It’s Official: The Election Was Secure

‘These government officials, judges, and elected leaders, overwhelmingly Republican, have publicly acknowledged confidence in the November election.

Election officials and election security experts have long been clear: voter fraud is extraordinarily rare and our system has strong checks in place to protect the integrity of our voting process. These are the facts. But the facts have not stopped bad actors from trotting out baseless claims of “systemic voter fraud” to suppress votes and undermine trust in our democracy for political gain.

By all measures, the 2020 general election was one of the most secure elections in our history.’

Trump, of course, is the lead bad actor.
Too tough to look at all the fake leftyvirus mailins, millions of them which stole the election.
Establishment Republicans hated Donald Trump from day one just as much as all of you douche bag Democrats who never gave him a chance. This is the result the RINOs were praying for and of course they are going to say the election was perfect. Anyone with an IQ above room temperature sees how the Democrats turned this election into a farce.
Established Republicans hated Donald Trump because he's a fucking inferior-minded corrupt narcissistic asshole. He's a Putin cocksucking bitch and his trumplican supporters aren't Republicans - they are trump worshipers who possess no values, no integrity, and no morals.

Russians hack us and trump doesn't say a word about it - nothing, nada. Instead, he cries like the bitch he is regarding elections being stolen from him. He doesn't give a shit about this country and his supporters are pathetically and mindlessly following the fat fucker.

No proof of any (widespread) election fraud - not one shred of evidence at all. So instead of using some common sense, trumplicans call names to anyone who disagrees. WTF! There's stupid, and then there's really stupid You can pick which one is applicable.
Is this some of that unity Biden was calling for?
‘These government officials, judges, and elected leaders, overwhelmingly Republican, have publicly acknowledged confidence in the November election.

Election officials and election security experts have long been clear: voter fraud is extraordinarily rare and our system has strong checks in place to protect the integrity of our voting process. These are the facts. But the facts have not stopped bad actors from trotting out baseless claims of “systemic voter fraud” to suppress votes and undermine trust in our democracy for political gain.

By all measures, the 2020 general election was one of the most secure elections in our history.’

Trump, of course, is the lead bad actor.
Johnny The Commie Brennan?

“ABSENT BLUE DRESS PROOF:” These Folks Will Swear That Belief In Innocence Is Compelled.

The Clinton/Lewinsky affair was a real turning point in the national discourse. Sam Donaldson said that if it was true, obviously Clinton would have to resign. But within a few days the Democrats, very much including the press, had circled the wagons around Clinton and were willing to recycle any pro-Clinton talking point, and scoff at anything that hurt Clinton, in a way that was, at the time, unprecedentedly brazen.

Lying in the face of the obvious became the New Normal.

When you are locked out of a room so that you can't observe the count, it is perfectly proper to view the outcome as theft.

This is very similar to the legal doctrine of Spoliation, where if you arrange to have the evidence destroyed, the Court presumes that if the evidence existed that it would work against you.

If you don't want to viewed as thieves and you want to be viewed as legitimate winners, then quit making sure you can cheat.

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