It's Over; The FBI and DOJ done messeded up bigly.

Was the Mar-A-Lago raid political?

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No one who abused those groups went to jail.

None were brought to justice.

IRS lost in court to here. Then refused to pay after telling the court they would pay the legal fees. Pay for the abuse.

Most targeted gave up because the cost of the legal fees was too high. Feds using tac payer money to attack citizens with unlimited resources. Those doing this should be hung fir treason.

Complaints about that are being accepted in the 2nd port o let to the right basement section.
Take a look at the testimony in the video and get back to me. That was Obama Biden time. And it was proven back then beyond a shadow of a doubt Federal agencies attacked concervative groups. And now they do so again. They and any who support that can kiss my ass.
Of course! This is Obama's illegal 3rd term, after all.
Everything's the same. All the same people, only now the country is in much worse shape. :(
Take a look at the testimony in the video and get back to me. That was Obama Biden time. And it was proven back then beyond a shadow of a doubt Federal agencies attacked concervative groups. And now they do so again. They and any who support that can kiss my ass.
Walk around Lowes with your ass hanging out and see if you get any takers. This stuff just does not excite me, as there is evidence of crime to raise suspicion.
You can "say" what you like, but it is bullshit. Your response prompted me to check my copy of the Mueller Report, going for my person markup copy instead of original. There on page 2 of the released report, in the third paragraph, you can read it for yourself in your copy of the report. You are either not one to view reports for yourself (depending on others to interpret for you), so you have no copy downloaded from the Department of Justice, or being disingenuous at best.

Either way, you can fuck off and pound sand, to your hearts content. He was not looking for collusion. Mueller was looking for prosecutable crimes committed and by nature of those referred, prosecuted, admitted guilty or found guilty by juries of their peers, found several.

No need to get huffy about it. I quoted Mueller himself in his opening statement while testifying before Congress. His words, not mine:

"The order appointing me as Special Counsel directed our Office to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. This included investigating any links or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the Trump campaign."

That is exactly what I said it was. He damn well was looking for evidence of Russian Collusion. And didn't find any, at least on our side. Every confession or conviction that investigation found had nothing whatsoever to do with the main thrust, which was Russian interference, as he himself said. That investigation used Russian Collusion as a pretext to go after Trump and his associates in any possible way they could to damage his credibility and that of his administration. You can deny it all you want, but there's a whole lot of Americans, not all MAGA, who believe that.
Walk around Lowes with your ass hanging out and see if you get any takers. This stuff just does not excite me, as there is evidence of crime to raise suspicion.
More bs frim you. Go walk with your ass out. Are you on drugs??

The video is a great example. I cant help it if you are terminally ill with TDS.
Russia collusion was proven.
Idiotic shit like this will earn you s prime spot on the ignore list.

I'm just going to ignore all the extreme bullshit from the far left.

Let them bleat. They're good at it. Doesn't mean I have to listen.
More bs frim you. Go walk with your ass out. Are you on drugs??

The video is a great example. I cant help it if you are terminally ill with TDS.
Just responding to your post, where you told me "They and any who support that can kiss my ass"
Do you forget what you say in your posts? So, your statement is just for internet consumption, as you don't actually act like this in public.
I am so glad.
Just responding to your post, where you told me "They and any who support that can kiss my ass"
Do you forget what you say in your posts? So, your statement is just for internet consumption, as you don't actually act like this in public.
I am so glad.
You have terminal TDS so oh well
You have terminal TDS so oh well
I disagree, naturally. Also, I think you are looking for the word chronic, not terminal. Chronic meaning ongoing possibly to death, while terminal meaning it will kill you.
I don't suffer, but will never approve of him. There is no changing of my judgement on the man.
I disagree, naturally. Also, I think you are looking for the word chronic, not terminal. Chronic meaning ongoing possibly to death, while terminal meaning it will kill you.
I don't suffer, but will never approve of him. There is no changing of my judgement on the man.
Stop changing what I wrote. I said terminal. Deal with it TDS man
Stop changing what I wrote. I said terminal. Deal with it TDS man
I did not change a letter of your post. Are you having a psychotic break from reality, again? Call the nurse to adjust your meds, unless you are afraid she is working for the FBI or DoJ, they being the subject of the thread.
I did not change a letter of your post. Are you having a psychotic break from reality, again? Call the nurse to adjust your meds, unless you are afraid she is working for the FBI or DoJ, they being the subject of the thread.
Why do you leftist always think you need to tell orhers what to do.

All this trolling from you to avoid a video and the truth from the DNC abuse of power. That and your TDS afliction
Why do you leftist always think you need to tell orhers what to do.

All this trolling from you to avoid a video and the truth from the DNC abuse of power. That and your TDS afliction
So, you really do not wish to discuss "It's Over; The FBI and DOJ done messeded up bigly."
What a surprise.:rolleyes:
So, you really do not wish to discuss "It's Over; The FBI and DOJ done messeded up bigly."
What a surprise.:rolleyes:
Not with a TDS nitwit. Nope. The video and what they have done time and again is crystal clear. They even admitted it back then. But you go on being your bs troll self.
Idiotic shit like this will earn you s prime spot on the ignore list.

I'm just going to ignore all the extreme bullshit from the far left.

Let them bleat. They're good at it. Doesn't mean I have to listen.
You won't have anyone to debate if you ignore all the lying lefties. That's all they ever do!
Funny, I remember the Nixon days, when the right wing was still willing to hold their lawless assholes accountable. Not any more.

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