Hillary Clinton’s Political Career Ends not With a Bang, but a Whimper

Fantasy? Come on, Mamooth...double dipping isn't illegal...but let's be honest about the Clinton's for a change! They know how to play the game. They set up their foundation so they could funnel contributions from people wanting to curry favor from a Clinton Presidency and then they used that money to pay people like Huma Abadin and Sidney Blumenthal. They used the foundation to pay their daughter a huge salary for a no show job.

You just made all that up. For example, Chelsea Clinton never took a salary from the Clinton Foundation.

What do the Clintons get out of their foundation?

Given how you keep saying things that are demonstrably untrue, why should anyone trust anything you say regarding the Clintons? As I keep pointing out, you're only repeating the big lies that you were told to repeat. The concept of fact-checking before you spout assertions is totally alien to you.
You just made all that up. For example, Chelsea Clinton never took a salary from the Clinton Foundation.

Why would she take a salary, she would have to pay taxes on earned income... They have their ways of taking the cream off the top... And if you don't believe that, buy a clue...
Good works and kindness??

Yes. That's what the facts and history show.

You lie about that. All the Clinton-haters lie about that. if they show no remorse over it, they'll burn in Hell.

I see how it enrages you, pointing out the inevitability of your fiery afterlife if you don't reform. That means you still have at least vestigial conscience, a conscience that I just pricked. Good. There's still hope for you. If you had showed no emotion at all, sociopath-style, about being doomed to the abyss for eternity, that would be more concerning.
Why would she take a salary, she would have to pay taxes on earned income... They have their ways of taking the cream off the top... And if you don't believe that, buy a clue...

The Clinton Foundation's books are open. If you're not lying, you should be able to use those open books to prove your claim.

Of course, the entire GOP couldn't find any bad things in those open books, so I don't think you'll have much luck. As you can't admit that your claim was bogus, you'll have to now invoke a conspiracy theory about the books being faked. Your Clinton-hatred is like a religion, in that it's literally impossible in your eyes for any evidence to disprove it. You believe Clinton is corrupt based purely on faith.
She would have made a great President

As it is, she is the most successful female politician in our history. Something she can be proud of
She is a hack. Her only success is acquiring positions, not what she did when she held them.
She would have made a great President

As it is, she is the most successful female politician in our history. Something she can be proud of

Interesting...so you claim that a woman who rode her husband's coattails...as First Lady...and as a Senator...a woman who's time as Secretary of State was marked by bad deals, embarrassing gaffes and scandals fueled by both incompetence and corruption...THAT woman is the most successful female politician in our history?

You have a strange definition of "success", Winger...just saying...

She rode her husbands coattails, how about Melania, she was never more than a model.

Hillary , first lady of Arkansas 12 years, first lady of the US 8 years, senator of NY for 8 years, Secretary of state for 4 years, and she won the popular vote in 2016. Earned her law degree from Yale.

So when you compare any female to Hillary, remember that.
20 years has nothing to do with her ability. So those are discounted. For the other 12 please point out her major accomplishments lishments. Popular vote gets you squat. Her law degree was revoked for lying and being unethical.
You probably missed it over the weekend, what with all the air in the room and fake news media coverage having been consumed by the death of Senator John McCain, but the Pantsuit Princess’s career came to a sudden, if unheralded end on Saturday.

Wait, what? How did that happen, you ask?

In the end, the Fainting Felon was done in by an entity she literally owned throughout 2016: The Democrat National Committee. Yes, friends, that would be the very same DNC which conspired with the Clinton campaign throughout 2015 and 2016 to rig its nominating process in favor of the Grafting Grifter, denying her challengers – mainly, the Commie Bernie Sanders – a fair shake in the war for the party’s endorsement. The same DNC whose emails were released to the news media, causing massive embarrassment on the eve of the opening of the Democrat National Convention in August 2016, where the Deceptive Doyen ended up being coronated as a result of all the rigging. The same DNC that, in concert with the Clinton Campaign, funded the fake Trump Dossier.

Yes, THAT DNC. One and the same.

At the conclusion of its summer meeting held last week in Chicago, the members of the DNC voted to severely restrict the role played in the nominating process by the party’s so-called “Super Delegates,” that collection of congress members, state officials and other members of the Party’s chosen upper-crust who ensured the Coughing Crook would be the Party’s 2016 nominee regardless of how the voters felt about it all. The committee approved a proposal that will deny these Super Delegates the ability to vote in the first ballot at the party’s 2020 nominating convention.

