The Winning Message on Abortion: Boldly and Courageously Defend/Promote Human Life

Always with the excuse. Screw em after they are born. Not your concern then.

As I said.
I just think parents should raise their children. Novel concept to a socialist, huh? For you, it's either kill them or make them wards of the state.
I just think parents should raise their children.

Of course they should but they always don't or it gets very hard for some. It's not the child's fault but screw them right?

Novel concept to a socialist, huh? For you, it's either kill them or make them wards of the state.

Kill them? Where did I say anything of the sort. I am clearly pro-life and have said so many times. I'm pro-life even after birth.
Oh I know.

Point being, you don't open to the obituary page and see all the 8 week miscarriages.

Because we all know there is a difference. And always have.

No you don't but it's a very traumatic thing for many regardless of the time frame.
Ah, you aren’t interested in serious discussion.
Actually I was until I realized I was getting any here.

Sadly, this is often how it devolves in here, usually with leftwingers
I imagine that with you it almost always ends up this way--- agree with you or you are condemned to hell. Kind of a spin-off from the typical leftwinger's argument. No sense trying to get through to a brick in the wall opaque to independent thought that already thinks it knows everything--- all written for you 2000 years ago. Bye.

Funny though your comment about leftwingers when that is exactly how your responses have all turned out, both diametrically opposite to scientific and common sense and rather petulant and childish. I expect now that just like a leftwinger, you will now follow up with yet another condescending neener-neener about how you are the open mind of truth, fact and reason and that I just would not listen.
Of course they should but they always don't or it gets very hard for some. It's not the child's fault but screw them right?
There is a better way; it's called charity. In my area, we had a free clinic where doctors and other health professionals volunteered their time at a local church to help those without medical insurance. It was great for everybody. The givers, the recipients, the community. Then 0bamacare came and it all went away because there was no need. But what was the result? Trillions of dollars of tax money, medical professionals having the opportunity of charitable giving removed, recipients who were no longer grateful. and taxpayers angry at the mismangement, graft, and political payoffs with their tax dollars. Bad on all ends.

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Actually I was until I realized I was getting any here.

I imagine that with you it almost always ends up this way--- agree with you or you are condemned to hell. Kind of a spin-off from the typical leftwinger's argument. No sense trying to get through to a brick in the wall opaque to independent thought that already thinks it knows everything--- all written for you 2000 years ago. Bye.

Funny though your comment about leftwingers when that is exactly how your responses have all turned out, both diametrically opposite to scientific and common sense and rather petulant and childish. I expect now that just like a leftwinger, you will now follow up with yet another condescending neener-neener about how you are the open mind of truth, fact and reason and that I just would not listen.
You started in with the namecalling. I did nothing of the sort. My arguments are rooted in science; yours in feeling. Your position on abortion is identical to the Democrats'. If I'm wrong, tell me how I'm wrong.
At each stage of the life cycle, the organism is just as much a human life as any other stage of the human life cycle.
I get what you are saying, but now I must ask you to prove it. Let me give you an 8 week old human fetus and an 8 week old horse fetus and you tell me why and what about the one makes it human and special?

That said, I can understand being pragmatic in regard to the abortion issue. It is better to accept limiting abortion to the first 12 weeks of gestation than to loose trying to have no abortion at all.
There is a better way; it's called charity. In my area, we had a free clinic where doctors and other health professionals volunteered their time at a local church to help those without medical insurance.

They were treating the minor issues. They aren't treating cancer, heart attacks, etc.

It was great for everybody. The givers, the recipients, the community. Then 0bamacare came and it all went away because there was no need. But what was the result? Trillions of dollars of tax money, medical professionals having the opportunity of charitable giving removed, recipients who were no longer grateful. and taxpayers angry at the mismangement, graft, and political payoffs with their tax dollars. Bad on all ends.

I don't support Obamacare as it did nothing about the cost side. A complete failure there.
You started in with the namecalling.
Ever consider that the problem is just you?

My arguments are rooted in science; yours in feeling.
Now you repeat yourself verbatim while never answering any of my questions. Funny that you think your arguments are actually rooted in science and mine in feeling when the exact opposite is really the truth. You have not said a single scientific thing.

Your position on abortion is identical to the Democrats'.
Gee, you really are an idiot. My position is NOTHING like the democrats.
Your comprehension is ZERO. I'm done with you, don't bother even responding.
I know when I am beaten by obstinate stupidity. Bye.
You are now on Ignore. Go thump your Bible and
parochial attitudes to someone else.
They were treating the minor issues. They aren't treating cancer, heart attacks, etc.
There is a Christian health care co-op I have used for 10 years. It's called Samaritan Ministries. In exchange for not smoking, not abusing alcohol, not having sex outside marriage, attending weekly church, members are afforded outstanding coverage on all issues for a nominal cost. We had a family plan with Samaritan Ministries for a cost of $450 a month. That same plan is now $650. It covers most everything. It does not cover exams or pre-existing conditions. The great thing about Samaritian is there is no big pile of money to be stolen or misused. Members are assigned and you pay them directly each month. If you have a need, members pay you each month. I used it for major knee surgery. I didn't pay a dime.
If there are things members are not covered for, Samaritan puts it out there for people to send donations.

This is the model that works. Everybody loves it. You won't find negative reviews. It's all private. Government need not be involved. But government will never adopt it. You know why? It REMOVES government from the equation. It takes away politicians' power and influence.
OK. Here's the golden rule for you. You were allowed to be born. Why will you notfford that opportunity to everyone else?
You are wrong, so horribly wrong it's hard to know where to start. No one is going to follow religious teaching. No one.

