid. He'll secure the border. He'll lower energy costs and thus lower inflation. He'll deprive Russia and Iran with the money with which they wage war.

What are Kamala's solutions to any of those things? She's the one who opened the border. She's the one who cast the deciding votes in the Senate that passed the spending bills that caused the inflation that's been sapping the American people for the past three years. She's the one who pushed the Green New Deal through that's going to drive up energy prices higher.

"White rule"? That's your excuse for everything, even voting for incompetence.
He didn't secure the border before COVID. He won't lower energy prices because he didn't lower them last time. He will help Putin any way he can just like he did last time. Biden didn't give Iran money you stupid fool. The world court mandated that we give Iran their money back that had been frozen! Or we could pay that money plus about 50 years of interest with it.

When trump pulled out of the JCPOA, he made it possible for Iran to restart its nuclear program! But the disinformation you use for news made it sound like trump was this strong leader when in fact he made a huge mistake. And don't talk about what Trump won't let Russia do when he stood in front of the entire world siding with Putin over his own intelligence.

If you vote for Trump, you're the one voting for incompetence. The inflation created because of the pandemic was global. Do you understand what global means? It means that Biden or Harris didn't make it happen.

Harris didn't open up anything.

And just stop talking about the border if you are a Republican. A border bill was presented to congress, Trump sabotaged it so he could use immigration as a campaign issue and here we see you being dumb enough to try blaming democrats when trump is why any of the problems continue now. The green new deal is not going to drive up anything. But continuing global climate change if we do what you idiots want to keep doing will. On every issue you right wingers are on the wrong side and yes, trump has promised you whiteyland which is why so many of you practically worship him no matter how many times he screws up.

If Trump gets elected, within the first 3 months he will brag about the miraculous turnaround of the American economy and you will be stupid enough to believe him. In reality he will again be inheriting a growing economy someone else built. You guys refused to give Obama credit, but when the white boy said he turned it around you believed him. But he didn't. And now you idiots have spent 4 years ignoring good work, calling a decent man senile and believing anything you have seen on edited videos that made him look crazy, while you support a moron who stands on podiums during rallies talking like Captain Queeg. Trump will fuck up this country like he did the last time. But just as long as he race baits you idiots, you'll follow.
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Trump never secured the border. He hardly made a dent on illegal crossings. He slowed legal immigration down to a crawl and left all the backlog for Biden to deal with.
Trump put Remain in Mexico in place, Arlette. He started building the wall. The border was FAR more secure then, then now!
Biden did away with 64 Executive Actions put in place by Trump. He opened the border. He let the Fentanyl pour in. He let the murderers pour in. He let the rapists pour in. He let tens of thousands of children and women be used for sex trafficking by the Cartels. He even let terrorists in. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have put the US in great danger and they've done so for political reasons. How can you vote for THOSE people?
Trump declared that Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) should be put in charge for “one really violent day.”

“One rough hour. And I mean real rough, the world will get it out and it will end immediately. End immediately. You know, it will end immediately,” he added without sharing any logistics.
And let me guess, the crowd was 100% down with it. Sick fucks.

As for the blob...

Verbal repetition in people with dementia is one important manifestation of reduced cognition. It can occur early in dementia and is amongst the behaviors that most trouble caregivers. Repetitive verbalizations can take the form of repetitive questions, story-telling, statements, and talk on a topic and repeating words.

One really violent day is a Trump policy proposal and also the topic of this thread. So shoot, I'm all ears.
"One really violent day" is a diversion from the fact that Kamala Harris has no policies that will fix the border...or inflation or the wars raging in the Middle East and Ukraine. You're like a cat chasing a laser beam on the floor. Concentrate on REAL policies!
And let me guess, the crowd was 100% down with it. Sick fucks.

As for the blob...

Verbal repetition in people with dementia is one important manifestation of reduced cognition. It can occur early in dementia and is amongst the behaviors that most trouble caregivers. Repetitive verbalizations can take the form of repetitive questions, story-telling, statements, and talk on a topic and repeating words.

Trump 2024
Trump put Remain in Mexico in place, Arlette. He started building the wall. The border was FAR more secure then, then now!
Biden did away with 64 Executive Actions put in place by Trump. He opened the border. He let the Fentanyl pour in. He let the murderers pour in. He let the rapists pour in. He let tens of thousands of children and women be used for sex trafficking by the Cartels. He even let terrorists in. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have put the US in great danger and they've done so for political reasons. How can you vote for THOSE people?
Wrong on every count. Thw U.S is not in great danger from these immigrants.

Stop falling for the race baiting.

Trump sabotaged a border bill supported by the Border Patrol so he coud make it a politcal issue. And that's who YOU are going to votefor.
Only to virulent racists. If there is any problem at the border now, it is because of Trump.