Tom Perez, the radical Chairman of the DNC, said after the vote that “These reforms will help grow our party, unite Democrats, and restore voters’ trust by making our 2020 nominating process the most inclusive and transparent in our history.”

The Pantsuit Princess hates transparency. There has never been a moment in her entire adult life during which transparency has been her friend.

When one considers that the nominating votes at the party conventions almost never proceed past a first ballot, the implications of this move are enormous, because it virtually ensures that the party’s nomination in 2020 will be decided by its base voters. The Pantsuit Princess was barely able to survive a completely rigged process against a single decently-funded opponent. There is pretty much no way she will be able to survive a nominating process two years from now in which she must actually compete for votes on a level playing field against what will be a far stronger array of opponents.

This reality for the Grasping Grifter becomes even more stark when one recognizes the rapidly radicalizing nature of the Democrat voter base. Such #resistance and social justice warrior types are going to completely dominate the turnout for the Democrat Party’s primaries in 2020, and they have moved far to the left of the space staked out by the Fainting Felon in 2016. They have moved so far left so quickly that even The Commie finds himself frequently under fire from his own left flank these days.

There is little doubt that the Coughing Crook has plans to mount one last-gasp attempt to seize the nation’s highest office two years hence. That’s what her endless, tiresome public appearances are all about, it’s what her pathetic book was all about, it’s what her incessant whining and blame-shifting are all about. She has targeted the presidency since she and Bill were in college, and she lives in a state of constant and overwhelming rage that it has been denied her for so many years by these stupid, inferior voters.

But the DNC basically told her on Saturday that her time is done: By de-rigging its nominating system, the members of the committee basically shut her and her influence-peddling-and-buying racket out of the process. The irony is that the fake news media establishment that has propped her up so faithfully for so many years pretty much missed the story.

In the end, it is supremely appropriate that what has been perhaps the single most unearned and ill-deserved political career in our nation’s history ends not with a bang, but a whimper.

Hillary Clinton’s Political Career Ends not With a Bang, but a Whimper


Recently I read her #1 man who supplied her with her drugs was knocked off last december. He failed her and he paid the ultimate price......

Special Agent who handled Hillary Clinton during 2016 seizure-like collapse dead at 49

View Todd Madison's Obituary and express your condolences

He did not follow protocol!

Secret Service might have broken protocol during Hillary Clinton's exit from 9/11 event

Google Groups

SHE is this countries #1 problem and the Republican party just sits on its ass while she runs amok.

Obviously you can't get over the Clintons.

Both Clintons did a lot of damage to the country, it will take a long time to get over what they did.
She would have made a great President

As it is, she is the most successful female politician in our history. Something she can be proud of

Interesting...so you claim that a woman who rode her husband's coattails...as First Lady...and as a Senator...a woman who's time as Secretary of State was marked by bad deals, embarrassing gaffes and scandals fueled by both incompetence and corruption...THAT woman is the most successful female politician in our history?

You have a strange definition of "success", Winger...just saying...

She rode her husbands coattails, how about Melania, she was never more than a model.

Hillary , first lady of Arkansas 12 years, first lady of the US 8 years, senator of NY for 8 years, Secretary of state for 4 years, and she won the popular vote in 2016. Earned her law degree from Yale.

So when you compare any female to Hillary, remember that.

Is anyone saying that Melania is the most qualified candidate EVER? My point...which you just emphasized with that post is that Hillary Clinton would have done none of those things except getting a law degree from Yale if she hadn't been Bill Clinton's wife! She spent two decades as a "First Lady". That got her the NY Senator gig. That got her the run for the Presidency. In the long run however her long list of scandals came back to bite her in her fat ass. If she really were "successful" she wouldn't have lost to a political neophyte like Barack Obama or lost to a polarizing figure like Donald Trump despite having overwhelming support from the main stream media!

She did it on her own.
Hillary did what in her own? Had it not been for Bill she would be a backoffice hack somewhere.
She would have made a great President

As it is, she is the most successful female politician in our history. Something she can be proud of

Interesting...so you claim that a woman who rode her husband's coattails...as First Lady...and as a Senator...a woman who's time as Secretary of State was marked by bad deals, embarrassing gaffes and scandals fueled by both incompetence and corruption...THAT woman is the most successful female politician in our history?

You have a strange definition of "success", Winger...just saying...

She rode her husbands coattails, how about Melania, she was never more than a model.

