Hillary Clinton’s Political Career Ends not With a Bang, but a Whimper

She would have made a great President

As it is, she is the most successful female politician in our history. Something she can be proud of

Interesting...so you claim that a woman who rode her husband's coattails...as First Lady...and as a Senator...a woman who's time as Secretary of State was marked by bad deals, embarrassing gaffes and scandals fueled by both incompetence and corruption...THAT woman is the most successful female politician in our history?

You have a strange definition of "success", Winger...just saying...

She rode her husbands coattails, how about Melania, she was never more than a model.

Hillary , first lady of Arkansas 12 years, first lady of the US 8 years, senator of NY for 8 years, Secretary of state for 4 years, and she won the popular vote in 2016. Earned her law degree from Yale.

So when you compare any female to Hillary, remember that.

Is anyone saying that Melania is the most qualified candidate EVER? My point...which you just emphasized with that post is that Hillary Clinton would have done none of those things except getting a law degree from Yale if she hadn't been Bill Clinton's wife! She spent two decades as a "First Lady". That got her the NY Senator gig. That got her the run for the Presidency. In the long run however her long list of scandals came back to bite her in her fat ass. If she really were "successful" she wouldn't have lost to a political neophyte like Barack Obama or lost to a polarizing figure like Donald Trump despite having overwhelming support from the main stream media!

She did it on her own.
She would have made a great President

As it is, she is the most successful female politician in our history. Something she can be proud of

Interesting...so you claim that a woman who rode her husband's coattails...as First Lady...and as a Senator...a woman who's time as Secretary of State was marked by bad deals, embarrassing gaffes and scandals fueled by both incompetence and corruption...THAT woman is the most successful female politician in our history?

You have a strange definition of "success", Winger...just saying...

Hillary was elected with millions of votes for Senator
If it is that easy....let’s see Melania do it

Got news for you, Winger...Hillary without Bill wouldn't have been able to get herself elected town dog catcher. Bill had charisma and political savvy. Hillary had neither.

Yea.....now tell me about W Bush

If being a First Lady is such an advantage, where are the other First Ladies running for office?

It was Hillary’s name on the ballot
She would have made a great President

As it is, she is the most successful female politician in our history. Something she can be proud of

Interesting...so you claim that a woman who rode her husband's coattails...as First Lady...and as a Senator...a woman who's time as Secretary of State was marked by bad deals, embarrassing gaffes and scandals fueled by both incompetence and corruption...THAT woman is the most successful female politician in our history?

You have a strange definition of "success", Winger...just saying...

She rode her husbands coattails, how about Melania, she was never more than a model.

Hillary , first lady of Arkansas 12 years, first lady of the US 8 years, senator of NY for 8 years, Secretary of state for 4 years, and she won the popular vote in 2016. Earned her law degree from Yale.

So when you compare any female to Hillary, remember that.

Is anyone saying that Melania is the most qualified candidate EVER? My point...which you just emphasized with that post is that Hillary Clinton would have done none of those things except getting a law degree from Yale if she hadn't been Bill Clinton's wife! She spent two decades as a "First Lady". That got her the NY Senator gig. That got her the run for the Presidency. In the long run however her long list of scandals came back to bite her in her fat ass. If she really were "successful" she wouldn't have lost to a political neophyte like Barack Obama or lost to a polarizing figure like Donald Trump despite having overwhelming support from the main stream media!

She did it on her own.

She lost two elections on her own...you're right there, Penny! The rest she got because of her last name.
The Hildebeast’s career should end with a lifetime supply of orange pantsuits.
She would have made a great President

As it is, she is the most successful female politician in our history. Something she can be proud of

Interesting...so you claim that a woman who rode her husband's coattails...as First Lady...and as a Senator...a woman who's time as Secretary of State was marked by bad deals, embarrassing gaffes and scandals fueled by both incompetence and corruption...THAT woman is the most successful female politician in our history?

You have a strange definition of "success", Winger...just saying...

Hillary was elected with millions of votes for Senator
If it is that easy....let’s see Melania do it

Got news for you, Winger...Hillary without Bill wouldn't have been able to get herself elected town dog catcher. Bill had charisma and political savvy. Hillary had neither.

