The Winning Message on Abortion: Boldly and Courageously Defend/Promote Human Life

Correct because that is not the issue.

Personhood is.

Again, i'm not hampered by having to put on a stupid little act to try to get into the forever festival.
You keep going on about the afterlife as if in your mind, that somehow absolves you of basic humanity towards these little babies.
Oops, more bad acting.

You don't think they are babies. You're just putting on your little act for Jesus.
“I don’t believe, therefore I don’t have to follow any of the rules of decency”. It’s a version of “I’m going to take my ball and go home.”
I find it very interesting. Atheists claim they don’t need God to do the right thing, but yet I’ve never heard of one taking the moral
Educated peope call that a non sequitur and know it is worthless.

People like Mashmont think they are making great points like their hero Rush Limbaugh.
Educated people know what a non sequitur is. Anyhow, I’m out. The pearls before swine thing seems very apt here. I should probably know better by now.
In past threads, I have lamented the lost opportunity for Trump and Republicans of doing the right thing on the abortion issue and the folly of doing the seemingly safe but wrong thing. Unfortunately, our side chose the latter. The longtime GOP platform declared human life as sacred. That wording was changed this cycle. Major mistake. We have now ceded the false premise to the Democrats that abortion pertains to the woman, and not what it really is. Gone from the presidential debate is the question: "Do you think abortion is morally right?", It is now a given on both sides that abortion is permissible in the blue states. Here's what we should have done, and how we should pivot now:

1. Definitively and aggressively proclaim the sanctity of human life. Boldly and unequivocally denounce abortion as the destruction of living, growing developing babies in the womb. Show pictures of beautiful toddlers. Change the narrative. This is the way to change hearts and minds.

2. Constantly point out the Harris campaign's and Democrats' #1 agenda item is the destruction of little babies in the womb. Challenge any and all claims that abortion is about women, women's healthcare, etc.

3. Demonstrate that the ultimate goal of the left is forced abortion, like the Communists have done in China, North Korea, and Russia. Remind women that this shows the left has zero regard for their freedom or worth.

4. Work to change wording on all state abortion referenda to describe what abortion really is. Have it phrased: "Do you believe it should be illegal to kill human beings in the womb?" It's a leftwing lie that most people think killing their offspring is acceptable. Most people don't know what abortion really is because the leftwing and its media has convinced them it's a minor surgical procedure that somehow protects women's health. That needs to change.

5. Brand the Democrat leadership as racists for promoting abortion which disproportionately kills black children. Provide the history of racist Margaret Sanger and the founding of Planned Parenthood

6. Stigmatize abortion and sex outside marriage. Point out 85% of abortions are had by the unmarried.

7. Restore the strong pro-life statement to the GOP platform.

8. Demonize the abortion mill Planned Parenthood as the money-grubbing entity it is. Point out the vast $$$ involved in abortion, and the hypocrisy that PP is "about women".

Be actively pro-life, first and foremost, because it is the RIGHT thing. You can never go wrong doing the right thing. And don't be shy about it.
As the Bible commands in Joshua 1: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” People innately are drawn to good if God's perfect word is given to them. Good has a way of prevailing. Doing the right thing will not only send more people to Heaven, it will also eventually work in our favor politically.
Ok. But you are missing that contraception is a gift that ensures no unwanted pregnancies in 99 percent of cases. Contraception strengthens the nation. Many a married couple does not want kids. Pro lifers should be commending them rather than trying to encourage kids when they don't want them.
I find it very interesting. Atheists claim they don’t need God to do the right thing, but yet I’ve never heard of one taking the moral
Another lie.

If you couldn't lie, you wouldn't have much to say.

And I know you don't know what a non sequitur is. Just try to maintain the lies you have up in the air already.
The “person” term instead of precise scientific terminology reminds me of an Oprah/Kamala fest where feelings matter instead of concrete facts. “Kamala, you may be incompetent and not real smart, but you can dance and laugh real loud like me, and talk like you a real black. Girl, you got it going on. You one of us. That’s enough for me. You got my vote”
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The “person” term instead of precise scientific terminology reminds me of an Oprah/Kamala fest where feelings matter instead of concrete facts. “Kamala, you may be incompetent and not real smart, but you can dance and talk like you a real black. Girl, you got it going on. You one of us.”
We aren't writing abortion laws to cater to your fetishes or to textbooks.

They are to protect women's rights. And society.

Unless you would like to tell me all about those funerals for miscarriages you've been to.

The fact is, you draw a line, too.

You just want women forced at the end of a gun to observe a line closer to yours than to mine.
I have been to a funeral for a miscarriage. Some dear friends of mine were pregnant with twins (actually only the mother was pregnant).One was a miscarriage and the the other was born a few weeks later premature. They had a funeral and I attended to help them morn the loss of one of their children.
So true. Those getting the money, the cronies, are the leftwing government agencies who sponsor this heist in the name of “the children”.

Always with the excuse. Screw em after they are born. Not your concern then.

As I said.

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