The Winning Message on Abortion: Boldly and Courageously Defend/Promote Human Life

Ever consider that the problem is just you?

Now you repeat yourself verbatim while never answering any of my questions. Funny that you think your arguments are actually rooted in science and mine in feeling when the exact opposite is really the truth. You have not said a single scientific thing.

Gee, you really are an idiot. My position is NOTHING like the democrats.
Your comprehension is ZERO. I'm done with you, don't bother even responding.
I know when I am beaten by obstinate stupidity. Bye.
You are now on Ignore. Go thump your Bible and
parochial attitudes to someone else.
You seem oddly thin-skinned about this whole thing and take it personally. Sounds like more of an anger about religion than anything else. I'm just talking about the issue. Perhaps it is time for a break. Sorry you are offended.
There is a Christian health care co-op I have used for 10 years. It's called Samaritan Ministries. In exchange for not smoking, not abusing alcohol, not having sex outside marriage, attending weekly church, members are afforded outstanding coverage on all issues for a nominal cost. We had a family plan with Samaritan Ministries for a cost of $450 a month. That same plan is now $650. It covers most everything. It does not cover exams or pre-existing conditions. The great thing about Samaritian is there is no big pile of money to be stolen or misused. Members are assigned and you pay them directly each month. If you have a need, members pay you each month. I used it for major knee surgery. I didn't pay a dime.
If there are things members are not covered for, Samaritan puts it out there for people to send donations.

This is the model that works. Everybody loves it. You won't find negative reviews. It's all private. Government need not be involved. But government will never adopt it. You know why? It REMOVES government from the equation. It takes away politicians' power and influence.

Medical Cost Sharing Ministry Stole Millions - Christianity Today
I get what you are saying, but now I must ask you to prove it. Let me give you an 8 week old human fetus and an 8 week old horse fetus and you tell me why and what about the one makes it human and special?

A horse fetus has never grown to be a human. A human fetus has never grown to be a horse.
A horse fetus has never grown to be a human. A human fetus has never grown to be a horse.

That wasn't the question. The question was let me give you the two fetuses at 8 weeks and you tell me what is special and different about the human fetus?

Answer: there is none. Both are just a tiny lump of non-differentiated tissue. Both look the same. It would take a geneticist to maybe tell them apart.
Last I checked, DNA codes are not covered in the Bible.
Look, I'm as pro-life as you. I'm probably the most moral, ethical and religious person on this board. I'm just telling you the hard realities and trying to STOP you people from defeating yourselves by MAKING abortion such an issue that you cannot win, arming democrats with abortion as an issue to win elections and restore RvW.

The Dobbs decision might have succeeded if several states hadn't gone gung-ho overnight the day after and placed total bans on abortion. Life is about compromises. The Right finally had some say in the abortion issue and you are blowing it.
Life is about incremental changes, but the hardline pro-lifers got greedy.
It may cost Trump his reelection, then we won't have shit.
That wasn't the question. The question was let me give you the two fetuses at 8 weeks and you tell me what is special and different about the human fetus?

Answer: there is none. Both are just a tiny lump of non-differentiated tissue. Both look the same. It would take a geneticist to maybe tell them apart.
Last I checked, DNA codes are not covered in the Bible.
Look, I'm as pro-life as you. I'm probably the most moral, ethical and religious person on this board. I'm just telling you the hard realities and trying to STOP you people from defeating yourselves by MAKING abortion such an issue that you cannot win arming democrats with abortion as an issue to win elections and restore RvW.

The Dobbs decision might have succeeded if several states hadn't gone gung-ho overnight the day after and placed total bans on abortion. Life is about compromises. The Right finally had some say in the abortion issue and you are blowing it.
Life is about incremental changes, but the hardline pro-lifers got greedy.
It may cost Trump his reelection, then we won't have shit.
You may not have like my answer, but I did answer your question. Things that look the same to the untrained eye are not necessarily the same. The fetus inside a human woman is the offspring of humans and is therefore human. The fetus of a horse is the offspring of horses and is therefore a horse.
That wasn't the question. The question was let me give you the two fetuses at 8 weeks and you tell me what is special and different about the human fetus?