Yea.....now tell me about W Bush

If being a First Lady is such an advantage, where are the other First Ladies running for office?

It was Hillary’s name on the ballot

Hillary was the first and only First Lady who had the arrogance to think that being First Lady meant that you'd make a great President and idiots like you FED that belief!
She would have made a great President

As it is, she is the most successful female politician in our history. Something she can be proud of

Ummm no on the Great President part seeing the House and Senate are GOP mean she wpuld have been investigated, impeached but not convicted and removed, so she would have done little as President...
She would have made a great President

As it is, she is the most successful female politician in our history. Something she can be proud of

Interesting...so you claim that a woman who rode her husband's coattails...as First Lady...and as a Senator...a woman who's time as Secretary of State was marked by bad deals, embarrassing gaffes and scandals fueled by both incompetence and corruption...THAT woman is the most successful female politician in our history?

You have a strange definition of "success", Winger...just saying...

Hillary was elected with millions of votes for Senator
If it is that easy....let’s see Melania do it

Got news for you, Winger...Hillary without Bill wouldn't have been able to get herself elected town dog catcher. Bill had charisma and political savvy. Hillary had neither.

Yea.....now tell me about W Bush

If being a First Lady is such an advantage, where are the other First Ladies running for office?

It was Hillary’s name on the ballot

Hillary was the first and only First Lady who had the arrogance to think that being First Lady meant that you'd make a great President and idiots like you FED that belief!
Most Americans believed she was right
She would have made a great President

As it is, she is the most successful female politician in our history. Something she can be proud of

Interesting...so you claim that a woman who rode her husband's coattails...as First Lady...and as a Senator...a woman who's time as Secretary of State was marked by bad deals, embarrassing gaffes and scandals fueled by both incompetence and corruption...THAT woman is the most successful female politician in our history?

You have a strange definition of "success", Winger...just saying...

She rode her husbands coattails, how about Melania, she was never more than a model.

Hillary , first lady of Arkansas 12 years, first lady of the US 8 years, senator of NY for 8 years, Secretary of state for 4 years, and she won the popular vote in 2016. Earned her law degree from Yale.

So when you compare any female to Hillary, remember that.

1. No one is mentioning Melania.

2. California lopsided voctory gave Hillary the Popular Vote but she lost too many States to win the Electoral College Vote.

3. Stop trying to switch this from Hillary problem about not being liked outside Progressive regions of America and the DNC killing her chances for a third run for President...
You probably missed it over the weekend, what with all the air in the room and fake news media coverage having been consumed by the death of Senator John McCain, but the Pantsuit Princess’s career came to a sudden, if unheralded end on Saturday.

Wait, what? How did that happen, you ask?

In the end, the Fainting Felon was done in by an entity she literally owned throughout 2016: The Democrat National Committee. Yes, friends, that would be the very same DNC which conspired with the Clinton campaign throughout 2015 and 2016 to rig its nominating process in favor of the Grafting Grifter, denying her challengers – mainly, the Commie Bernie Sanders – a fair shake in the war for the party’s endorsement. The same DNC whose emails were released to the news media, causing massive embarrassment on the eve of the opening of the Democrat National Convention in August 2016, where the Deceptive Doyen ended up being coronated as a result of all the rigging. The same DNC that, in concert with the Clinton Campaign, funded the fake Trump Dossier.

Yes, THAT DNC. One and the same.

At the conclusion of its summer meeting held last week in Chicago, the members of the DNC voted to severely restrict the role played in the nominating process by the party’s so-called “Super Delegates,” that collection of congress members, state officials and other members of the Party’s chosen upper-crust who ensured the Coughing Crook would be the Party’s 2016 nominee regardless of how the voters felt about it all. The committee approved a proposal that will deny these Super Delegates the ability to vote in the first ballot at the party’s 2020 nominating convention.

Tom Perez, the radical Chairman of the DNC, said after the vote that “These reforms will help grow our party, unite Democrats, and restore voters’ trust by making our 2020 nominating process the most inclusive and transparent in our history.”

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The Purge

Hillary Clinton’s Political Career Ends not With a Bang, but a Whimper


Recently I read her #1 man who supplied her with her drugs was knocked off last december. He failed her and he paid the ultimate price......

