Jewish students at Columbia spat on, pinned against walls, chased out of dorms, threatened with death

The UN has passed more resolutions against Israel than any other country in the world, not even close.

This includes countries like Venezuela where they no longer have free elections or Iran or North Korea where they starve to death their own citizens. Pure insanity.

The entire world is out to get them and the reasons behind it have NOTHING to do with social justice.

In fact, I often wonder if these people even know what powers drive them to do what they do.
Could it be........SATAN
Democrats have even chastised other democrats, such as Omar, for being antisemitic.

But nothing is ever done to get rid of them as their movement grows.
Remember when she came out with her antisemitic shit, and the GOP wanted a resolution condemning antisemitism? The Dems refused, and insisted it be watered down with all sorts of stuff opposing bigotry against blacks….and Muslims….and gays….and, oh yeah, dem Jews od course.

But when people wanted to say that All Lives Matter, the Dems flew into a rage that this was about BLACKS, and to expand it would weaken the message. But when it’s concerning the Jews? Let’s weaken it!
The UN has passed more resolutions against Israel than any other country in the world, not even close.

This includes countries like Venezuela where they no longer have free elections or Iran or North Korea where they starve to death their own citizens. Pure insanity.

The entire world is out to get them and the reasons behind it have NOTHING to do with social justice.

In fact, I often wonder if these people even know what powers drive them to do what they do.
The U.N. is blatantly antisemitic. That’s why pro-Muslim Obama rushed his Iranian “deal” up to them for approval, rather than call it what is was - a treaty - which would have required Congressional approval, which Obama would not have gotten.
Do you have any statistics?

I can't find any.

They didn't. Many got out of dodge the second he took office, and more so once he did away with the other parties and the SA became the law of the streets. It calmed down after the Night of Long Knives, but then the Nuremberg laws were firmly in place.

Since Jews were removed from voting by 1936 I so I believe, anything about them voting for Hitler is impossible after that date, and highly unlikely before that date.
IQ2, no one on these boards advocates the destruction of the nation of Israel or Jews anywhere else.

Do you?
The Nation of Israel is not close to being destroyed. So let's talk about what's actually happening and why Israeli citizens are protesting Netanyahus punk ass right now.

Because I'm not hearing any of this whining from this racist jew OP.
The U.N. is blatantly antisemitic. That’s why pro-Muslim Obama rushed his Iranian “deal” up to them for approval, rather than call it what is was - a treaty - which would have required Congressional approval, which Obama would not have gotten.
The UN in not anti semitic. Obama was not pro muslim. Obama didn't rush shit, the deal was done between 5 nations. Netanyahu is a problem. He is no better than the Iranians.
One of my workmates is a hardcore democrat who wanted me essentially canceled for criticizing BLM. He even considered no longer working with me over it. He lives in an all white environment.
He’s Jewish and a Columbia grad.
Democrat dichotomies are endless.

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