Abortion became a issue because for decades and decades women have learned not to love their children. They were taught, their lives are worthwhile without children, worthless with children. To reduce abortion you have to start at the beginning and that's the beginning. In the meantime, there are real societal benefits for encouraging abortion in women who themselves are worthless and who will bring in more of the same.
In past threads, I have lamented the lost opportunity for Trump and Republicans of doing the right thing on the abortion issue and the folly of doing the seemingly safe but wrong thing. Unfortunately, our side chose the latter. The longtime GOP platform declared human life as sacred. That wording was changed this cycle. Major mistake. We have now ceded the false premise to the Democrats that abortion pertains to the woman, and not what it really is. Gone from the presidential debate is the question: "Do you think abortion is morally right?", It is now a given on both sides that abortion is permissible in the blue states. Here's what we should have done, and how we should pivot now:

1. Definitively and aggressively proclaim the sanctity of human life. Boldly and unequivocally denounce abortion as the destruction of living, growing developing babies in the womb. Show pictures of beautiful toddlers. Change the narrative. This is the way to change hearts and minds.

2. Constantly point out the Harris campaign's and Democrats' #1 agenda item is the destruction of little babies in the womb. Challenge any and all claims that abortion is about women, women's healthcare, etc.

3. Demonstrate that the ultimate goal of the left is forced abortion, like the Communists have done in China, North Korea, and Russia. Remind women that this shows the left has zero regard for their freedom or worth.

4. Work to change wording on all state abortion referenda to describe what abortion really is. Have it phrased: "Do you believe it should be illegal to kill human beings in the womb?" It's a leftwing lie that most people think killing their offspring is acceptable. Most people don't know what abortion really is because the leftwing and its media has convinced them it's a minor surgical procedure that somehow protects women's health. That needs to change.

5. Brand the Democrat leadership as racists for promoting abortion which disproportionately kills black children. Provide the history of racist Margaret Sanger and the founding of Planned Parenthood

6. Stigmatize abortion and sex outside marriage. Point out 85% of abortions are had by the unmarried.

7. Restore the strong pro-life statement to the GOP platform.

8. Demonize the abortion mill Planned Parenthood as the money-grubbing entity it is. Point out the vast $$$ involved in abortion, and the hypocrisy that PP is "about women".

Be actively pro-life, first and foremost, because it is the RIGHT thing. You can never go wrong doing the right thing. And don't be shy about it.
As the Bible commands in Joshua 1: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” People innately are drawn to good if God's perfect word is given to them. Good has a way of prevailing. Doing the right thing will not only send more people to Heaven, it will also eventually work in our favor politically.
I will right now predict the number of abortions will not change.

I have been saying for years that repealing Roe v. Wade would have no effect on the number of abortions.

I know this because the number of abortions BEFORE Roe v. Wade was equal to the number after.

The answer to abortion is birth control education. A simple fact.

Half of all abortions are the result of no birth control being used. Another fifth are the result of the improper or inconsistent use of birth control.

We can keep allowing the extremists to control the conversation and endure the same number of abortions, or we can bring some sanity to the issue.
I will right now predict the number of abortions will not change.

I have been saying for years that repealing Roe v. Wade would have no effect on the number of abortions.

I know this because the number of abortions BEFORE Roe v. Wade was equal to the number after.

The answer to abortion is birth control education. A simple fact.

Half of all abortions are the result of no birth control being used. Another fifth are the result of the improper or inconsistent use of birth control.

We can keep allowing the extremists to control the conversation and endure the same number of abortions, or we can bring some sanity to the issue.
Much of birth control is tantamount to abortion. The pill, for example. Artificial birth control is immoral because it reduces sex into a mechanical act, which objectifies women. It takes away the sharing and procreation aspects, and makes it a selfish act for pleasure only.
Fulton County Superior Judge Robert McBurney issued an order Monday striking down the state’s six-week abortion ban and allowing the procedure to be performed again in the state up until 22 weeks of pregnancy.

The order means that Georgia is now one of the most permissive states in the South when it comes to abortion access, joining Virginia, the only other state in the region that allows the procedure up until about 26 weeks of pregnancy — though Georgia’s status as such is likely only temporary.

“A review of our higher courts’ interpretations of ‘liberty’ demonstrates that liberty in Georgia includes in its meaning, in its protections, and in its bundle of rights the power of a woman to control her own body, to decide what happens to it and in it, and to reject state interference with her health care choices,” McBurney wrote. “That power is not, however, unlimited. When a fetus growing inside a woman reaches viability, when society can assume care and responsibility for that separate life, then — and only then — may society intervene.”

Well said.

This is same judge who hearing case in the Georgia Election Boards Case.
At each stage of the life cycle, the organism is just as much a human life as any other stage of the human life cycle. That said, I can understand being pragmatic in regard to the abortion issue. It is better to accept limiting abortion to the first 12 weeks of gestation than to loose trying to have no abortion at all.

NOPE pure unadulterated MAGA MAGGOT BULLSHIT.
I get what you are saying, but now I must ask you to prove it. Let me give you an 8 week old human fetus and an 8 week old horse fetus and you tell me why and what about the one makes it human and special?
Kill a human fetus, the Left is cool with that.

Kill an elephant fetus, the Left demands you be hung from the nearest lamppost.

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