Hillary , first lady of Arkansas 12 years, first lady of the US 8 years, senator of NY for 8 years, Secretary of state for 4 years, and she won the popular vote in 2016. Earned her law degree from Yale.

So when you compare any female to Hillary, remember that.

So when you compare and female to Hillary, remember Whitewater, White House travel office, Benghazi, and the Steele Dossier. I am sure I left out a few.
Not to mention wanting to fabricate evidence against Nixon and then being fired. Let’s not forget she lost her ability to practice law.
You just made all that up. For example, Chelsea Clinton never took a salary from the Clinton Foundation.

What do the Clintons get out of their foundation?

Given how you keep saying things that are demonstrably untrue, why should anyone trust anything you say regarding the Clintons? As I keep pointing out, you're only repeating the big lies that you were told to repeat. The concept of fact-checking before you spout assertions is totally alien to you.

But it's true. At least this foundation was accused of a "decade-long pattern of self-dealing that culminated in illegal coordination with [her] political campaign."
You probably missed it over the weekend, what with all the air in the room and fake news media coverage having been consumed by the death of Senator John McCain, but the Pantsuit Princess’s career came to a sudden, if unheralded end on Saturday.

Wait, what? How did that happen, you ask?

In the end, the Fainting Felon was done in by an entity she literally owned throughout 2016: The Democrat National Committee. Yes, friends, that would be the very same DNC which conspired with the Clinton campaign throughout 2015 and 2016 to rig its nominating process in favor of the Grafting Grifter, denying her challengers – mainly, the Commie Bernie Sanders – a fair shake in the war for the party’s endorsement. The same DNC whose emails were released to the news media, causing massive embarrassment on the eve of the opening of the Democrat National Convention in August 2016, where the Deceptive Doyen ended up being coronated as a result of all the rigging. The same DNC that, in concert with the Clinton Campaign, funded the fake Trump Dossier.

Yes, THAT DNC. One and the same.

At the conclusion of its summer meeting held last week in Chicago, the members of the DNC voted to severely restrict the role played in the nominating process by the party’s so-called “Super Delegates,” that collection of congress members, state officials and other members of the Party’s chosen upper-crust who ensured the Coughing Crook would be the Party’s 2016 nominee regardless of how the voters felt about it all. The committee approved a proposal that will deny these Super Delegates the ability to vote in the first ballot at the party’s 2020 nominating convention.

Tom Perez, the radical Chairman of the DNC, said after the vote that “These reforms will help grow our party, unite Democrats, and restore voters’ trust by making our 2020 nominating process the most inclusive and transparent in our history.”

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The Purge

Hillary Clinton’s Political Career Ends not With a Bang, but a Whimper


Recently I read her #1 man who supplied her with her drugs was knocked off last december. He failed her and he paid the ultimate price......

Special Agent who handled Hillary Clinton during 2016 seizure-like collapse dead at 49

View Todd Madison's Obituary and express your condolences

He did not follow protocol!

Secret Service might have broken protocol during Hillary Clinton's exit from 9/11 event

Google Groups

SHE is this countries #1 problem and the Republican party just sits on its ass while she runs amok.
If bottom feeding were a virtue, there would no longer be Republicans.
That makes absolutely no sense.
Had it not been for Bill she would be a backoffice hack somewhere.

She would have been the single mother of Webb Hubbles love child while doing due diligence in a ambulance chaser's office in the burbs of chi-town...
Last edited:
You probably missed it over the weekend, what with all the air in the room and fake news media coverage having been consumed by the death of Senator John McCain, but the Pantsuit Princess’s career came to a sudden, if unheralded end on Saturday.

Wait, what? How did that happen, you ask?

In the end, the Fainting Felon was done in by an entity she literally owned throughout 2016: The Democrat National Committee. Yes, friends, that would be the very same DNC which conspired with the Clinton campaign throughout 2015 and 2016 to rig its nominating process in favor of the Grafting Grifter, denying her challengers – mainly, the Commie Bernie Sanders – a fair shake in the war for the party’s endorsement. The same DNC whose emails were released to the news media, causing massive embarrassment on the eve of the opening of the Democrat National Convention in August 2016, where the Deceptive Doyen ended up being coronated as a result of all the rigging. The same DNC that, in concert with the Clinton Campaign, funded the fake Trump Dossier.

Yes, THAT DNC. One and the same.

