It's Over With! She's Done: Hillary's Favorability Ratings Nosedive With Millennials

New poll of millennial voters shows clear shift toward Democrats ... Angeles Times
Apr 25, 2016 - Currently 61% prefer a Democrat in the White House, and 33% favor a Republican, thepoll found. In a similar survey released last spring, the ...
Harvard Poll: Millennials Yearn For Bernie, But Prefer Clinton To ...
Apr 25, 2016 - More than three in five young Americans prefer that a Democrat win the White House in 2016 rather than a Republican. And Vermont Sen.
Poll: The solution for Clinton's millennials problem is named Trump Today
Mar 14, 2016 - Poll shows that Millennials would flock to Clinton against Trump ... Nearly one in four Republicans would defect to the Democrats if the GOP .
I am mystified----what is the bottom line----the "young" want a democrat---but NOT HILLARY? helldegard seems to be the only one left
Oh joy. A fight over a demographic that doesn't vote.
New poll of millennial voters shows clear shift toward Democrats ... Angeles Times
Apr 25, 2016 - Currently 61% prefer a Democrat in the White House, and 33% favor a Republican, thepoll found. In a similar survey released last spring, the ...
Harvard Poll: Millennials Yearn For Bernie, But Prefer Clinton To ...
Apr 25, 2016 - More than three in five young Americans prefer that a Democrat win the White House in 2016 rather than a Republican. And Vermont Sen.
Poll: The solution for Clinton's millennials problem is named Trump Today
Mar 14, 2016 - Poll shows that Millennials would flock to Clinton against Trump ... Nearly one in four Republicans would defect to the Democrats if the GOP .
Where are the polls since the DNC email fiascos?
I am disoriented--FELLOW CYBER SPACIANS.. I have a sense of SELF---that tells me that I am a young, democrat-----
My sense of self is in CRISIS!!!!!!!!
New poll of millennial voters shows clear shift toward Democrats ... Angeles Times
Apr 25, 2016 - Currently 61% prefer a Democrat in the White House, and 33% favor a Republican, thepoll found. In a similar survey released last spring, the ...
Harvard Poll: Millennials Yearn For Bernie, But Prefer Clinton To ...
Apr 25, 2016 - More than three in five young Americans prefer that a Democrat win the White House in 2016 rather than a Republican. And Vermont Sen.
Poll: The solution for Clinton's millennials problem is named Trump Today
Mar 14, 2016 - Poll shows that Millennials would flock to Clinton against Trump ... Nearly one in four Republicans would defect to the Democrats if the GOP .
Where are the polls since the DNC email fiascos?
I posted what is available, which is not controverted by any factual evidence. Tough to be Comrade Trump. The 18 to 36 year olds hate him.
New poll of millennial voters shows clear shift toward Democrats ... Angeles Times
Apr 25, 2016 - Currently 61% prefer a Democrat in the White House, and 33% favor a Republican, thepoll found. In a similar survey released last spring, the ...
Harvard Poll: Millennials Yearn For Bernie, But Prefer Clinton To ...
Apr 25, 2016 - More than three in five young Americans prefer that a Democrat win the White House in 2016 rather than a Republican. And Vermont Sen.
Poll: The solution for Clinton's millennials problem is named Trump Today
Mar 14, 2016 - Poll shows that Millennials would flock to Clinton against Trump ... Nearly one in four Republicans would defect to the Democrats if the GOP .
Where are the polls since the DNC email fiascos?
I posted what is available, which is not controverted by any factual evidence. Tough to be Comrade Trump. The 18 to 36 year olds hate him.
It really is getting beyond ridiculous. The more I read the more it looks like an underhanded attempt to get people to demand Internet laws be put into place.

Donald Trump’s recent ‘erratic behavior’ has medical professionals questioning his mental health


Tom Boggioni
01 Aug 2016 at 10:32 ET

Donald Trump (Michael Vadon/Flickr)
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“Donald Trump is not of sound mind.”
Trump “appears haunted by multiple personality disorders.”
“Donald Trump is not a well man.”
These are the comments of dismayed conservative political analysts who have watched the unorthodox campaign of 2016 GOP nominee Donald Trump lurch from one crisis to another due to the New York businessman’s erratic behavior.
According to the Toronto Star, what started out as whispers about Trump have worked their way up to a scream as it begins to dawn on steadfast Republicans that a man whose mouth they can’t control might be a danger to the country should he ascend to the highest office in the land.
Last week at the Democratic National Convention, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg alluded to Trump’s possible lack of competency, as he endorsed Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, saying, “Let’s elect a sane, competent person.”
Questions about Trump’s mental state are nothing new. In an interview in January, Harvard professor and researcher Howard Gardner, stated Trump is a “textbook” narcissist, with clinical psychologist George Simon adding, ““He’s so classic that I’m archiving video clips of him to use in workshops.”
Conservative political experts have begun to take notice and are raising red flags now.
According to Stuart Stevens, chief strategist to Mitt Romney’s 2012 campaign, “We can gloss over it, laugh about it, analyze it, but Donald Trump is not a well man,” before adding that he is not a doctor or a psychologist.
“There is something definitely off about him.” Stevens said. “At best, this is a very damaged person. And there’s probably something more serious going on.”
Despite acknowledging that the candidate has some glaring issues, disability rights journalist David Perry cautions against using the C-word for Trump, stating, “The casual association of behavior we find objectionable or erratic with mental illness spreads stigma.”
“He’s a liar, he’s a bigot, he makes bad decisions, he’s erratic and unpredictable. That’s what we need to know. Do we need to then extend a diagnosis to go along with that, to make it really objectionable?” Perry said. “It hasn’t really worked in eroding Trump’s popularity, but it certainly makes people who actually have these conditions feel very uncomfortable — feel that the message is: ‘If you have a mental health condition, you are not fit to be president.’ And frankly, I suspect we’ve had lots of presidents with mental health conditions, and we’ll probably have lots more.”
According to Northwestern University psychology professor Dan McAdams, Trump exhibits a “healthy dose” of classic narcissism — not unheard of in politicians and wealthy businessmen — but he wouldn’t categorize Trump as a “clinical” case.
“Putting his name on everything, talking about himself all the time: this is beyond the pale,” said McAdams, who wrote about Trump for The Atlantic. “I don’t want to argue that it’s a clinical condition … but if there’s a continuum, in terms of narcissistic personality characteristics within a relatively normal population, he’s really way off on the extreme end.”
Scott Lilienfeld, a psychology professor at Emory University, cautions that extreme narcissism can lead to abuses of power, saying, “I don’t think he’s out of touch with reality, I think he knows what he’s doing, he probably doesn’t hear voices or have delusional thinking.”
He did, however, pose a question voters should ask themselves.
“Is this individual’s narcissism so high that it might be at the upper end of the curve where it’s no longer just healthy self-confidence, which is probably good to some degree, or is it at the point where it could really cause problems?”
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