Takeaway from the Presidential and VP debates

I like to hear from International sources and I did collect a couple of key ones which reflect the general sentiment. One astute comment on youtube really had me thinking about the debate and broader geopolitical events.

They said, I paraphrase "with the Axis of evil built the way they are, Iran and N Korea don't act without speaking to China first. Russia even gives notice before they attacked Ukraine, promising to time it after the Beijing Olympics, not during. If so, China coincidentally green lit an attack on Israel on the same day the world gets to finally hear from Walz. The guy who was in China very often and even nervously blushed on stage in the debate when talking about his apparent misremembering. They knew the timing of this attack would decrease the focus on this, Walz, and of course, any potential relationship with China".

This person amalgamated my different assertions in one post though he went further by suggesting a Manchurian Candidate of sorts.

Also, on Times Radio, a British youtube site which has for months been against Trump, since Harris has become the nominee there has been a sharp decrease in complaints against Trump and far more criticism of Harris and the weakness of the U.S. This continued after the debate.

As one lady said after declaring that American leadership looks very weak to the world today, "I put a list together of the two things America cannot allow to happen in order to avoid a major war, and they were in order 1. dont let Israel invade Lebanon on the ground 2. dont let Iran attack Israel with missiles. Well, here we are".

I look forward to four years of Harris/Walz. I do say that defeating Trump would help the Neo-Cons greatly. First, it would decrease the impact people like Vivek will have on the future of U.S policies as if Trump loses half of the country is going to tune out. Dejected, defeated and uninterested for at least the mid terms.

It also would decrease those looking to avoid wars and bring back manufacturing and essentially confirm that "America First" is not in the Establishments objectives and being the second or third most important country going forward in the future is ok with them as long as they remain in the top caste.

The scenarios for China are endless with a Harris win, they could attack Taiwan within a year, or, stay on their course for a 2027 attack and be confident in both cases that Americas influence is waning enough that the pushback will be less impactful.

Most didn't see a big difference maker in either debate, though they were both finally seen by the public in a format.
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Why did you kids shut down the Keystone pipeline, for example?
The Keystone pipeline is still fully operational and the kids never shut it down. A foreign pipeline importing foreign has no effect on US production.

And your war on fossil fuels, anything to say about that?
President Obama set us on the path to energy independence. President Biden has vastly increase the amount of renewable energy we produce, on top of being the largest producer of petroleum products of the world.
The Keystone pipeline is still fully operational and the kids never shut it down. A foreign pipeline importing foreign has no effect on US production.

President Obama set us on the way to energy independence. President Biden has vastly increase the amount of renewable energy we produce, on top of being the largest producer of petroleum products of the world.

How do you not drown in that level of Kool-Aid?
Destroyed that bitch -

How do you not drown in that level of Kool-Aid?
Under GWB we were producing around 5 mbd at the end of his terms. At the end of Obama's Terms we had increase production to about 9 mbd.

Renewable energy production and consumption both reached record highs in 2023: production was about 9% (8.43 quads) of total primary energy production and consumption was about 9% (8.24 quads) of total primary energy consumption. The increases in recent years have been driven mainly by large increases in solar and wind energy production.

Thought it was pretty close too Even,
NEGATIVES for VANCE, Talked to fast, When asked a direct question refused to answer and tap danced around it. told a few un- truths

NEGATIVES for WALZ, Except areas he felt strongly about, he really could not seem to focus, thrown off by personal negatives. and WAY to much note taking.

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