Answer: there is none. Both are just a tiny lump of non-differentiated tissue. Both look the same. It would take a geneticist to maybe tell them apart.
Last I checked, DNA codes are not covered in the Bible.
Look, I'm as pro-life as you. I'm probably the most moral, ethical and religious person on this board. I'm just telling you the hard realities and trying to STOP you people from defeating yourselves by MAKING abortion such an issue that you cannot win, arming democrats with abortion as an issue to win elections and restore RvW.

The Dobbs decision might have succeeded if several states hadn't gone gung-ho overnight the day after and placed total bans on abortion. Life is about compromises. The Right finally had some say in the abortion issue and you are blowing it.
Life is about incremental changes, but the hardline pro-lifers got greedy.
It may cost Trump his reelection, then we won't have shit.
Nope Gotta be bold. Not cowardly. Leftwingers are boldly pro abortion. They don’t apologize for it.
You may not have like my answer, but I did answer your question.
You gave an answer but not an answer to my question. What is the difference between a human zygote or blatocyst and a horse's? None.

The fetus inside a human woman is the offspring of humans and is therefore human.
Yes, but don't you see, your answer is purely METAPHYSICAL.
You are simply RATIONALIZING your opposition to abortion!
What I am trying to get people here to realize and understand
is to confine your arguments to ones that would stand up in a
COURT OF LAW with definable, repeatable scientific backing
so that you can WIN the abortion argument and save millions
of unborn lives!!! But I just can't get through your parochial

Instead like a moth to a flame, you people will argue 100% pro-life
risking losing the election and losing the abortion issue ENTIRELY
instead of getting 50% of the abortion issue now then trying for
the other 50% later on down the road.
You gave an answer but not an answer to my question. What is the difference between a human zygote or blatocyst and a horse's? None.

Yes, but don't you see, your answer is purely METAPHYSICAL.
You are simply RATIONALIZING your opposition to abortion!
What I am trying to get people here to realize and understand
is to confine your arguments to ones that would stand up in a
COURT OF LAW with definable, repeatable scientific backing
so that you can WIN the abortion argument and save millions
of unborn lives!!! But I just can't get through your parochial

Instead like a moth to a flame, you people will argue 100% pro-life
risking losing the election and losing the abortion issue ENTIRELY
instead of getting 50% of the abortion issue now then trying for
the other 50% later on down the road.
We have a Supreme Court Judge that doesn't know what a woman is because she is not a biologist. That said, I am with you with being willing to compromise on abortion and set a number or weeks time limit. What I'm not willing to do is to deny the truth that a human is fully human at every stage of it's lifecycle from zygote to hopefully death as an elderly person.

The abortion of a 5 week old human fetus is the termination of a human being.
We have a Supreme Court Judge that doesn't know what a woman is because she is not a biologist.
Very true.

That said, I am with you with being willing to compromise on abortion and set a number or weeks time limit. What I'm not willing to do is to deny the truth that a human is fully human at every stage of it's lifecycle from zygote to hopefully death as an elderly person.
That is your choice. All I'm saying is that it is an unwinnable argument in court because science cannot back it up with graphable proof. A human zygote may be destined to grow up human, but it hasn't done that yet, and there is no way to show it is special, has a soul or anything other than on faith and belief. That is not a pro-choice argument but merely the facts from a person trained in litigation and logical argument.

The abortion of a 5 week old human fetus is the termination of a human being.
OBVIOUSLY. From the day of conception, each stage of development is a stage of human development which becomes more separate and clear as time goes on. But since you will never win an election based on ZERO ABORTION in this culture, better to win PART of the argument than to lose it ALL.

We have a Supreme Court Judge that doesn't know what a woman is because she is not a biologist. That said, I am with you with being willing to compromise on abortion and set a number or weeks time limit. What I'm not willing to do is to deny the truth that a human is fully human at every stage of it's lifecycle from zygote to hopefully death as an elderly person.

The abortion of a 5 week old human fetus is the termination of a human being.
I don't remember the other justices getting asked that question, which was unnecessary.

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