Walz...."Sometimes it's just the guns!"

The OP is the issue, maybe fking grow up you fking child!!
Guns were mentioned in the OP, and also mentioned in my reply to John, who brought in the affordability or prevalence (or lack of) into the conversation. Mind your own business, or go jump him for bringing it into the conversation. You will have better luck, as you cannot limit the speech of adult, only children, and then only if you can beat them into submission, none of that being the case here.

As for the OP or his thread post, I understand his view, having had guns around for use, all my life, including in high school, and now, after a lifetime teaching weapons use, control, application, tactic, and for a period of time as a hunter. Though I am a supporter of the 2nd amendment, it is not the overriding supreme argument to end any regulation of guns, their use, or the people that own them (that should be responsible, though no criminal can be, as it is not allowed, until the criminal (even lifelong criminal) can be found with one, often a stolen one, often after shooting someone or at someone. I'm one of the good guys, very responsible with my legal weapons (guns and knives) going about my ownership and carrying almost daily (and always handy if not carried) fully licensed, tested and approved by multiple agencies (at very low cost to me, except time and purchase price) to me, as all that carry should be, and required by law to show license anytime I am stopped, by police or legal authority.
If you were in High School in the early 80's middle class could not afford to be a 3 car family....even if the 3rd car was a beater POS truck that only ran half the time. Only upper class wealthy families could afford it. The insurance was outrageous.

That's how it was. Of course you could borrow a shotgun...there's plenty around. Bird shot was cheap enough too. (Before Brady Act). Everyone hunted to put meat in the freezer. Because it really helped the grocery bill.

That's what I'm saying.
I grew up in the late 70s. My parents bought a new car in 1975 and gave the old car to me almost two years before I could drive it. It was a 1966 that they bought brand new. I drove it in high school and in the Navy, but when I went to college, I got a newer car (1975) and my brother got the 66. My Dad was a factory worker for GE and my mom stayed home. We were not rich by any stretch of the imagination, but we got by. I went to college on a full scholarship but paid my own food and rent. That 75 lasted three years until I was senior and bought a brand-new car for my graduation.

I had a car, and my parents were not like anything you described. I suggest you were poorer than you thought.
Be careful Whitey! You are bashing a fellow lib there! We wouldn't want someone on the left accuse you of being a hypocrite!
I care not for the labels. The do not impress me or restrict my reaction to commentary or position. That is for you committed party members. Tough luck for you.
Guns were mentioned in the OP, and also mentioned in my reply to John, who brought in the affordability or prevalence (or lack of) into the conversation. Mind your own business, or go jump him for bringing it into the conversation. You will have better luck, as you cannot limit the speech of adult, only children, and then only if you can beat them into submission, none of that being the case here.

As for the OP or his thread post, I understand his view, having had guns around for use, all my life, including in high school, and now, after a lifetime teaching weapons use, control, application, tactic, and for a period of time as a hunter. Though I am a supporter of the 2nd amendment, it is not the overriding supreme argument to end any regulation of guns, their use, or the people that own them (that should be responsible, though no criminal can be, as it is not allowed, until the criminal (even lifelong criminal) can be found with one, often a stolen one, often after shooting someone or at someone. I'm one of the good guys, very responsible with my legal weapons (guns and knives) going about my ownership and carrying almost daily (and always handy if not carried) fully licensed, tested and approved by multiple agencies (at very low cost to me, except time and purchase price) to me, as all that carry should be, and required by law to show license anytime I am stopped, by police or legal authority.
The OP is referring to the comment made by Walz, that guns are the cause of school shootings. You believe that?
Dad worked for HP and mom worked for the forest service. (Procurement) up in Idaho. Plenty rural then....

We weren't rich but still had the double income. And a car for my brother or myself?
Not happening....the insurance would have been outrageous. Not the vehicle itself. That would have been possible. But the monthly insurance would have been impossible to afford.
I grew up in the late 70s. My parents bought a new car in 1975 and gave the old car to me almost two years before I could drive it. It was a 1966 that they bought brand new. I drove it in high school and in the Navy, but when I went to college, I got a newer car (1975) and my brother got the 66. My Dad was a factory worker for GE and my mom stayed home. We were not rich by any stretch of the imagination, but we got by. I went to college on a full scholarship but paid my own food and rent. That 75 lasted three years until I was senior and bought a brand-new car for my graduation.

