It's official Obama is in the gutter and his presidency is now shit all over the map

Judicial review

Gold Member
Oct 18, 2014
Oh and don't forget that 64% of USA believes that the we are still in a recession. Yes our economy is fucked as long as a liberal is in the white house. Not hard to come to that conclusion. Who were the posters that said we were out of it? Morons.

Here's the polls - EVERY FUCKING AREA!

Fox News Poll Voters say White House has mostly failed on priorities Fox News

has mostly failed on priorities

By Dana Blanton

Published January 16, 2015
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A new Fox News national poll finds that majorities of American voters think the Obama administration has mostly failed at handling illegal immigration, improving the country’s image around the world, handling race relations, improving health care and growing the economy.

The assessment of the Obama administration’s performance mostly splits along partisan lines, with Republicans heavily critical and Democrats heavily supportive. Yet half or more of independents say the White House has mostly failed in each of the areas tested in the poll, which was released Thursday.

The worst perceived failing is immigration: 64 percent of voters think the White House has mostly failed on handling illegal immigration, while just 28 percent feel it has mostly succeeded.
Interesting..............the very news station that vilifies Obama is the one station that is used as a verifiable source.

Yeah..............I understand...........the right wing is so pissed that there is a black man in the White House that they need to find anything they can to say it is wrong.

Sorry white people...............Sorry FAUX Nooze..................Obama is half black, he's in the White House and he's been the most successful President since Kennedy.
Interesting..............the very news station that vilifies Obama is the one station that is used as a verifiable source.

Yeah..............I understand...........the right wing is so pissed that there is a black man in the White House that they need to find anything they can to say it is wrong.

Sorry white people...............Sorry FAUX Nooze..................Obama is half black, he's in the White House and he's been the most successful President since Kennedy.

Ok, you are a liberal troll who is trying to stir shit up so I'll just get you out of my head. Ignore.
Interesting..............the very news station that vilifies Obama is the one station that is used as a verifiable source.

Yeah..............I understand...........the right wing is so pissed that there is a black man in the White House that they need to find anything they can to say it is wrong.

Sorry white people...............Sorry FAUX Nooze..................Obama is half black, he's in the White House and he's been the most successful President since Kennedy.

Ok, you are a liberal troll who is trying to stir shit up so I'll just get you out of my head. Ignore.

Actually, I'm a person who spent 20 years serving this country in the U.S. Navy, and have been retired for around 12 years.

I spend an obscene amount of time watching the news, and I have plenty of time to check who is lying and who is not.

Sorry............but the GOP is a propaganda machine that Hitler would have been proud to own. If he had FAUX Nooze, maybe we'd all be speaking German by now.
Actually, I'm a person who spent 20 years serving this country in the U.S. Navy, and have been retired for around 12 years.

I spend an obscene amount of time watching the news, and I have plenty of time to check who is lying and who is not.

Sorry............but the GOP is a propaganda machine that Hitler would have been proud to own. If he had FAUX Nooze, maybe we'd all be speaking German by now.

Das glaube ich eher weniger. Mit oder Ohne ein sog. FOX NEWS von 1933-1945, hätte er den Krieg verloren. Die "good guys" haben tatsächlich Nazi-Deutschland besiegt.

Oh, wait, I just wrote you in German.



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