Special Agent who handled Hillary Clinton during 2016 seizure-like collapse dead at 49

View Todd Madison's Obituary and express your condolences

He did not follow protocol!

Secret Service might have broken protocol during Hillary Clinton's exit from 9/11 event

Google Groups

SHE is this countries #1 problem and the Republican party just sits on its ass while she runs amok.
Clinton deraingement syndrome.
Interesting...so you claim that a woman who rode her husband's coattails...as First Lady...and as a Senator...a woman who's time as Secretary of State was marked by bad deals, embarrassing gaffes and scandals fueled by both incompetence and corruption...THAT woman is the most successful female politician in our history?

You have a strange definition of "success", Winger...just saying...

Hillary was elected with millions of votes for Senator
If it is that easy....let’s see Melania do it

Got news for you, Winger...Hillary without Bill wouldn't have been able to get herself elected town dog catcher. Bill had charisma and political savvy. Hillary had neither.

Yea.....now tell me about W Bush

If being a First Lady is such an advantage, where are the other First Ladies running for office?

It was Hillary’s name on the ballot

Hillary was the first and only First Lady who had the arrogance to think that being First Lady meant that you'd make a great President and idiots like you FED that belief!
Most Americans believed she was right

Most Americans?

For it to be most Americans you would have to get most Americans to vote.

Most of California and Progressive regions liked her but more States hated her and that is why she lost the Electoral College Vote...
She would have made a great President

As it is, she is the most successful female politician in our history. Something she can be proud of

Interesting...so you claim that a woman who rode her husband's coattails...as First Lady...and as a Senator...a woman who's time as Secretary of State was marked by bad deals, embarrassing gaffes and scandals fueled by both incompetence and corruption...THAT woman is the most successful female politician in our history?

You have a strange definition of "success", Winger...just saying...

Hillary was elected with millions of votes for Senator
If it is that easy....let’s see Melania do it
She moved to a state she knew she could win in.
She would have made a great President

As it is, she is the most successful female politician in our history. Something she can be proud of

Interesting...so you claim that a woman who rode her husband's coattails...as First Lady...and as a Senator...a woman who's time as Secretary of State was marked by bad deals, embarrassing gaffes and scandals fueled by both incompetence and corruption...THAT woman is the most successful female politician in our history?

You have a strange definition of "success", Winger...just saying...

She rode her husbands coattails, how about Melania, she was never more than a model.

Hillary , first lady of Arkansas 12 years, first lady of the US 8 years, senator of NY for 8 years, Secretary of state for 4 years, and she won the popular vote in 2016. Earned her law degree from Yale.

So when you compare any female to Hillary, remember that.

Melania isn't into politics nimrod.
Interesting...so you claim that a woman who rode her husband's coattails...as First Lady...and as a Senator...a woman who's time as Secretary of State was marked by bad deals, embarrassing gaffes and scandals fueled by both incompetence and corruption...THAT woman is the most successful female politician in our history?

You have a strange definition of "success", Winger...just saying...

Hillary was elected with millions of votes for Senator
If it is that easy....let’s see Melania do it

Got news for you, Winger...Hillary without Bill wouldn't have been able to get herself elected town dog catcher. Bill had charisma and political savvy. Hillary had neither.

Yea.....now tell me about W Bush

If being a First Lady is such an advantage, where are the other First Ladies running for office?

It was Hillary’s name on the ballot

Hillary was the first and only First Lady who had the arrogance to think that being First Lady meant that you'd make a great President and idiots like you FED that belief!
Most Americans believed she was right

But not enough Americans believed that...did they? Despite overwhelming support from a compliant main stream media and an Obama Justice Department who looked the other way so she got a "pass" on her illegal email use...voters went for the other guy...AGAIN!
She would have made a great President

As it is, she is the most successful female politician in our history. Something she can be proud of

Interesting...so you claim that a woman who rode her husband's coattails...as First Lady...and as a Senator...a woman who's time as Secretary of State was marked by bad deals, embarrassing gaffes and scandals fueled by both incompetence and corruption...THAT woman is the most successful female politician in our history?

You have a strange definition of "success", Winger...just saying...

