is the EU a good idea?

is it a good idea?

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No, you wrote as if my comment was not allowed. Learn English better and you might make sense.

I do not think "to make sense" someone is able to learn - specially not from you. You should try to find out on your own what makes sense and what makes no sense. That many US-Americans try to destroy Europe makes for example no sense. What had your naive political idiot Donald Trump to do with Great Britain - and why did he and his criminal gang manipulate the Brits and their refendum for the Brexit? Why is the USA doing such weird things?
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Only US-Americans think exclusively in structures of economy. But economics is not an end in itself. The EU is first of all a peace project. The most successful peace project on this planet at all.

We are right to ask if Europe can keep the peace. The answer is “no”. Peace in Europe owes much to other factors and the EU has done little to build peace beyond its borders. Peace within Europe has become fragile as the euro unleashes competitive pressures that pit national economies against one another.

Read all of it.
The United States of Europe is a good idea to compete with America directly, but reduces representation in the UN.
It is not fair all these tiny Middle Eastern States gets 1 vote each. They make up a huge chunk of the UN, therefore making it easy to vote on the Islamic agenda and the anti-Israel agenda as well.
The United States of Europe is a good idea to compete with America directly ...

That's impossible because we are a gigantic amount of different languages, traditions and cultures. Federalism is no empty phrase in Europe. The USA is a monolithic block of egocentric people compared with the European diversity. Who knows an US-American knows the USA. Who knows an European knows nearly nothing about Europe.
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The United States of Europe is a good idea to compete with America directly, but reduces representation in the UN.
It is not fair all these tiny Middle Eastern States gets 1 vote each. They make up a huge chunk of the UN, therefore making it easy to vote on the Islamic agenda and the anti-Israel agenda as well.
How many do you know tiny ME states?
We are right to ask if Europe can keep the peace.

What's not your problem. You have only two borders and gigantic problems with your borders. And you are in the near of a civil war because of your two simple political ideologies.

The answer is “no”. Peace in Europe owes much to other factors and the EU has done little to build peace beyond its borders. ...

From which war do you speak now?
What's not your problem. You have only two borders and gigantic problems with your borders. And you are in the near of a civil war because of your two simple political ideologies.

From which war do you speak now?

What are you talking about?

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