I had a car, and my parents were not like anything you described. I suggest you were poorer than you thought.
Wow, your story is very close to mine, amazing. Mine was a 67 Fury III from my parents. I drove that for two years and bought a 73 Chevy Vega, four speed two carb, then in 75 turned that in for a 75 Camaro. Making 4.60 an hour!!!!!!
You are a walking, talking contradiction. You are so liberal on most things, but conservative on others. That makes no sense if you actually have those beliefs.
What you ascribe to liberal or conservative are often contradictions to being properly raised in America, and having a decent education, morals, and sense of the history of this country. The knowledge that right is right, and wrong is wrong, along with the ability to see a false argument, and not having to care which side made it, makes a difference. Where you are locked in, to what is right, or logic or truth, taking a back seat to what you think is a Republican/Democrat or Conservative/Liberal argument or statement. No longer able to agree or disagree, without your promise to Party, getting in the way, less you lose points among the others of your ilk. I have no such difficulties, whereas, you are defined and controlled by them.
Right Tim, and it's just the forks making Americans fat.

Guns are tools…remove guns, there are other deadly tools.

I mean were it not for guns, how would Genghis Kahn have killed all those people? ;)

He said Finland is safer....OK, what 3rd world country with a multibillion drug cartel who basically has it's own standing army borders Finland?

Drop Cook county/Chicago into Finland for one year and see what happens.

I swear, anytime I hear a dem say "I own guns I'm a hunter", I want to punch a baby seal.
I's never just the guns. What it is is liberal judges letting known dangerous people run around loose.
The OP is referring to the comment made by Walz, that guns are the cause of school shootings. You believe that?
No. It is the lack of control, by parents, family, community, and society as a whole, not being able to come to consensus, though seeing the problem, quite clearly and the results.
What you ascribe to liberal or conservative are often contradictions to being properly raised in America, and having a decent education, morals, and sense of the history of this country. The knowledge that right is right, and wrong is wrong, along with the ability to see a false argument, and not having to care which side made it, makes a difference. Where you are locked in, to what is right, or logic or truth, taking a back seat to what you think is a Republican/Democrat or Conservative/Liberal argument or statement. No longer able to agree or disagree, without your promise to Party, getting in the way, less you lose points among the others of your ilk. I have no such difficulties, whereas, you are defined and controlled by them.

Don't waste words on him.....The "admiral" always acts the dick.
Right Tim, and it's just the forks making Americans fat.

Guns are tools…remove guns, there are other deadly tools.

I mean were it not for guns, how would Genghis Kahn have killed all those people? ;)

He said Finland is safer....OK, what 3rd world country with a multibillion drug cartel who basically has it's own standing army borders Finland?

Drop Cook county/Chicago into Finland for one year and see what happens.

I swear, anytime I hear a dem say "I own guns I'm a hunter", I want to punch a baby seal.
Correct .. It's a stupid argument to compare two culturally different countries on a wedge issue. Vance hit the nail on the head by focusing on cultural differences, specifically mental health and mental illness. Finland is superior with mental health/illness, educates children in their schools on this topic, allocates substantial funding for mental health/illness, promotes public campaigns and education to remove the stigma associated with mental health/illness, and effective intervention services aimed to provide timely support and to prevent escalation of mental health issues.

Compared to the United States, which has a lack of funding, a higher prevalence of untreated mental illness, limited access, and a lack of integrated services. You can also see this with the transgender and gender identity shenanigans that continue to proliferate and are clearly supported and embraced by our democrat government, policymakers, and bureaucrats.

In addition, democrats loathe law enforcement and their ability to arrest and prosecute violent criminals.

Yet they blame the guns.
But you can't spare any criticism for Walz saying what he said about guns?
It wasn't very artfully spoken on the debate stage. I will say, you won't catch me vacationing or traveling through Minnesota, as his state does not recognize my carry permit, my state recognizes those issued in his state, though the requirements for training, certification, range qualification are the same.

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