Hillary was elected with millions of votes for Senator
If it is that easy....let’s see Melania do it
She moved to a state she knew she could win in.

Yup. She carpet bagged her way into NY just so she could run for office there. Of course NY, that blue state, elected her sorry ass.
She would have made a great President

As it is, she is the most successful female politician in our history. Something she can be proud of

Interesting...so you claim that a woman who rode her husband's coattails...as First Lady...and as a Senator...a woman who's time as Secretary of State was marked by bad deals, embarrassing gaffes and scandals fueled by both incompetence and corruption...THAT woman is the most successful female politician in our history?

You have a strange definition of "success", Winger...just saying...

Hillary was elected with millions of votes for Senator
If it is that easy....let’s see Melania do it
She moved to a state she knew she could win in.

Yup. She carpet bagged her way into NY just so she could run for office there. Of course NY, that blue state, elected her sorry ass.

Who ran against her there? I didn't pay attention, but does anyone wanna guess she was either unopposed or her opponent had a scandal?
She would have made a great President

As it is, she is the most successful female politician in our history. Something she can be proud of

Interesting...so you claim that a woman who rode her husband's coattails...as First Lady...and as a Senator...a woman who's time as Secretary of State was marked by bad deals, embarrassing gaffes and scandals fueled by both incompetence and corruption...THAT woman is the most successful female politician in our history?

You have a strange definition of "success", Winger...just saying...

She rode her husbands coattails, how about Melania, she was never more than a model.

Hillary , first lady of Arkansas 12 years, first lady of the US 8 years, senator of NY for 8 years, Secretary of state for 4 years, and she won the popular vote in 2016. Earned her law degree from Yale.

So when you compare any female to Hillary, remember that.

So when you compare and female to Hillary, remember Whitewater, White House travel office, Benghazi, and the Steele Dossier. I am sure I left out a few.
Joined August 18? So, do we have us a paid Russian troll, or just another squealing parrot of Russian trolls?

Russian trolls are way smarter than that. They know how to blend in and change the terms of controversy in a very clever, even welcoming, way.

OP was lkely a banee at some point.
She would have made a great President

As it is, she is the most successful female politician in our history. Something she can be proud of

Interesting...so you claim that a woman who rode her husband's coattails...as First Lady...and as a Senator...a woman who's time as Secretary of State was marked by bad deals, embarrassing gaffes and scandals fueled by both incompetence and corruption...THAT woman is the most successful female politician in our history?

You have a strange definition of "success", Winger...just saying...

She rode her husbands coattails, how about Melania, she was never more than a model.

Hillary , first lady of Arkansas 12 years, first lady of the US 8 years, senator of NY for 8 years, Secretary of state for 4 years, and she won the popular vote in 2016. Earned her law degree from Yale.

So when you compare any female to Hillary, remember that.

Is anyone saying that Melania is the most qualified candidate EVER? My point...which you just emphasized with that post is that Hillary Clinton would have done none of those things except getting a law degree from Yale if she hadn't been Bill Clinton's wife! She spent two decades as a "First Lady". That got her the NY Senator gig. That got her the run for the Presidency. In the long run however her long list of scandals came back to bite her in her fat ass. If she really were "successful" she wouldn't have lost to a political neophyte like Barack Obama or lost to a polarizing figure like Donald Trump despite having overwhelming support from the main stream media!

She did it on her own.
Have you seen the one Penny prays to....disgusting!

She would have made a great President

As it is, she is the most successful female politician in our history. Something she can be proud of

Interesting...so you claim that a woman who rode her husband's coattails...as First Lady...and as a Senator...a woman who's time as Secretary of State was marked by bad deals, embarrassing gaffes and scandals fueled by both incompetence and corruption...THAT woman is the most successful female politician in our history?

You have a strange definition of "success", Winger...just saying...

She rode her husbands coattails, how about Melania, she was never more than a model.

Hillary , first lady of Arkansas 12 years, first lady of the US 8 years, senator of NY for 8 years, Secretary of state for 4 years, and she won the popular vote in 2016. Earned her law degree from Yale.

So when you compare any female to Hillary, remember that.
Remind us what office Melania ran for.

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