At the conclusion of its summer meeting held last week in Chicago, the members of the DNC voted to severely restrict the role played in the nominating process by the party’s so-called “Super Delegates,” that collection of congress members, state officials and other members of the Party’s chosen upper-crust who ensured the Coughing Crook would be the Party’s 2016 nominee regardless of how the voters felt about it all. The committee approved a proposal that will deny these Super Delegates the ability to vote in the first ballot at the party’s 2020 nominating convention.

Tom Perez, the radical Chairman of the DNC, said after the vote that “These reforms will help grow our party, unite Democrats, and restore voters’ trust by making our 2020 nominating process the most inclusive and transparent in our history.”

XXXX -- Mod Edit -- Posting Guidelines on the Home Page state that you may quote only small sections of suspected copyrighted material on USMB. Article quote shortened.
The Purge

Hillary Clinton’s Political Career Ends not With a Bang, but a Whimper


Recently I read her #1 man who supplied her with her drugs was knocked off last december. He failed her and he paid the ultimate price......

Special Agent who handled Hillary Clinton during 2016 seizure-like collapse dead at 49

View Todd Madison's Obituary and express your condolences

He did not follow protocol!

Secret Service might have broken protocol during Hillary Clinton's exit from 9/11 event

Google Groups

SHE is this countries #1 problem and the Republican party just sits on its ass while she runs amok.
If bottom feeding were a virtue, there would no longer be Republicans.
That makes absolutely no sense.
If you lack an imagination, sure.
You probably missed it over the weekend, what with all the air in the room and fake news media coverage having been consumed by the death of Senator John McCain, but the Pantsuit Princess’s career came to a sudden, if unheralded end on Saturday.

Wait, what? How did that happen, you ask?

In the end, the Fainting Felon was done in by an entity she literally owned throughout 2016: The Democrat National Committee. Yes, friends, that would be the very same DNC which conspired with the Clinton campaign throughout 2015 and 2016 to rig its nominating process in favor of the Grafting Grifter, denying her challengers – mainly, the Commie Bernie Sanders – a fair shake in the war for the party’s endorsement. The same DNC whose emails were released to the news media, causing massive embarrassment on the eve of the opening of the Democrat National Convention in August 2016, where the Deceptive Doyen ended up being coronated as a result of all the rigging. The same DNC that, in concert with the Clinton Campaign, funded the fake Trump Dossier.

Yes, THAT DNC. One and the same.

At the conclusion of its summer meeting held last week in Chicago, the members of the DNC voted to severely restrict the role played in the nominating process by the party’s so-called “Super Delegates,” that collection of congress members, state officials and other members of the Party’s chosen upper-crust who ensured the Coughing Crook would be the Party’s 2016 nominee regardless of how the voters felt about it all. The committee approved a proposal that will deny these Super Delegates the ability to vote in the first ballot at the party’s 2020 nominating convention.

Tom Perez, the radical Chairman of the DNC, said after the vote that “These reforms will help grow our party, unite Democrats, and restore voters’ trust by making our 2020 nominating process the most inclusive and transparent in our history.”

XXXX -- Mod Edit -- Posting Guidelines on the Home Page state that you may quote only small sections of suspected copyrighted material on USMB. Article quote shortened.
The Purge

Hillary Clinton’s Political Career Ends not With a Bang, but a Whimper


Recently I read her #1 man who supplied her with her drugs was knocked off last december. He failed her and he paid the ultimate price......

Special Agent who handled Hillary Clinton during 2016 seizure-like collapse dead at 49

View Todd Madison's Obituary and express your condolences

He did not follow protocol!

Secret Service might have broken protocol during Hillary Clinton's exit from 9/11 event

Google Groups

SHE is this countries #1 problem and the Republican party just sits on its ass while she runs amok.
If bottom feeding were a virtue, there would no longer be Republicans.
That makes absolutely no sense.
If you lack an imagination, sure.
Imagination or not. It makes no sense.
Good works and kindness??

Yes. That's what the facts and history show.

You lie about that. All the Clinton-haters lie about that. if they show no remorse over it, they'll burn in Hell.

I see how it enrages you, pointing out the inevitability of your fiery afterlife if you don't reform. That means you still have at least vestigial conscience, a conscience that I just pricked. Good. There's still hope for you. If you had showed no emotion at all, sociopath-style, about being doomed to the abyss for eternity, that would be more concerning.

The only lie I see is yours.

Hillary Clinton has an ego the size of the US. The only good things she has done is what will benefit her. She couldn't care less about anyone else.

There is still hope for you once you take the blinders off.

Speaking of sociopaths. That sums you up with your go to post about Hitlery.

Open your eyes. Everyone else has.

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