Accusing Israel of Genocide is an Antisemitic Trope

The international community is not gonna get its hands dirty in Israel's effort to take what's left of the Palestinians land. Get that through your head.
Squirrel. This does not even remotely address my post.

The primary requirements for inclusion in the international community (Statehood, UN membership) are to respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of other States and to solve conflicts through peaceful means.

Israel did not invade Gaza and commit a crime against humanity. Gaza did that.
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Squirrel. This does not even remotely address my post.

The primary requirements for inclusion in the international community (Statehood, UN membership) are to respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of other States and to solve conflicts through peaceful means.

Israel did not invade Gaze and commit a crime against humanity. Gaza did that.
As was on display just a few days ago at the UN, the international community sees it differently.
As was on display just a few days ago at the UN, the international community sees it differently.
Yes, I am well aware that the international community, especially as evidenced at the UN, is unwilling to address crimes against humanity if those crimes are committed against Jews.

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