China keeps ramming Philippines ships

Um, okay.
China is an even more important trading partner.
I don't really care about what they want. Especially since they already do so much to advance China economically. (40% of Taiwan's trade is with China, and much of China's economic boom in the last few decades was funded by Taiwanese business interests.)

Except it's a stupid argument. China is only an "enemy" because you people want them to be. They really haven't done anything that really justifies it. The US goes around the world dropping bombs, the Chinese go around the world helping to build roads and ports. And not surprisingly, their Goodwill is growing while ours is shrinking.

A Trump supporter complaining about Narcissism is hilarious.

Uh, yeah, it's pretty narcissistic of me to NOT want to risk WWIII over an Island we have ALREADY CONCEDED belongs to China.

I'd rather deal with the non commies, thank you.

The US doesn't contribute to building anything in other countries? Are you really that much of a ChiComm Cocksucker?

Not complaining, pointing it out to you.

And yet OK to risk WWIII over Ukraine?
That Ukraine overthrew a government that had murdered its citizens, and that's why the Maidan Revolution happened. Nowhere near half the population spoke Russian. The issue wasn't even the Russian Speaking areas, as the Russians had already taken Crimea, and the Donbas were de facto independent. It was Putin deciding he was going to conquer the whole of Ukraine that was the problem, because that was a violation of international law. Territorial integrity is a major concern of the whole world.

South East Asia, on the other hand, fighting over some tiny Islands that barely stick up out of the water is hardly a concern of the US, especially since the two countries involved have no love for the US. We are going to go in there to fight for Vietnam? You mean the Same Vietnam that killed 56,000 American soldiers telling us to get out of the region?

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Sorry, we gave you quite enough, thank you very much.

Or the Philippines, who told us to get out after our lease on Subic Bay and Clark Airfield expired? After we had liberated them from both the Spanish and the Japanese? These are the people you want to throw down for over a crappy little Island that barely sticks out of the water?

Taiwan, of course, is quite a different issue. We have ALREADY CONCEDED that it is indeed a part of China. They claim to be part of China. That Taiwan is China isn't even an issue in dispute on a diplomatic sense. The only question is, should the people of Taiwan submit to rule by the mainland.

Final note- I should point out that Vietnam and the Philippines do far more trade with China than they do with the US at this point. So it seems that they are happy to have our military lay down their lives for them, but they won't open their wallets for us.
To not start an endless and meaningless discussion about the Ukraine war and not push propaganda narratives of either side over and over again, I will only say that this meaningless war will end with a meaningless result. Where Russia will keep the occupied areas, and Ukraine will preserve its state in some kind of neutrality.

About the disputes in the SE Asia. I greatly doubt that any insane in the US will wage a direct war against China for some islands. Though, the US government may try to instigate another proxy war there, but I hope the local countries will be wise enough not to follow suit.

Taiwan? The Chinese are smart enough to take their time and wait when this island will be reintegrated as Hong Kong was.
I'd rather deal with the non commies, thank you.

I'd rather do business with the 20 Trillion dollar economy than the 500 Billion one.

The US doesn't contribute to building anything in other countries? Are you really that much of a ChiComm Cocksucker?

I point out the obvious, China has invested hundreds of billions in the "Belt and Road" initiative.
We, on the other hand, bring nothing but misery to the world with 24 years of war.

And yet OK to risk WWIII over Ukraine?
Given Putin's nature, um, yeah. Putin's actions threaten the international order.
Thats optional

trade with mainland china can be replaced by other countries
When you stop waddling your fat ass down the aisles in Walmart buying Chinese stuff, I will take you seriously.


To not start an endless and meaningless discussion about the Ukraine war and not push propaganda narratives of either side over and over again, I will only say that this meaningless war will end with a meaningless result. Where Russia will keep the occupied areas, and Ukraine will preserve its state in some kind of neutrality.

Well, you can say that, but that would be wrong.

Thankfully, we didn't listen to people like you during WWII.

About the disputes in the SE Asia. I greatly doubt that any insane in the US will wage a direct war against China for some islands. Though, the US government may try to instigate another proxy war there, but I hope the local countries will be wise enough not to follow suit.

Actually, it's the local countries that are causing the problem, particularly Bongbong in the Philippines.

Taiwan? The Chinese are smart enough to take their time and wait when this island will be reintegrated as Hong Kong was.

Maybe. The problem with HK was that they had a treaty that turned the place over to them in 1997. There's no such treaty with Taiwan.

Now, they CAN wait. Taiwan is in a demographic death spiral, as they have one of the lowest fertility rates in the world. By 2100, the population of Taiwan is going to drop to 10 million. They can simply wait them out and roll over them. But that assumes Taiwan doesn't do something stupid like declare a "Republic of Taiwan".
Well, you can say that, but that would be wrong.