STFU race baiter. Trump had border crossings at a 48 year low, until xiden reversed his policies. And here's a clue for ya race baiter, Mexican ain't a race, it a nationality and an ethnicity. The vast majority of Mexicans are sporting white European blood, just like kneepads. LMAO BTW, I have no problem using deadly force to repel an invasion, just like Ukraine and Israel are doing. If all these illegal invaders knew death was likely and not just a remote possibility, they'd stop coming.

Every single one of you on the left is so caught up in your hatred of Trump that you refuse to question what it is that Kamala Harris is going to do as President...who she really is. The Main Stream Media won't demand that she give real answers to the questions that people have and work non stop to protect her from those questions.

What are her solutions to our problems? Concrete plans not vague slogans about "Opportunity Economies"! What does that even mean? Do any of you know?
Trump put Remain in Mexico in place, Arlette. He started building the wall. The border was FAR more secure then, then now!
Biden did away with 64 Executive Actions put in place by Trump. He opened the border. He let the Fentanyl pour in. He let the murderers pour in. He let the rapists pour in. He let tens of thousands of children and women be used for sex trafficking by the Cartels. He even let terrorists in. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have put the US in great danger and they've done so for political reasons. How can you vote for THOSE people?
K. So Trumpy got you moist. Fine. Now what about this "one really violent day"?
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STFU race baiter. Trump had border crossings at a 48 year low, until xiden reversed his policies. And here's a clue for ya race baiter, Mexican ain't a race, it a nationality and an ethnicity. The vast majority of Mexicans are sporting white European blood, just like kneepads. LMAO BTW, I have no problem using deadly force to repel and invasion, just like Ukraine and Israel are doing. If all these illegal invaders knew death was likely and not just a remote possibility, they'd stop coming.

Actually Obama had the border at the low, then somehow when Biden took office there was a problem. Since Trump was the president between Obama and Biden. your claim is a bit off. We are not being invaded.
"One really violent day" is a diversion from the fact that Kamala Harris has no policies that will fix the border...or inflation or the wars raging in the Middle East and Ukraine. You're like a cat chasing a laser beam on the floor. Concentrate on REAL policies!
No, it's what Trump desires.
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Wrong on every count. Thw U.S is not in great danger from these immigrants.

Stop falling for the race baiting.

Trump sabotaged a border bill supported by the Border Patrol so he coud make it a politcal issue. And that's who YOU are going to votefor.
I'm going to vote for the person who worked hard to secure the border. I'm going to vote for the person who gave us some of the best economic numbers we've ever had before Covid. I'm going to vote for the person who's foreign policy kept Iran and Russia poor and kept us out of wars. I'm going to vote for the person who never had inflation go over 3%.
Every single one of you on the left is so caught up in your hatred of Trump that you refuse to question what it is that Kamala Harris is going to do as President...who she really is. The Main Stream Media won't demand that she give real answers to the questions that people have and work non stop to protect her from those questions.

What are her solutions to our problems? Concrete plans not vague slogans about "Opportunity Economies"! What does that even mean? Do any of you know?
We have heard what Harrisis going to do. You are the one who says she has no policies. Everything you have posted in this particuar post is a lie.

Stop watching those disinformation netwrks.
I'm going to vote for the person who worked hard to secure the border. I'm going to vote for the person who gave us some of the best economic numbers we've ever had before Covid. I'm going to vote for the person who's foreign policy kept Iran and Russia poor and kept us out of wars. I'm going to vote for the person who never had inflation go over 3%.
Then you'll be voting for Obama. Because Trump did none of the things you say fool.

We aren't in any wars now, and we were in wars during Trump. Afghanistan.

And if you believe the birdersnot secure, Trump is why the border is not secure today.
No, it's what Trump desires.
Trump desires to fix the problems that Joe Biden has caused. An open border. More Americans dying of Fentanyl overdoses in one year than we lost in the entire Vietnam War. Millions of illegals flooding the country stretching our social services to the breaking point. Inflation that's cost the average American family over $40,000 over the last 3 1/2 years. A foreign policy which enriches our adversaries and undermines our greatest ally.

What has Kamala Harris proposed to fix any of those things?
We have heard what Harrisis going to do. You are the one who says she has no policies. Everything you have posted in this particuar post is a lie.

Stop watching those disinformation netwrks.
Define for me what an "Opportunity Economy" is, IM2?
Trump desires to fix the problems that Joe Biden has caused. An open border. More Americans dying of Fentanyl overdoses in one year than we lost in the entire Vietnam War. Millions of illegals flooding the country stretching our social services to the breaking point. Inflation that's cost the average American family over $40,000 over the last 3 1/2 years. A foreign policy which enriches our adversaries and undermines our greatest ally.

What has Kamala Harris proposed to fix any of those things?
Trump was the reason the most conservative border bill in decades didn't pass. So no, Trump doesn't want the border fixed, he wants to run on it.
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