Thankfully, we didn't listen to people like you during WWII
The present day has nothing to do with WWII. It is not a fight of the good against the evil, as Western propaganda is trying to depict. No one is going to do ethnic cleansing, turn people into slave labour, build concentration camps etc. The both countries - China and Russia - are trying to restore historical justice, at least how they see it.

Actually, it's the local countries that are causing the problem, particularly Bongbong in the Philippines
Okay, let them fight their own war.

Maybe. The problem with HK was that they had a treaty that turned the place over to them in 1997. There's no such treaty with Taiwan.

Now, they CAN wait. Taiwan is in a demographic death spiral, as they have one of the lowest fertility rates in the world. By 2100, the population of Taiwan is going to drop to 10 million. They can simply wait them out and roll over them. But that assumes Taiwan doesn't do something stupid like declare a "Republic of Taiwan
Indeed, their is no such treaty. But the Chinese will wait when various factors will be in their favor.
I'd rather do business with the 20 Trillion dollar economy than the 500 Billion one.

I point out the obvious, China has invested hundreds of billions in the "Belt and Road" initiative.
We, on the other hand, bring nothing but misery to the world with 24 years of war.

Given Putin's nature, um, yeah. Putin's actions threaten the international order.

Because you have a hard on for ChiComm Reacharounds.

And China's doesn't?
When you stop waddling your fat ass down the aisles in Walmart buying Chinese stuff, I will take you seriously.

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I will be happy to buy from America or Thsiland or India

Anywhere but china

Did you see the report that NATO depends on china for the nitrocellulose that is required for artillery shells?

Thats so stupid that we would put ourselves in that position
The present day has nothing to do with WWII. It is not a fight of the good against the evil, as Western propaganda is trying to depict. No one is going to do ethnic cleansing, turn people into slave labour, build concentration camps etc. The both countries - China and Russia - are trying to restore historical justice, at least how they see it.

Except China never agreed to give up Taiwan.

Russia has signed and broken MULTIPLE Treaties respecting the territorial integrity of the Ukraine.

in fact, Ukraine gave up its nukes in 1994 on the promise that Russia would respect her borders and the rest of the world would support that.

Indeed, their is no such treaty. But the Chinese will wait when various factors will be in their favor.

I agree, they generally will UNLESS Taiwan does something stupid like declare independence.

And China's doesn't?
Now, if anything, China is incredibly well-behaved. They haven't tried to annex Outer Mongolia (once Chinese territory) and they've allowed Hong Kong a certain level of autonomy.
Except China never agreed to give up Taiwan.

Russia has signed and broken MULTIPLE Treaties respecting the territorial integrity of the Ukraine.

in fact, Ukraine gave up its nukes in 1994 on the promise that Russia would respect her borders and the rest of the world would support that.

I agree, they generally will UNLESS Taiwan does something stupid like declare independence.

Now, if anything, China is incredibly well-behaved. They haven't tried to annex Outer Mongolia (once Chinese territory) and they've allowed Hong Kong a certain level of autonomy.

ChimComm Apologist is gonna Apologize.

You just would prefer their system of government because it would allow your ilk to silence the people you don't like.
typically only after we have flattened them by bombing the shit out of them.

Actually those were two unique cases, Germany and Japan, and the Marshall plan's goal was to prevent Soviet takeover of Western Europe via Moscow controlled Communist parties.
Actually those were two unique cases, Germany and Japan, and the Marshall plan's goal was to prevent Soviet takeover of Western Europe via Moscow controlled Communist parties.

And that's the point. We only really do the right thing when we have an interest.

China is dominating world trade because they are investing in infrastructure that facilitates the movement of their products.
And that's the point. We only really do the right thing when we have an interest.

China is dominating world trade because they are investing in infrastructure that facilitates the movement of their products.

China does things for their interest, anyone does things for their interest.

The US has been funding this stuff worldwide for decades. You act as if China invented it all of a sudden.

Figures you hump Mao's dead corpse.
China does things for their interest, anyone does things for their interest.

The US has been funding this stuff worldwide for decades. You act as if China invented it all of a sudden.

Figures you hump Mao's dead corpse.

Except the US really doesn't, that's the problem.

Foreign Aid is 1% of the Federal Budget. That's it. It's a pittance.

What makes it worse, much of it is spent either propping up Israel or paying off Israel's neighbors to play nice with it.
Except the US really doesn't, that's the problem.

Foreign Aid is 1% of the Federal Budget. That's it. It's a pittance.

What makes it worse, much of it is spent either propping up Israel or paying off Israel's neighbors to play nice with it.

It's plenty, and has been going on for decades.

That makes it better actually.
Not really. Israel has plenty of Money, they don't need mine.

Israel actually makes life more difficult for America in the world. So you think we'd need to play hall monitor in the Middle East if Israel wasn't there pissing off the Arabs and Persians?

And Ukraine doesn't need mine, nor does Iran.

Mostly the Persians, and also fuck the Mullahs.

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